It's that time again STEAM WINTER SALE!


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
That's right, its that time of year when I make a thread about a Steam sale since everyone else is too lazy and shiftless.

So, we have a ton of games on sale. What are some ones you would recommend or ones that you are planning on getting or have already gotten?

So far I've only picked up Griftlands. And so far its pretty cool, its got some good card mechanics and I like how it has a negotiation deck an combat one, also the writing is way better then I would expect for something that is a roguelike, but I've only died once so we shall see how much repeats.

The others that I have my eye on at the moment are

Which I will certainly pick up

Which I wish was on better sale but there is a good chance I will get it.

Which I will probably get if I don't get Grime, for at least one big controller game.

I need a new shooter since I beat Halo Infinite and this has been tempting me for awhile

I've really enjoyed the rest of the series, its on sale, not the best sale but whatever, it will scratch an itch.
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Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Lets see, recommended, preferably that I didn't in the last thread.

its a really fun roguelike fps game, you unlock new characters, weapons, missions etc etc, tons of content and its easy to go back to if you have left it for awhile.

Still early access but its a really killer oldschool style fast paced fps game with bitching music a really fun weapons. This is a pack of 3 games by this one guy who does awesome pixel work, each one is a different style, from top down arena, to metroid vania to action exploration and they are all worth your attention.

A remake of an old snes game, it really holds up, especially with the shiny new pixel graphics and 2 new player characters, and the ability to play 4 player.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020

An indie pixel art Rogue like survival game, it's got some jank to it but it's really a testament to what can be done with minimalist graphics and stock sound effects. For the price it's shockingly good.

A Rogue-lite metroidvania with a variety of powers (multiple different possibilities to solve certain stuff E.G. You might get a Jetpack or the ability to invert gravity or a robot dog with a jump pad on his back). As you play thorough you can unlock more powers to find on future runs too but beware as you fight the Megabeast it may also start to fight you by changing future runs too. The developer has added new zones complete with their own new bosses and enemies to the game so you get a variety of areas you end up going to not just randomised layouts of the same tile sets each time.

A Stealth cyberpunk game set in a dystopian future where all men have been banished to the wastelands outside of the supposed perfect future city Plovdiv. This really is a game that goes places and becomes quite esoteric later on in terms of it's ideas and concepts. A little rough sometimes but it's $1 so well worth it

Ticket to Earth is a tile matching game combined with a sort of Xcom esc tactics system which creates a really nice balance of risk and reward as sure you could get more attack power and power up your abilities by going along a certain tile path but that path might put you in range of the enemy so do you want to risk it.

It's also got a very enjoyable Sci-Fi story about people caught in the middle of a revolution against the offworld colonies governor and explores idea of properganda, control, justice and morality.

Heath Signature - Welcome to the rebellion against the corporate control of space. Take back stations and undertake mission with your characters in a Rogue-Lite game where you characters might up becoming legends in the galaxy or meeting an untimely demise. This is a somewhat sandbox game with procedural generation of missions and ship layouts where you have to break into ships of the other factions to undertake a variety of objects.

The Sandbox nature of the game allows you to tackle objects however you feel you wish to. Be a ghost using tech to never be seen and get round all guards never touching anyone you don't need to; be a ninja who kills all in his way from the shadows; be space John Wick gunslinging and fighting your way through the ships making it so no-one is fails to know you're there; Or maybe you'll just steal another factions ship and blast your way in they dive through the vaccum of space directly to the objective now exposed to space.

Survivalist - One of the best Zombie games I've played. It has character stories to explore but also so much freedom. Loot, Trade, Fight off Zombies, Build your own settlement and community, learn to far and survive and fight off both roaming hoards of zombies and games of humans.

Guild of Dungeoneering ultimate edition - a Rogue-lite dungeon crawler where you run a Guild and set your Guild members into dungeons to gain you money. You also set out the layout and have to lure the dungeoneer round trying to avoid getting them killed. Oh and they go in each time with no equipment so it's up to you to build and level them up each dungeon by making sure they fight appropriately leveled monsters and try to arrange their kit to power up various stats to get access to more card used to battle. It's a comedy game very much designed for you to lose a few guild members with the bard often mocking your efforts in song as you win or as you fail.

Rollers of the Realm - Probably the best digital pinball game I've played, they just seem to nail the feel of pinball far better than most others and make use of it being digital to do things real tables can't. Oh and did I mention it's also an RPG with character special abilities?


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020

A really fun little detective game, probably a bit easy for most but it's got a really nice art style and animations that put Double Fine's Broken Age to shame

Renowned Explorers: International society

A Rogue-lite game about exploring and trying to find treasure to become the most famous explorer.

Do you like puzzle games?
Do you like classic 80s horror films?

