It's Against my Religion

Samurai Goomba

New member
Oct 7, 2008
Aardvark said:
If you think God really wants you to avoid valid medical practices, ask yourself this. Why did God, all knowing and all powerful, gift Man with the insight to come up with these technologies, which have been proven to save lives? Do you honestly think Satan is working through your dental practitioners by helping you avoid jaw infections now, at the cost of the negligible chance of cancer in 50 years time?

A while ago, there was a story about a girl who's parents refused to get medical treatment for her because they believed God would heal her. All I could say to that is, "Why are you slapping God in the face by refusing the healthcare technology that He gifted us with the intelligence to discover?"
I have an interesting fake story I heard along these lines. I'll try paraphrasing it. Here goes:

A man was stranded at sea, clinging to a piece of driftwood. He cried, "Save me, Lord!"

A few minutes later, a boat came along.
"Quick, get in and I'll take to you the shore!" Said the man driving the boat.
"No thank you," Said the driftwood-clinger, "The Lord will save me."
"Alright then." Said the man, driving off.

A while later, a Coast Guard patrol came zipping by.
"Can I help you, sir?" Said the Coast Guard guy.
"I'm waiting for the Lord to save me," Said the stranded man.
"Okay." And the Coast Guard sped off.

Eventually, the man lost his grip on the plank and drowned. He found himself in front of the gates of Heaven, with God standing beside him.
"Lord," Said the man, "Why did you not come to my aid when I cried out for you?"
God looked at him funny, and replied, "What do you mean, my son? I sent a speedboat and the Coast Guard to save you? Why did you not allow yourself to be saved?"

-End of Story-

And that's my view on that. I'm a Christian, but I still think people should take help when it's offered.


New member
May 18, 2008
Strangely that excuse doesn't fly when I use it.

'I can't help bring in the groceries, it's against my religion.'
'Which one?'
'Well, technically I'm Episcopalian, but I added a few rules.'

Or maybe I'm just lazy. -_-


New member
Jan 9, 2009
If you believe in it, go for it. If you are making it up, just deal with it. Say you don't want to get X-rays for your reasons but don't make crap up.


New member
Nov 19, 2008
willard3 said:
PirateKing said:
If a religion keeps you from having fun or doing something that may potentially prolong your life then you need to find a new religion.
The "fun" issue is still up for debate...not everyone may share the same definition of fun. I for one do not think that getting hammered at a bar is fun, partially because I don't see the point, and partially because it's not exactly a good Christian thing to do.

As for medical treatment, I'm up for just about anything besides killing a person and harvesting his organs. While I do understand Christian Scientists and Jehovah's Witnesses not wanting to do medical things, to me it's just terribly impractical, even for a religious person.
By fun I meant movies, novels and video games. Stuff like that. I've met people like that. Kinda creeps me out. Just because their religion says so.


Can you feel around inside?
Dec 22, 2008
the captain said:
Jehovah's witnesses aren't allowed to get blood transfusions because they believe blood should not be passed from one body to another, so if they get into major accidents their only options are to either die or take the transfusion and risk going to hell. Religions are funny!
ZeroMachine said:
Very, VERY valid point here. Unfortunately, fanatically religious people would tell you that it's Satan talking and giving you those ideas there. So apparently cognative though was a curse from the devil.
doxcology said:
If your religion is becoming detrimental to your health then it becomes dangerous.
The real problem with this is that, if you really truly believe that by doing this you will go to hell, and if you DON'T do it and die you will go to heaven, then it makes perfect sense to them. Of course, questionable is the reason you are not allowed to have them, but that's neither here nor there.

If you truly believed that if you tried to live longer you would be guaranteed hell, but if you died now you would be guaranteed heaven, which would you choose? One of the biggest things religion does is help alleviate the fear of death that is seemingly built into the human race, and though it may be irrational, so is faith. Live and let live, or die, as it were. They will do what they will.


New member
Jan 15, 2009
If people want to refuse medical treatment because a beard in the sky told them it's evil, that's fine. Religion doesn't even need to enter into it - if they won't take pills because they hate the look of pill bottles, s'alright.

But when they deny treatment to their kids for the same ridiculous reasons, that's where I get pissed. I once met an autistic guy (on the internet, so probably self-diagnosed, but hey) who said that if a cure for autism was developed, he'd forbid his family from having it. We did not get along.


New member
Jun 17, 2008
It's in most cases a pretty stupid reason, especially for saying no to medical treatment, but as valid as any other, with one important rule, it can only extend to yourself.

