Japanese Censors: Sexually Aggressive Women Turn Kids Gay


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Volf99 said:
Worgen said:
feminist is practically a 4 letter word since conservatives have done such a good job of demonizing it. Plus its not reasonable people that get assigned to things like this, its the more conservative and weird elements that get put on things like this.
*rolling my eyes*......is this supposed to be taken as a seriously? You really expect me to believe that it's all conservatives, who as you implied "not reasonable people", that are the reason why some people dislike feminism? It is attitudes like this that make me despise liberals and everybody else that constantly bash conservatives because at the end of the day, it seems neither liberals or conservatives are above making such prejudice comments like these. From you comment, it seems to imply that liberals and/or feminist are not at all to blame for why people dislike feminism, which is absurd. For example...

here [http://evebitfirst.wordpress.com/2011/05/18/a-man-is-a-rape-supporter-if/] is a link to the blog he was reading

As for other reasons why some people might not like Feminism, I'm just speculating, but ....

People such as Andrea Dworkin [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrea_Dworkin] are an example of a feminist that give feminism a bad image. She is also a person who I would also be hesitant to call a conservative, despite her giving a feminist.

For people who dislike socialism, Feminisms association [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feminism#Socialism] with socialism could be why some people don't like Feminism.

Also, even within the pro-Feminist community, race and class are issues [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feminism#Civil_rights_movement_and_anti-racism] because of what is considered mainstream Feminism has been associated with the white race and the middle class. As a result, people who don't fit/meet those traits, such as Black women [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feminism#Black_and_postcolonial_ideologies], are also sometimes critical of mainstream Feminism.

Personally though, I loose respect for famous feminist like Gloria Steinman, who is described as someone who "saw marriage as a legal trap, arguing that marriage laws were designed for a "person and a half" [http://abcnews.go.com/2020/story?id=124030&page=1#.Tw8QymPOzh8] and has been quoted as saying "You become a semi-non person when you get married. The surest way to be alone is to get married." [http://abcnews.go.com/2020/story?id=124030&page=1#.Tw8QymPOzh8], and "Women's total instinct for gambling is satisfied by marriage" [http://thinkexist.com/quotes/gloria_steinem/4.html], as well as A "woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle" [http://www.searchquotes.com/quotation/A_woman_without_a_man_is_like_a_fish_without_a_bicycle./208349/]. Yet, for all of the negative things she had to say about marriage, she also went and got married [http://womenshistory.about.com/od/gloriasteinem/a/When-Did-Gloria-Steinem-Get-Married.htm]. I can't help but smh at the women for doing that.

Worgen said:
its not reasonable people that get assigned to things like this, its the more conservative and weird elements that get put on things like this.
Finally, please oh please, tell me why you associate be conservative with being an "[un]reasonable pe[rson]", because from what I've seen being unreasonable isn't exclusive to just conservatives.
Because I live in tx so I get a front row seat to watching them do stupid things and rally against common sense to be even stupider.


New member
Oct 9, 2008
I am not ashamed to say that I really like and enjoy anime and manga(although, I tend to shy away from the Yaoi stuff). However, there is no denying that the Japanese are a weird, mixed-up culture.

Helmholtz Watson

New member
Nov 7, 2011
Arontala said:
Oh boy, an article about Japan. I'm sure that the comments section won't contain any raging hypocrites.

OT: I'm going to go with Fawxy's answer.

David Farnell said:
To quote one of dozens of similar comments:

"Why is Japan doing this??"

JAPAN is not doing this. A GUY is doing this. Granted this guy is a product of Japanese culture. But so are 127 million other Japanese people, each of whom is a person with his or her own personality, none of which are precisely identical despite the stereotype.

"JAPAN" is not some monolithic hive-mind. There's one guy in Miyazaki Prefecture (a tiny, mostly rural "state" tucked away in the far south of Japan...the size and population of a couple of American counties) who thinks this way. There are probably a few million others who have similar ridiculous opinions, but most Japanese people would find his views as appalling as most of us do.

And how many millions of Americans think that homosexuality is caused by dominant women? How many Canadians? Dave Sim, the writer of Cerberus, one of the greatest comic books ever, thinks so. Most North Americans who've read his wacky views rightfully think he's a nutcase. Do they say, "Why is Canada doing this??" No. They think, "Why did such a great comic creator turn into such a homophobic, misogynistic creep?"

