Issue 30: Casual Friday - Quest for Glory

The Escapist Staff

New member
Jul 10, 2006
Original Comment by: Cullen

"But who really does? Most according-to-Hoyle roleplayers I've met don't really seem to get along well with anyone outside their incredibly exclusive circles, incapable of bending their structured mythos. Every individual's story and premise is just too different to really jive with anyone else. Sure, your night elf Druid is actually a demon from the planet Zardo, but good luck getting along with the guy whose human Paladin is an avatar of light sent by a Judeo-Christian God to convert heathens like you. That's when the old adage, "Ignore them and they'll go away," comes into play, and the wagons circle closer around you.

That's what I don't get. It may be easier to pretend your personal story exists in a bubble, but is that really the point of online roleplaying? Is a story within the game's lore the only legitimate form of roleplaying? It just seems like bad acting if you can't find a way to merge your character with your fellow man, even if he's typing with a fake Brooklyn accent. Intermingling with other people, forcing yourself to become a part of the world, is what makes MMOGs more than the sum of some 5 million parts. What's the point of videogame communities if there isn't any communication between them?"

Don't you get it? What you describe here is not roleplaying: this is how people really are, all the time. Look around real life a bit- religious conflict, partisan politics, liberal vs. conservative, you name it- it's all about each of us living in our own little bizzaro world. At *best* we ignore each-other's fantasy worlds or give them a patient, dismissive smile and eye-roll. At worst we defend our own little Point Of View to the death. The only real difference in a MMRPOG is you get to resurrect after you're dead, and text the guy who killed you with "fsck y0u, l053r".

Your fantasy is all around you. Mine is all around me.

The Escapist Staff

New member
Jul 10, 2006
Original Comment by: Alice
Fabulous! I enjoyed that immensely. I'd bet on getting a better response if the quest giver was a beautiful princess in distress!

The Escapist Staff

New member
Jul 10, 2006
Original Comment by: Rhame

I suspect that if the Quest Giver were to be an attractive damsel in a low cut robe, 2 things would happen.
1. The age and gender of the 'players' would change to "male, 18-55" and
2. There would be many more people willing to play.

Any under 40y.o. damsels of a good disposition and fair(ish) of face, send me a quest or 2, I'll see what I can do.

The Escapist Staff

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Jul 10, 2006
Original Comment by: MTB

Forget all that role play rubbish...did you get their phone numbers?? ;-)

Great idea for a psychological lab investigation. It is a set the same would apply for any caucasian 40-50 year old male wearing clothing out of synch with current style trends.

There are few individuals on the street not undertaking their own quests already. The ones you found were those wanderers without quests.

Those that leered or sneered were not open to changes in their realities so reacted to you with defiance.

Brilliant prose and concise to the point.

I enjoyed it eeeemensly!

NOTE TO POSTER CULLEN: Please renew your perscription. It seems to have worn off.

The Escapist Staff

New member
Jul 10, 2006
Original Comment by: Graham

This is most brilliant thing I've ever read. I don't know if they hand out Pulitzer prizes for games journalism, but if they don't, they should start now.

The Escapist Staff

New member
Jul 10, 2006
Original Comment by: Count Zero
I love this article. I wonder if the environment was right that you could have other people do quests(errands) for you for a menial cost or a couple gold(quid/dollar/euro) or so. It would be a interesting social test.

I don't think that people are as cold and as polarized as is portayed in the media(Reference Cullen). For the most part I can get along with any1(haha) that crosses my path. And I don't think that is as rare as one might thing. A quick though: online anonymity may actual bring out the worst in some people because they cannot see the person on the other side and they is no repercusions for their action(as in treating ppl different then they would in real life). In the end I think on average people treat each other well whether you are in a MMORPG or not.

The Escapist Staff

New member
Jul 10, 2006
Original Comment by: Dat Nguyen
Your writing style is entertaining and the column format is just beautiful. I read it from start to end mostly to see your humorous writing to the obvious end, but seeing where you were taking the magazine format was just as interesting.

Good job, I hope to see more of your work.