Is this for real?


New member
Feb 9, 2013
Yeah, this has been going on for awhile now. It's pretty fucking scary, really. Someone's going to get killed one day. All it takes is for a swat team to bust in on some guy filming a video with a fake weapon prop (ala Angry Joe) and it'll be bloody. This isn't bullying or trolling anymore, it goes far beyond that. Hopefully they start developing the means of tracking these people down and putting a stop to it before the worst occurs.


New member
Nov 13, 2011
Paradox SuXcess said:
From what I have seen just now, and getting an understanding of it, are people really "Swatting" streamers? Apparently this shit just happened a few hours ago to a gamer and has happened in the past.

Prank or not, what the fuck is wrong with people?

Swatting is the tricking of any emergency service (via such as a 9-1-1 dispatcher) into dispatching an emergency response based on the false report of an on-going critical incident.

By the way, I only just found out about what swatting is cause that "prank" isn't played in the UK. Not to my knowledge anyways.

Dont american police have to identify themselves as they come in?
isnt it a a bit weird they kept him in center focus of the camera? and for that long, they all ignore what he was doing

Bat Vader

New member
Mar 11, 2009
I hope they catch the person who did this and throw the book at him/her. If the person does ever get caught I hope their sentence is a harsh one. A decade in prison for the scum that does stuff like this sounds about right.

Ten Foot Bunny

I'm more of a dishwasher girl
Mar 19, 2014
HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!

I heard them say "Mineral Avenue" in the video and I thought, "Oh hey, there's a Mineral Avenue about a mile from me." Then I see the news that it IS the Mineral Avenue about a mile from me! o_O

Looked it up online and it's two freakin' blocks from my favorite pizza place.

Stupid small world.


Here are a few local news stories about this incident:

For some frame of reference, you see both Littleton and Sheridan response teams in these videos, meaning this SWAT operation was SO large that they called in multiple jurisdictions to apprehend this guy. Sheridan is miles away from where this took place, so those cops drove quite a distance to be on the scene.


New member
Jun 15, 2013
zumbledum said:
Paradox SuXcess said:
From what I have seen just now, and getting an understanding of it, are people really "Swatting" streamers? Apparently this shit just happened a few hours ago to a gamer and has happened in the past.

Prank or not, what the fuck is wrong with people?

Swatting is the tricking of any emergency service (via such as a 9-1-1 dispatcher) into dispatching an emergency response based on the false report of an on-going critical incident.

By the way, I only just found out about what swatting is cause that "prank" isn't played in the UK. Not to my knowledge anyways.

Dont american police have to identify themselves as they come in?
isnt it a a bit weird they kept him in center focus of the camera? and for that long, they all ignore what he was doing
Yeah I thought that too wish is why I also sent the link of the tweets and it shows the police outside too closing the road off. I dont think The Creatures have that much money to pull off a fake skit like that. Shit got real.

Also, from other reports I have seen about American SWAT they often don't have to say who they are caused any serious threat. They bloody should cause its seems scary to have them breaking down the door like that with guns pointing at you.

Ten Foot Bunny

I'm more of a dishwasher girl
Mar 19, 2014
Paradox SuXcess said:
Yeah I thought that too wish is why I also sent the link of the tweets and it shows the police outside too closing the road off. I dont think The Creatures have that much money to pull off a fake skit like that. Shit got real.
Mhm... right across the street from where that happened is a really large preschool and the south offices of CenturyLink (the main telephone service in our area). A couple blocks east are two big grocery stores and a shopping center. On the other side of that is Littleton Hospital, the largest - actually, the ONLY - hospital on the SW end of the city.

This was no small residential street that got shut down: it's the most-direct route to transport people from the SW end of town to the hospital (unless they're far enough south to take the highway). That's an additional public safety threat beyond the wasted police resources.

In other words, nobody who knows the area would cause THAT much fuckery with a stupid prank, unless they had not one brain cell in their heads.

