Is there anyone else who has problems with the controls in first person shooters?


New member
Feb 14, 2012
I know this probably will illicit a lot of comments saying: "You're just a noob in need of uber pwnage! Hur hur hur!" or "If you do not like them, do not play them." The problem is that I have been forced to play them on a number of occasions and I can never adjust to having to use two control sticks in order to play the game. I want to like these games, but the controls are just too difficult for me. Maybe if there was a first person shooter with an auto-aim feature like in the 3D Zelda games, I would probably like them more (of course many fans of the genre say that would "take away the skill from the game"). Better yet, make shooters more like the original Doom (I loved that game).


New member
Feb 8, 2010
You're just not very good at moving around in a 3D space. Do you have problems like this in 3rd person games that give you control of the camera? I guess it's just practice. I notice a lot of new players have trouble dealing with twin-sticks.


Beloved Tyrant
Mar 15, 2008
"You're just a noob in need of uber pwnage! Hur hur hur!" :)

Try some first person shooters that are a bit easier to play. Which systems do you own? For these examples, I am assuming 360 (namely because I don't play PC so you're on your own if that's the case and I just got my PS3 so I know little...)

I would recommend:
Gears of War: Big hulking targets = big easy targets (not a first person but close...)
Half Life: A good auto-aim game
Borderlands: Another good auto-aim system and lots of cannon fodder to shoot at
Fallout 3 & New Vegas: A good FPS setup with the VATS system to help out
Halo series: Energy shields allow you to take a good beating before you have to worry about death. Gives you time to setup shots.

Hopefully one of these help you. Worst case, practice and one day...

you too can be Sam Worthington


New member
Mar 17, 2010
I don't have a problem, as long as the game allows me to reconfigure the buttons to be the way I want them.

I'm done buying games from Square/Enix, after both Deus Ex: HR and Just Cause 2 had no controller customization at all. It doesn't matter how good your games are if your too lazy to make the controls customizable. The worst part is that uncustomizable controls probably happen so that idiots can have a tutorial with everything labeled nicely.

Captain Epic

New member
Jul 8, 2010
You just need to adjust to the idea of using two sticks. It's crazy awkward at first but it becomes intuitive after a while.

Smooth Operator

New member
Oct 5, 2010
Well you haveto get used to it and twin sticks are quite a haste to learn, consider it like riding a bike, till you get over the initial hump it will be pretty strange to use them.

Hell I'm no good in a FPS + controller combo, the mouse is just too smooth to give it up.


Madness to my Methods
Feb 28, 2010
tlozoot said:
You're just not very good at moving around in a 3D space. Do you have problems like this in 3rd person games that give you control of the camera? I guess it's just practice. I notice a lot of new players have trouble dealing with twin-sticks.
Yeah, I find it kinda odd, it's second nature to me now. Then again I grew up doing it.

What bothers me is when people X to shoot instead of R1. Shame on you.


Dec 3, 2010
I found it to be really hard when I first got my 360, but it didn't take long to get used to it. Also had some issues when I switched from an 18" TV to a 42" one. After a few games my aiming was back to normal.
Don't even remember what it's like playing FPS on computers anymore.


New member
May 2, 2011
Vanilla_Druid said:
I want to like these games, but the controls are just too difficult for me. Maybe if there was a first person shooter with an auto-aim feature like in the 3D Zelda games
Most FPS games on consoles do have auto-aim?

Not as obvious as your example, but it's definitely there.

I'm like you though - I can't play FPS on consoles (obviously for different reasons though lol). PC is where it's at imo.

I'd suggest trying a mouse and keyboard setup, but if you're looking for auto-aim, that probably won't help you much. I think, as others have said, the more you use a control scheme the easier it becomes, muscle memory and all that jazz.

So persevere my good man.


New member
Nov 7, 2011
I have to admit I'm much the same way when it comes to dual analog sticks. I'm fine with a mouse and keyboard but the second I pick up a controller anyone seeing me for the first time would assume I'd never played a game in my life. There's just something about it, I always end up with the camera pointed at the floor or something.


New member
Mar 5, 2012
I can't really sympathize with OP,I have never played a shooter on a console.Maybe except GTA:SA ,but that has target-lock which is kinda cheap looking at it now.
I play with mouse and keyboard and I like to believe that it is the best way to play shooters of any kind.Sure controllers can work,but I just can't imagine myself playing a shooter with one,the concept is somewhat alien to me.
Also as an avid PC gamer I can customize controls no matter what,a little poking around with windows explorer is always a part of having the best possible experience on this platform.A little searching,some file editing and voilà,now you can truly call the experience your own.But I also understand that most people can't be really bothered searching folders and opening files just to make something less of a hassle.