Why is a Canadian or an American opinion an individual's opinion, but a minor Japanese functionary's opinion is suddenly JAPAN's opinion?

And for the several people who wrote variations on "This is why I hate Japan": Stop being idiots. I could understand such a sentiment if you were, say, Japanese and complaining about your own culture, or if you were Chinese or Korean and your country had been invaded and terribly harmed by Japan, or if you were an 80-year-old Pacific War vet. But even those people should get the hell over it. Americans should remember that Japan is one of America's closest and most loyal allies. It is far from a perfect country, and it has crimes to answer for in its history...but name me a country that is perfect. Name me a country that is free from an ugly past.
I wouldn't say that Japanese people are not individuals with their own opinions, but I think your answer is wrong in that Japanese people are taught to be the same, hence the Japanese proverb "the nail the sticks out gets hammered down". Also, I think it is important to note when discussing Japanese opinions, ideas/concepts such as , Yamato-damashii [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KokutaiKokutai, and I can't find it but there is a Japanese word that mean public opinion and it is what japanese people will say unless they know you on a very personal level. The reason why I think those three words are important to keep in mind when discussing what Japanese people think, is because it shows that the "official" attitude towards a certain subject might be what everybody else agrees with in public but not what Japanese individual people think. So there is kind of like two opinions that the average Japanese person has, one opinion that it in line with the three concepts I mentioned, and one opinion that is their own which may or may not go along with the "official" one.


Make America Great For Who?
Oct 8, 2008
That's what happens when you don't stop people like Ishihara. Oh, well.


New member
Mar 13, 2009
evilneko said:
I hope this doesn't kill Kodomo no Jikan... >.>
How my favorite manga will be affected? My first thoughts also...

Therumancer said:
You may have found something. How does the conservative men of a society reacts when women start to be sexually assertive and agressive? Massive freakout.

NeutralDrow said:
People don't seem to note the real absurdity here: real porn is excluded in the bill overall.

This is a media-focused "issue" put forward by a bunch of conservatives in a prefecture government. Considering how insular the Japanese government generally is - even or especially below the national level, even during those rare times it's not the supremely ironically-named Liberal Democrats in power - in addition to that, and something this strange is not terribly surprising. Can only hope it doesn't go too far; this is basically an advance warning on just how dangerous that bill is likely to get.
You gain a prize for loking past culture and seeing the real way politics, media and human nature working.

Helmholtz Watson

New member
Nov 7, 2011
Worgen said:
Volf99 said:
Worgen said:
feminist is practically a 4 letter word since conservatives have done such a good job of demonizing it. Plus its not reasonable people that get assigned to things like this, its the more conservative and weird elements that get put on things like this.
*rolling my eyes*......is this supposed to be taken as a seriously? You really expect me to believe that it's all conservatives, who as you implied "not reasonable people", that are the reason why some people dislike feminism? It is attitudes like this that make me despise liberals and everybody else that constantly bash conservatives because at the end of the day, it seems neither liberals or conservatives are above making such prejudice comments like these. From you comment, it seems to imply that liberals and/or feminist are not at all to blame for why people dislike feminism, which is absurd. For example...

here [http://evebitfirst.wordpress.com/2011/05/18/a-man-is-a-rape-supporter-if/] is a link to the blog he was reading

As for other reasons why some people might not like Feminism, I'm just speculating, but ....

People such as Andrea Dworkin [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrea_Dworkin] are an example of a feminist that give feminism a bad image. She is also a person who I would also be hesitant to call a conservative, despite her giving a feminist.

For people who dislike socialism, Feminisms association [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feminism#Socialism] with socialism could be why some people don't like Feminism.

Also, even within the pro-Feminist community, race and class are issues [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feminism#Civil_rights_movement_and_anti-racism] because of what is considered mainstream Feminism has been associated with the white race and the middle class. As a result, people who don't fit/meet those traits, such as Black women [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feminism#Black_and_postcolonial_ideologies], are also sometimes critical of mainstream Feminism.