If yes to both you might be just the person who will love this game as you slay your way through puzzles separated into batches each group into films which are homage / parodies of classic 80s slasher films.

A 4x strategy game designed to be fairly easy to get into and style like a kids cartoon show. You get a literal death ray button.........

A Lovecraftian Rogue-lite about driving a train through a giant house in the parasite dimension and getting involved in the various going on of residents in the settlements. Oh and romance options include a flock of crows and a Oil rig among other options.....


Elite Member
Apr 30, 2020
I'm only posting this cause it was in my queue.
It might look like a regular town sim, but apparently it's just a regular town sim, but with beavers. So naturally, i want to check it out.



Elite Member
Escapist +
May 29, 2014
Welp, might as well point to a game I picked up not knowing what to expect and ended up loving. And which I wanted to be an ambassador for about a year ago.

This review is written by someone whose only prior experience with the genre of Visual Novels is the Ace Attorney series. For people unfamiliar with Ace Attorney, most of the gameplay there consists of seeing the characters interact with each other via textboxes with your only input being in which order the various dialogue occur and what to ask various characters of via dialogue trees. The most gamplay in Ace Attorney is in the court scenes where witnesses provide various statements as testimony and you get to present evidence to counter them, feeling like Sherlock Holmes deducing a logic puzzle.

In Steins;Gate you don't even have that level of player interaction. Most of the "gameplay" consists of reading the scenes playing out in the textboxes and then pressing the "continue game" button. The things you do have control over is when the game wants an interaction via the in-game cell phone, some of the times you are in charge of it.

I bring this up so that anyone interested in this game is aware what level of gameplay they are to expect. The genre contains the word "novel", and that is an abt descriptor. The characters and the plot is largely set and you have little influence over it.

With that in mind, do I recommend the game? Yes, I do. The characters are fully realized and the plot is interesting. Since there is not much in the way of gameplay I am judging the game on the plot alone.

It involves a bunch of teenagers in Akihabara, Tokyo's Nerd Mecca, making a time-machine. Since time-travel stories are ones where it can turn out that the friendly background character in act one is actually the protagonist from the future in act three, it's a bit hard to discuss the plot without getting into spoiler territory, but I'll do my best to be vague.

The plot stars Okabe Rintaro, self-proclaimed Mad Scientist, and the members of his future gadget lab. He insists his true name is Houoin Kyouma and occasionally talks into his(turned off) cell phone about The Organization that is out to get him. For the first half of the game my reaction to him was mirrored by his friends of the gadget lab in that I found the routine ridiculous and annoying, in particular since their discoveries in time travel would warrant a more serious tone. Were I younger I might have found it charming but I mostly rolled my eyes at his routine.

The rest of the initial cast are Mayuri, childhood friend of Okabe who I suspect have some diagnosis, and Daru, best friend of Okabe and Super Hacker. Mayuri never seems to get everything that goes on in the rest of the lab's conversations but always means well. Daru is a massive pervert but really good with computers. As the plot goes along more and more characters get involved with the plot , how I prefer not to spoil, but the thing I want to emphasize is that ALL the characters feel fully realized and ALL feel three-dimensional. I could totally see these people being friends and hanging out in the way portrayed by the plot.

Well almost. Maybe it's because Okabe(or "Houoin Kyouma")'s routine didn't endear me but the way Okabe acquires new friends struck me as somewhat improbable.

Something that impressed me was that the developers actually gave thought to how time travel hypothetically could work, and you get to take that in.

The first half of the story is more or less the cast hanging out while experimenting with time travel and during this half it is a relatively chill game.

Then... something happens. In a single scene between two and five plot twists happen and the way the plot is experienced changes. It remains a visual Novel and remains in the same setting but everything is fundamentally changed. You WILL realize when it has occured because it's one of those third act twists that kicks the plot into high gear. In conjunction with this Okabe takes the plot and the time travel experiments more seriously, thereby eliminating my main complaint and I got really into it at this point.

After this point there are plenty of more to explore and more plot twists to encounter and it's well worth finishing but the nature of plot twists is that they must reveal something about characters and/or setting, and knowing more leaves fewer surprises, which led to the plot being a lot more predictable. At least in terms of where the plot was heading, the twists along the way there was, as stated, well worth experiencing. Though some of the things that were revealed after this point felt like they were more for the plot to be able to function than they were fitting in with the science the lead characters had discovered in their time travel experiments, but these complaints are mere niggles in what is otherwise an excellent story that mostly fits together.

The game has several endings. I accidentally got one because I was given two options, one that felt directed as the "continue the story"-option, but I took the other since from a strategic point of view I considered it the more viable option. I was mistaken, because Okabe did not at all act the way I intended with that option. At first I was annoyed, but then I realized that, no, the game had given me ample opportunity to realize that it was an ending, and I am not really the protagonist of the story, Okabe is. He choosing that option might not lead to what I wanted, but it was how Okabe would act if doing that option.