I hope the jerk who did this gets what's coming to him, legally speaking.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
That's awful, but then the vast majority of calls to emergency services are hoaxes or other time wasters, I believe, and have been for ages.

rcs619 said:
That can, as you would imagine, end poorly at times. Fairly recently in... oh gosh, I forget which state, the local cops got an anonymous tip about a home where someone had allegedly bought $50 worth of meth. They executed a no-knock warrant on the house, busting out the windows and blindly lobbing in flash-bang grenades... one of which landed inside of a crib that still contained the baby. It survived, albeit with horrendous burns and injuries, and now the city is saying that it would actually be against the law to compensate the mother for her medical expenses.
IIRC, the police also hit the wrong house, which apparently isn't that uncommon.

verdant monkai

New member
Oct 30, 2011
Very glad I don't live in America right now. Sure you can be arrested but at least they wouldn't send a fucking 6 man swat team to your house, just because TURRISTS!


New member
Jun 15, 2013
Ten Foot Bunny said:
Paradox SuXcess said:
Yeah I thought that too wish is why I also sent the link of the tweets and it shows the police outside too closing the road off. I dont think The Creatures have that much money to pull off a fake skit like that. Shit got real.
Mhm... right across the street from where that happened is a really large preschool and the south offices of CenturyLink (the main telephone service in our area). A couple blocks east are two big grocery stores and a shopping center. On the other side of that is Littleton Hospital, the largest - actually, the ONLY - hospital on the SW end of the city.

This was no small residential street that got shut down: it's the most-direct route to transport people from the SW end of town to the hospital (unless they're far enough south to take the highway). That's an additional public safety threat beyond the wasted police resources.

In other words, nobody who knows the area would cause THAT much fuckery with a stupid prank, unless they had not one brain cell in their heads.

I hope the jerk who did this gets what's coming to him, legally speaking.
Seriously? How fucked up is that!! Someone on twitter claimed that they did it and want the YouTube to get wrecked and even called the police "puppets". This people is seriously messed up and looks like he just doesn't are. Sorry that it affected everyone nearby. I read the links you sent also and some stated that the annoyance caller told them that the suspect had hostages and should be "taken down". No one can call this a "prank" anymore. Someone could have been hurt or killed.


Stuck in a vortex of sexy horses
Jun 27, 2011
I am impressed at how well he handled the situation. The fact that he saw it coming probably helped.


New member
Jun 24, 2010
I'm amazed they didn't shoot him straight away, because 'mericuh.

Not for one second did any of them make the instant observation "Wow there's actually nothing going on here apart from some kid playing a video game. Given we've already raided the place and arrested his friend next door who was also playing games or whatever, we must still assume this is clearly a terrorist base of operations. We will not notice the fact that it's likely we've been pranked because this situation hasn't totally been done a million times...oh no..never..."

Yes, it was a serious 'threat' they would have been responding to: but to barge in, guns pointed, shouting and then seeing some dude at a PC playing a videogame they must feel retarded (whilst still shouting 'PEWPEWPEW AMERICA WOO GET DOWN ASSHOLE'). Also way to lower the camera "osht we got caught being a bunch of idiots, better lower the camera so no-one sees us being tools!"

It's only going to be a matter of time before one of these prank call morons goes too far again, and someone ends up dead and then the cops will probably get away with it anyway.

x EvilErmine x

Cake or death?!
Apr 5, 2010
You know I was thinking about this last night.

So imagine the scenario, your paying a good old game of whatever and you get swatted, the police have one of them 'no knock warrant' things and just burst into your house unannounced weapons drawn so you grab your shotgun an unload a couple of rounds in self defense against these armed and unidentified attackers who have just violently entered your home to apparently kill you/your family/ the dog. (remember you have no idea it's the Police as they have not announced there presence, all you see is a bunch of guys dressed in black carrying automatic weapons) What would happen to you if you shot or killed an officer? Anyone know?


New member
Apr 22, 2010
Good thing Duck Hunt wasn't online multiplayer, one look at that light gun and the US cops would have shot kids dead.