Personally though, I loose respect for famous feminist like Gloria Steinman, who is described as someone who "saw marriage as a legal trap, arguing that marriage laws were designed for a "person and a half" [http://abcnews.go.com/2020/story?id=124030&page=1#.Tw8QymPOzh8] and has been quoted as saying "You become a semi-non person when you get married. The surest way to be alone is to get married." [http://abcnews.go.com/2020/story?id=124030&page=1#.Tw8QymPOzh8], and "Women's total instinct for gambling is satisfied by marriage" [http://thinkexist.com/quotes/gloria_steinem/4.html], as well as A "woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle" [http://www.searchquotes.com/quotation/A_woman_without_a_man_is_like_a_fish_without_a_bicycle./208349/]. Yet, for all of the negative things she had to say about marriage, she also went and got married [http://womenshistory.about.com/od/gloriasteinem/a/When-Did-Gloria-Steinem-Get-Married.htm]. I can't help but smh at the women for doing that.

Worgen said:
its not reasonable people that get assigned to things like this, its the more conservative and weird elements that get put on things like this.
Finally, please oh please, tell me why you associate be conservative with being an "[un]reasonable pe[rson]", because from what I've seen being unreasonable isn't exclusive to just conservatives.
Because I live in tx so I get a front row seat to watching them do stupid things and rally against common sense to be even stupider.
You do realize that the people who you meet in Texas don't represent all conservatives, right? I seriously hope you don't have some close minded, bigoted view of conservatives just because of the few(or many) that you met in Texas, because that reflects badly on your part. For example, while I don't agree with everything she did, Marget Thatcher is a perfect example of a conservative that was well spoken(unlike George Bush Jr.) and far from stupid.
here is a video of her, where socialism is discussed
Here is a video on the whole session that the video above took a clip from

(NOTE:to any Irish/UK/Argentinean/(anybody else) people that read this, just because you might not like her doesn't mean she has low intelligence)

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
And here I thought the Japanese were more open minded towards uh... that sort of thing. I guess bigots exist everywhere.

Irony's Acolyte

Back from the Depths
Mar 9, 2010
I honestly thought this was going to be about a bunch of Americans. Ah well, I knew the Japanese were kinda xenophobic; its not too much of a surprise that they have reactionary people like this in positions of power.

OT: Because yes, sexually aggressive women would turn all heterosexual men gay. Because no man would ever want to have the woman take the lead. No, not at all. Could you *cough*femdom*cough* imagine what kind of *cough*cuckold*cough* man would want that? He would have to be gay.

Jabberwock xeno

New member
Oct 30, 2009

I wish the article handled the situation more tactfully.

It may sound silly, but it could turn into a very serious issue: The same vaguely worded type of statement is in US anti-child pornography laws, and due to it, drawn, cartoon, manga, whatever depeciations of sex focused things with characters who APPEAR underage is potentially legally the same as real child porn.

People HAVE been arrested, charged, and prosecuted for that.

In one case, it was rule 34 of the simpsons.

I repeat: A person was PUT IN JAIL as a SEX OFFENDER for having CARTOON images of a FICTIONAL YELLOW HUMANOID that was said to be less than 18 years old having sex.

And they Simpsons don't even LOOK human.


New member
Dec 3, 2011
David Farnell said:
(And you know, America needs to work on its treatment of women, too. Whereas Japan had 47 "shooting incidents" last year. Not murders. Not even woundings. Just reported shootings. Like, somebody shot a gun off illegally. My home state, Texas, had nearly 600 HANDGUN MURDERS in 2010. Not just shootings, not just woundings, but successful MURDERS. And that's only with handguns. And Texas has 1/5 the population of Japan. I think Japan's got us on that one.)
Japan is an island, they deport you if you commit any crimes as a foreigner. If you are a citizen well good luck to seeing the light of day ever again because they consider marijuana a capital offense. Just saying if you site something that drastic it should be with perspective.
Jan 22, 2011
even as a huge anime/visual novel fan that i am.. this is BS but the area where this is trying to pass is highly conservative much like the Southern States here I just want to point out this is not all of japan just prefecture or area "much like a state". I swear to god this is something I would hear on fox news or Rush Limbaugh's broadcast.. but men over here like our woman to be on top.. ahem

David Farnell

New member
Apr 24, 2010
CapitalistPig said:
If you are a citizen well good luck to seeing the light of day ever again because they consider marijuana a capital offense.
I think you're thinking of Thailand. Marijuana is illegal in Japan, but it is nowhere near being a capital offense.