If it only hurts you, if no one else is affected, then your reason shouldn't matter, be it paranoia, religion or because that rock just told you to. However if it puts anyone else at risk, or interferes with anyone else, if it affects anyone else at all in any way that they don't like, then your religion can go screw itself because no matter what you believe you are not more important than anyone else, and I don't care if you go to eternal punishment in hell for it, you religion does not allow you to interfere with another's life (this includes your children and family, whatever silly rules your religion makes about them).


Escapist Points: 9001
Oct 14, 2007
mokes310 said:
If your religion keeps you from getting needed medical treatment, then so be it, it's your loss.
I consider that Darwin in practice. Unfortunately, they're likely to have procreated first. Damn.


New member
Oct 15, 2008
coldfrog said:
the captain said:
Jehovah's witnesses aren't allowed to get blood transfusions because they believe blood should not be passed from one body to another, so if they get into major accidents their only options are to either die or take the transfusion and risk going to hell. Religions are funny!
ZeroMachine said:
Very, VERY valid point here. Unfortunately, fanatically religious people would tell you that it's Satan talking and giving you those ideas there. So apparently cognative though was a curse from the devil.
doxcology said:
If your religion is becoming detrimental to your health then it becomes dangerous.
The real problem with this is that, if you really truly believe that by doing this you will go to hell, and if you DON'T do it and die you will go to heaven, then it makes perfect sense to them. Of course, questionable is the reason you are not allowed to have them, but that's neither here nor there.

If you truly believed that if you tried to live longer you would be guaranteed hell, but if you died now you would be guaranteed heaven, which would you choose? One of the biggest things religion does is help alleviate the fear of death that is seemingly built into the human race, and though it may be irrational, so is faith. Live and let live, or die, as it were. They will do what they will.
Death did not become morbid until the 1900's. Many ancient cultures (including Christianity) did not fear death. They died for it. Our fear of death is a recent event in the lifetime of humanity.

Aardvark Soup

New member
Jul 22, 2008
If you are an adult don't use certain medical treatment because of your religion, it's pretty stupid but your own choice. What I really can't stand though is people not vaccinating their children because of it.


New member
Jan 8, 2009
'Religion is for people who are afraid to see that they are completly free'. Dont remember who quoted it, but hell.


New member
Jan 4, 2008
Anybody out of the norm is called insane. When a bunch of us are insane, it's called truth. When everybody is insane, it's called reality. The world isn't digital, it's analogue and the current system is incompetent to deal with these things. It's like applying a binomial distribution to a normal one... I feel like such a nerd now especially since I hate statistics.


New member
Jan 17, 2009
So long as the choices they make due to their religious beliefs do not affect other people, it is entirely fine for them to refuse to do anything based on those beliefs, so long as they do not conflict with law.


Aug 3, 2008
Aren't Rastafarian's against blood transfusions, or something?
I sure that's how Bob Marley died.

In July 1977, Marley was found to have acral lentiginous melanoma, a form of malignant melanoma, in a football wound - according to widely held urban legend, inflicted by broadcaster and pundit Danny Baker - on his right big toe. Marley refused amputation, because of the Rastafari belief that the body must be "whole."

Ah, Wikipedia, you always deliver.


New member
Dec 12, 2007
In response to the OP, it depends what it is.

I told my boss I don't want to work Sundays because I'm a Christian. That's fine. I don't recall Jesus saying anything about dental x-rays...

I think your teacher has been naughty and told a fib. Christians are people too and we still make mistakes. Obviously not knowing the chap I can't say anything further, I've limited info.

People being people will use anything as an excuse.


New member
Jan 17, 2009
i am a catholic and as a result i strongly believe the catholic church is the right one
considering we were the original church and wrote the bible and got authority from the historical Jesus Christ
however splinter christian groups had their OWN OPINIONS which led to the fall of many
man has no right to decide WHO god is
i think the splinter christian groups stemmed from man wanting to be their own god

I think religion should be used as a means of getting people closer to finding the truth rather than a means of satisfying your own needs
however if a religion does have certain rules that don't put your life in danger or seem extremist then i don't see why society has got to flame it LOL
and as for restricting "fun"
fun for some people counts as premarital sex and masturbation etc etc
for me i find that immoral and as a catholic i don't want to engage in such practices
so fun for some people does not have to influence religion

i think its simply a war between man's opinion of God and what God has revealed to us

peace out ^^