Original Comment by: Allan Petersen
I live in Denmark, and I am sad to say that the situation you have over there, is quite rare, and cause by among other things girls inhability to accept the fact that games are unisex.
There will always be boys that want pics, who cares... I have been an ESL admin for the Europeans Cybergames League for a few years, and ran the Ladies Cup. I have managed a girl cs team, and I must say that girls here are very rare to see playing, but the ones that do are not afraid to let them selves be heard on ventrillo, even if they havent talked to the people over the net before that they are about to play with.
There are several types of stereotypes that have to be considered, there are attention whores, shy girls that like games, girls that like games that are outgoing, and all sorts of combinations of the above mentioned.
In Europe I will admit that girl gaming, even as an admin is looked upon with feeble eyes. Very few of the girls are as good as the top pro guys, but that is because in my own opinion do not feel that they have whats in them to get to that level. This can be seen by the clear segregation of the leagues with Male and Female cups. If things where to get even in the e-games sports scene, its about time someone just made a Unisex cup, because on a computer, Sex, Race, Skincolour, Religion, are not determining how good you aim, shoot, or how your gameplay is.
I must say this Article was good, because it informs people of the situation some girls are in, but just remember... The latest figures indicate that there are now 25.1 million women using the Internet in France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the UK, compared to 40.1 million men. And that was in 2004, granted they dont all play games, but they are still on the web. And thats just in those countries...
Have a nice day.