Original Comment by: Nikudada
I understand that, in general, young men are immature and do stupid things. Trust me, I did things like stick my hand in a leaf blower as a wee one. However, the generalization that young men are, on the whole, more prone to being foolish and immature than young woman is plain wrong. When you say that young woman arn't immune to it and experience immaturity in a different way seems to me to imply that young woman arn't as immature as young me. Hogwash. Immaturity is simply a lack of maturity - it applies just as much to woman as men. Men and woman do experience it differently, thats true. But to say woman are less immature (sorry for double negative) than men is, to repeat myself, insane. I grew up with a little sister six years younger than me and to see the petty little squabbles that would erupt in the female groups around school made the childish male squabbles seem, at times, quite petty.
So yea, its easier to see a guy harassing a girl because he's undersexed. But thats because your targeting one of the highlights of male immaturity - their infatuation with sex. Could it be that there is a similar achillles heel online for woman?