Original Comment by: Mark
Bonnie, Bonnie, Bonnie. If you look for sexuality in anything, then of course you're going to find it. There's plenty of pandering, but reading any of your gender-related articles I can't help but wonder how many successful counterexamples you've skipped over just because the female lead has a nice butt, and came to the conclusion that the only reason a guy would play as her would be to look at that butt. As much as I enjoy your articles, and the inevitable discussions that follow, I often get a sense that you're holding games to an unrealistic standard. Believe it or not, most people prefer to have attractive characters in any medium.
Moving on to a more direct issue, I think it is this same oversensitivity to sexuality that is a part of the problem. There's a storytelling value to a little girl main character and you're seeing a lot more games made with more artistic stories in mind. However, with all the hysteria over games corrupting the youth of the nation, with "Games as porn" bills floating around, with ratings being retroactively changed because players can replace character textures with nipples - what publisher would risk funding a game where you control a little girl? What developer, however sincere his intentions, would risk becoming known as the maker of the "pedophilia simulator," because a glitch or mod could be exploited for I don't even want to know what ends? Even if there's no way to do it, do you reallly think that just the idea wouldn't be capitalized on by some grandstanding politician looking to prey on the fears of his would-be constituency? Remember how Old Man Thompson thought there were genitals in The Sims.
With the current political climate, you couldn't make a game like that in 3D, as it would be far too detailed, far too easy to modify. And the only way to make it in 2D is to put it on a handheld - which is not where developers go when they want to make something of literary value (which, at this point, is the only real way to put a girl in a game in more of a capacity than choosing your gender at the start of a game of Pokemon). You could get away with it with a boy, 'cause everybody knows boys play video games, and you could do it with an infant, since an infant is rarely under the player's control. You could use cheerful and cartoony visuals to get away with it, but that also dampens the literary value. An established series - a surefire hit - could get away with it, but at the expense of marginalizing the established hero.
A title like this is too radical for a publisher beset on all sides by budgets spiraling out of control, for whom a single bad word (outside of a review) in the mainstream press could spell disaster. It's not their fault - they are attempting to work with razor-thin profit margins amid a maelstrom of political controversy; can you really blame them for not wanting to push the envelope any further? For not wanting to stand out? As always, then, we must turn to the indie scene - freeware or not - to provide us with the trend-bucking the business needs. Off the top of my head I could think of this little gem [http://www.1up.com/do/feature?cId=3130176], but I'm sure there's others out there.