I've read one chapter of Game of Thrones, and I'm already bored of it.


New member
Dec 24, 2008
I keep feeling like I should get back to reading books, as I disproportionately favor video games, TV shows, and movies for my entertainment. So I decided to pick up Game of Thrones, since it has a new show and everyone seems to be talking about it. After reading the prologue and the first chapter, I'm not sure I can go on. Right off the bat, I was reminded of this XKCD comic:


There's a ridiculous amount of made-up words early on, even for things that we already have words for (ringmail = chain mail). Not to mention, I hate that the book is trying to sound like it's written in ye olde englishe, when I KNOW it was published in modern times. That's a big reason why I couldn't get into Lord of the Rings: I had to struggle just to read the thing because of how quickly language changes. Yet games like Fire Emblem have that fantasy setting to them, but they're written with modern language in mind, so I had no trouble following along.

Am I being too picky? Because I've already found a lot to complain about, and I'm barely even into the book. People could say "Oh, just stick with it, it gets better", but I'd still rather be watching Doctor Who or something.


New member
Jan 14, 2011
Just to point out, ringmail and chainmail are two different styles of armour. They are not the same thing.

If you didn't enjoy LOTR either then you probably won't like it, but you should at least read a few chapters before deciding. It usually takes a few chapters to get you hooked on the story.

That or just watch the tv show if you dislike the way it's written, it follows the books really well and then if you enjoy the tv show then you can go back and read the books.


New member
Nov 3, 2010
Most of those "made up words" are actually just archaic terms, e.g. ringmail. Some are just "flavored" for the setting. There are very few "made up words" aside from names. I'd say you're being a bit picky; but hey, if you don't like it, you don't like it.


New member
Feb 17, 2008
If you don't like it then don't read it. I'm not sure what you expect people to say you'cve given up on a book 20 pages in so there isn't much people can say except "keep at it because it's ngood" which you've already said you don't care about.

You're complaint seems somewhat odd to me since apart from a couple or archaic spellings I don't remember much non-standard words in GoT (also ringmail is a real thing that isn't chainmail).


New member
Mar 18, 2009
So...don't read it. What are you complaining to us about? It's not our fault you have a poor vocabulary. Maybe you should read more books.


New member
Jul 29, 2011
Game of Thrones takes a while to build up.

There is a hell of a lot going on and it takes you through some of the main "houses" if you will, before it kicks off properly.

If you can stick with it, it will get better.