Ed130 The Vanguard

(Insert witty quote here)
Sep 10, 2008
x EvilErmine x said:
You know I was thinking about this last night.

So imagine the scenario, your paying a good old game of whatever and you get swatted, the police have one of them 'no knock warrant' things and just burst into your house unannounced weapons drawn so you grab your shotgun an unload a couple of rounds in self defense against these armed and unidentified attackers who have just violently entered your home to apparently kill you/your family/ the dog. (remember you have no idea it's the Police as they have not announced there presence, all you see is a bunch of guys dressed in black carrying automatic weapons) What would happen to you if you shot or killed an officer? Anyone know?
You'll probably be gunned down in a hail of bullets.

I don't know the exact SOP for US SWAT teams but the concept of return fire isn't a big leap for most people.

x EvilErmine x

Cake or death?!
Apr 5, 2010
Ed130 The Vanguard said:
x EvilErmine x said:
You know I was thinking about this last night.

So imagine the scenario, your paying a good old game of whatever and you get swatted, the police have one of them 'no knock warrant' things and just burst into your house unannounced weapons drawn so you grab your shotgun an unload a couple of rounds in self defense against these armed and unidentified attackers who have just violently entered your home to apparently kill you/your family/ the dog. (remember you have no idea it's the Police as they have not announced there presence, all you see is a bunch of guys dressed in black carrying automatic weapons) What would happen to you if you shot or killed an officer? Anyone know?
You'll probably be gunned down in a hail of bullets.

I don't know the exact SOP for US SWAT teams but the concept of return fire isn't a big leap for most people.
Well I figured that part out, seeing as how trigger happy the police seem to be these days it's pretty much a given in that scenario, but say that you somehow survived. What would the fallout of if be, I can't figure it out, I mean on the one hand you did shoot someone, but it was in what you thought was (and what all evidence at the time indicated) self defense. And you are allowed to defend your self and your property from unwarranted intruders according to the law if I'm not mistaken.


New member
Mar 2, 2009
Ok, this is certainly wasteful and dangerous, but isn't also illegal?

I thought making false calls to emergency services was a punishable federal offense, and it is likely that the 911 central has the number and location of the prankster.

Ed130 The Vanguard

(Insert witty quote here)
Sep 10, 2008
x EvilErmine x said:
Ed130 The Vanguard said:
x EvilErmine x said:
You know I was thinking about this last night.

So imagine the scenario, your paying a good old game of whatever and you get swatted, the police have one of them 'no knock warrant' things and just burst into your house unannounced weapons drawn so you grab your shotgun an unload a couple of rounds in self defense against these armed and unidentified attackers who have just violently entered your home to apparently kill you/your family/ the dog. (remember you have no idea it's the Police as they have not announced there presence, all you see is a bunch of guys dressed in black carrying automatic weapons) What would happen to you if you shot or killed an officer? Anyone know?
You'll probably be gunned down in a hail of bullets.

I don't know the exact SOP for US SWAT teams but the concept of return fire isn't a big leap for most people.
Well I figured that part out, seeing as how trigger happy the police seem to be these days it's pretty much a given in that scenario, but say that you somehow survived. What would the fallout of if be, I can't figure it out, I mean on the one hand you did shoot someone, but it was in what you thought was (and what all evidence at the time indicated) self defense. And you are allowed to defend your self and your property from unwarranted intruders according to the law if I'm not mistaken.
It would depend on the way they they breached your home, but even then it'll be lawyer fodder for a good long while.


New member
Mar 15, 2009
Ugh, I've heard of this before. Someone swatted one of the major DOTA2 (or was it League?) streamers, but I figured that was an isolated case of fanboy rage and not an actual trend.

Knowing what US cops are like I'm surprised this shit hasn't gotten anyone hurt yet.


New member
Jan 24, 2012
Even worse was the streamer that got swatted and then promptly arrested for alleged possession of illegal substances []


New member
Jan 14, 2010
oh yeah, it's a horrible thing to do, especially with how often people get hurt when swat is involved: People who do this should go to prison for a lot more than false reporting