Regarding the endings: there are several, two of which are harder to reach. To get them I consulted a strategy guide and if you have a hard time I recommend you do the same. It is the story that makes me recommend this game, not the challenge of the gameplay, little as there is, and taking the short-cut that allows seeing the best endings is worthwhile.
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Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
A few more reccomended.
There is something therapeutic about just ripping a ship apart, a bit less so when you have to worry about time, but still fun.

I've posted this before, but it really is so damn cool and fun.

If you have a vr headset then you should get Moss, its really cute and fun, it is a bit short, but just so damn charming.


Elite Member
Jul 13, 2021
United States
I am now a believer. It's already coming close to hitting me the way Faith and Hotline Miami did...



Ineptly Chaotic
Jan 6, 2011
A Hermit's Cave
I'm likely not going to get much this time out, haven't done any 'proper' gaming in months thanks to little time and my current rig getting pretty damned creaky, so I think I'll settle for some of the super-cheap games (Total War Saga: Thrones of Britannia and... something... else which slips my mind at present).


My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
I’ve built up a little wishlist the past year due to not purchasing anything new. So as a reward for sticking to my guns and knocking out some major items in my backlog I had a mini classics/indie splurge and got Blasphemous, Castlevania Collection, Noita, and Ori & TWotW. Might end up playing them in the order too, but will still get more of my intended backlog done first.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
I’ve built up a little wishlist the past year due to not purchasing anything new. So as a reward for sticking to my guns and knocking out some major items in my backlog I had a mini classics/indie splurge and got Blasphemous, Castlevania Collection, Noita, and Ori & TWotW. Might end up playing them in the order too, but will still get more of my intended backlog done first.
I ended up going a bit overboard with stuff during the xmas sale. I got Phoenix Point, Final Fantasy Pixel remaster, Griftlands, BPM Bullets Per Minute, Assault Suit Lynos, Bloodstained Curse of the Moon 2, and Contra Collection. And that is just what I bought my self, I was gifted Death Stranding, Taur and Later Alligator.


My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
I ended up going a bit overboard with stuff during the xmas sale. I got Phoenix Point, Final Fantasy Pixel remaster, Griftlands, BPM Bullets Per Minute, Assault Suit Lynos, Bloodstained Curse of the Moon 2, and Contra Collection. And that is just what I bought my self, I was gifted Death Stranding, Taur and Later Alligator.

Death Stranding is another I’d like to play, but it’ll have to wait til I have almost nothing else to play for how much time it’ll probably take.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Death Stranding is another I’d like to play, but it’ll have to wait til I have almost nothing else to play for how much time it’ll probably take.
Its pretty cool so far, I like how it has in depth hiking and dealing with weight. Something just satisfying about navigating harsh terrain. I think having Norman Reeds as the main character was a mistake though, but then again, I only recently got off of Days Gone and kept wanting Deacon to be the main character in Death Stranding.

Elvis Starburst

Unprofessional Rant Artist
Aug 9, 2011
I bought me and my friend Forza Horizon 4 since he's been itching to play another racing game with me, and god damn it's fun. It's an excellent little balance between simulator and arcade racer. Could maybe lean a little closer to arcade-style for my liking, but I'm not too bothered by the balance is strikes. The fact you can fine tune everything from suspension rebound to downforce to gearing and so on... hoo boy, that was both a good and bad thing for me.
Good cause I love this kind of stuff (I spent hours fine tuning my ACs in Armored Core 4 and 5, for example), but bad because I ended up spending maybe 6 hours total fine tuning my one favourite car, taking it on races, making further adjustments, etc. I got VERY into it, way more than I thought I would. I wanted it to be perfect. And while it still needs a little tweaking, god damn I'm liking the results so far.
The game itself is also decently charming too, it's got a good bit of content behind it and a pretty good map layout. I just wish the menus didn't have Windows 8 syndrome. So many randomly sized, designed, and placed tiles all over the screen, it's kinda hard to navigate. But despite the little flaws, I'm thoroughly enjoying my time with it. I bought it on the 28th and have put 30 hours into it as of writing this post. I'd say I'm having fun!

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
I just wish the menus didn't have Windows 8 syndrome. So many randomly sized, designed, and placed tiles all over the screen, it's kinda hard to navigate.
I've found that I don't use about 96% of those tiles, myself. It's a real fustercluck if you don't know what you're looking for. The car search function could use a lot more options as well, as I've got about two hundred of them already.


Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
Just bought a bundle of Death's Door, Inscryption, and Loop Hero for $36. All of these are critically acclaimed and I started messing with Inscryption's demo so *shrugs*