New member
Dec 15, 2007
Vanilla_Druid said:
having to use two control sticks
See, there's your problem, right there.

No. Just no.

FPSes do, and always have, run better with a mouse and keyboard.

I don't care if you're into PC gaming, I'm not trying to be snarky or superior, but before you even consider writing a reply to this, just remember that modern consoles typically allow mouse/keyboard attachments.

So go buy them, adjust your mouse sensitivity as you see fit, and discover FPSes as they are meant to be played.

I've yet to play any FPS on a console that controlled even remotely as smoothly as a good old mouse/keyboard setup.


Not entirely serious, maybe.
Mar 24, 2011
ExileNZ said:
Vanilla_Druid said:
having to use two control sticks
See, there's your problem, right there.

No. Just no.

FPSes do, and always have, run better with a mouse and keyboard.

I don't care if you're into PC gaming, I'm not trying to be snarky or superior, but before you even consider writing a reply to this, just remember that modern consoles typically allow mouse/keyboard attachments.

So go buy them, adjust your mouse sensitivity as you see fit, and discover FPSes as they are meant to be played.

I've yet to play any FPS on a console that controlled even remotely as smoothly as a good old mouse/keyboard setup.
I've only tried one mouse attachment for a console before, the fragfx on PS3.

Didn't have a good experience with it. I think because the most didn't actually act like a mouse, but it seemed to emulate a joystick in the form of a mouse instead.

What I mean is, PS3 joysticks sometimes have a deadzone in them that carried over to the mouse. So slight movements wouldn't register a single budge to the game, and really could only get the camera to move if you swing the mouse left and right - Which pretty much defeats the entire purpose of having a mouse.

Not sure if this was a problem only related to the Fragfx, or if this is a problem all mouse attachments have.

OT: I'm fairly used to playing shooters on a console, but I still have plenty of room to whine about it. I play BF3 with a few console playing friends, and every time we play, I cannot get rid of that small/sometimes large -frustration- I feel over playing FPS games with a controller.

It doesn't flat-out cripple my performance. I do get in the groove and rack up kills, place shots accurately, and just generally play well. But, I still always feel like I'm fighting against the controls just to play the game.

So, I understand any frustrations in this regard.

Clive Howlitzer

New member
Jan 27, 2011
Well, you are trying to play it with a controller, that is your problem right there! I am quite good at an FPS on the computer but I can barely do anything with a controller, I feel like I am trying to aim the gun with my arms taped to my sides.

Section Crow

Infamous Scribbler for Life
Aug 26, 2009
sorry to say but you just need to practice and get into it

it's all trial and error, you will get there sooner or later

Gorilla Gunk

New member
May 21, 2011
ExileNZ said:
FPS's work just fine with controllers. Just because you have a bit of trouble playing them doesn't mean everybody else will. Yes you won't be 100% accurate (Although I am mystified why that's so damn important to some people), but in the hands of a skilled player it comes pretty darn close.

And not everybody can use a m+k/b. I can't because of wrist issues.


Jul 14, 2011
I've find this issue with people that grew up with Mario/Sonic and never transferred over to the more 3D world and thus find it very hard to use both sticks to navigate.

I would suggest a very fast paced game with bots. COD: BOPS has an feature where you can use bots to practice. The best way to muscle memory is to do it with something that makes you use your reflexes.

If you are just looking for easier controls, I'd suggest Fallout 3 or New Vegas. They implement the VATS system which is kind of like an auto-lock.


New member
Feb 16, 2011
I'm fine with FPS controls on consoles, but for me PC controls have always felt a lot less intuitive for movement. I think it's because in a 3D game, you need to have a strong grasp on the controls which I can get easily from an analog stick or knowing without thinking that I'm pressing RT instead of RB, but with PC controls if you're not looking A feel just the same as S and it's really to accidentally press the wrong button when you're in a bit of a panic.

Before I get flamed, I would like to say that I don't "hate" PC gaming at all, I just don't use it for games that require realtime 3D movement (other than Sid Meiers Pirates!). Instead I prefer to keep my PC gaming for puzzle, strategy, WRPG & adventure games.