Cid Silverwing

Paladin of The Light
Jul 27, 2008
The only thing I can comment on is the article image. THAT is less confusing than the actual news, and even then I can't figure out the context of some creepy shirtless guy with two kittens taped to his pectorals. That's shit I would expect from taking a day at the bizarro.

Oh wait...


New member
Mar 25, 2010
Where are the statistics to back this up? How are they sure its only that one element that affects them? Its not the yaoi its the dominate female character thats turning them gay, also is this just japan,or everywhere

David Farnell

New member
Apr 24, 2010
minuialear said:
"West" commonly refers to Europe/US/Canada/Mexico. We can rename the group to Europe/North American countries, if you prefer.

If you can give me one example of how many countries in that group are more sexist than Japan (not as sexist, or not just sexist in general; more sexist), then I'll be happy to provide articles and studies suggesting the contrary. As it stands, it sounds like you're just trying to split hairs.
I'm just trying to bring perspective to people who are slamming Japan on this thread and acting all "more advanced than thou." As for more sexist, nothing across-the-board maybe, but you can find plenty of shockingly backward notions and horrific isolated cases (that are as equally "products of the culture" as this guy from Miyazaki) in any country. But I'll concede: as for as mainstream societal acceptance goes, Japan has a long way to go in the sexism arena. Nevertheless, as far as comparisons go, it's still just about the most progressive nation in Asia.

minuialear said:
Japan is a country with its own culture, no better or worse than any other, taken as a whole.
Are you suggesting that sexism is part of their culture and therefore shouldn't be as stringently criticized? Or are you just making a general statement that has nothing to do with what I stated?
The latter. Sorry, I'm more trying to head off the Japan-slamming than argue with you specifically. I certainly don't think Japan's sexism shouldn't be criticized. I do think that we shouldn't focus on comparisons, because we can compare stuff all day long and one country will win in one arena, another will win in another arena. It's kind of pointless. Addressing Japan's sexism specifically is of course fair.

minuialear said:
On some points, Japan scores worse than the US. ... On some points (murder rates, say), Japan scores better. All in all, it pretty much balances out.
We're talking about sexism, not murder, not racism, not homophobia, etc.
Actually, the thread is about sexism and homophobia, and for too many commenters it quickly and unfairly became about how JAPAN SUX in general, using comparisons with the West. My point was that while America does pretty well against Japan in sexism, Japan kicks America's ass in murder rates. So saying JAPAN SUX is idiotic.

But YOU were not saying that, and by quoting you I guess I kind of implied that you were. That was not fair of me, and I apologize for not being more clear.


Elite Member
Jun 10, 2009
Higgs303 said:
Oh look another reason to hate Japanese culture...

EDIT: What do the Japanese PEOPLE think of sexually dominant women? or homosexuality?
You! Read this!
David Farnell:
To quote one of dozens of similar comments:

"Why is Japan doing this??"

JAPAN is not doing this. A GUY is doing this. Granted this guy is a product of Japanese culture. But so are 127 million other Japanese people, each of whom is a person with his or her own personality, none of which are precisely identical despite the stereotype.

"JAPAN" is not some monolithic hive-mind. There's one guy in Miyazaki Prefecture (a tiny, mostly rural "state" tucked away in the far south of Japan...the size and population of a couple of American counties) who thinks this way. There are probably a few million others who have similar ridiculous opinions, but most Japanese people would find his views as appalling as most of us do.

And how many millions of Americans think that homosexuality is caused by dominant women? How many Canadians? Dave Sim, the writer of Cerberus, one of the greatest comic books ever, thinks so. Most North Americans who've read his wacky views rightfully think he's a nutcase. Do they say, "Why is Canada doing this??" No. They think, "Why did such a great comic creator turn into such a homophobic, misogynistic creep?"

Why is a Canadian or an American opinion an individual's opinion, but a minor Japanese functionary's opinion is suddenly JAPAN's opinion?

And for the several people who wrote variations on "This is why I hate Japan": Stop being idiots. I could understand such a sentiment if you were, say, Japanese and complaining about your own culture, or if you were Chinese or Korean and your country had been invaded and terribly harmed by Japan, or if you were an 80-year-old Pacific War vet. But even those people should get the hell over it. Americans should remember that Japan is one of America's closest and most loyal allies. It is far from a perfect country, and it has crimes to answer for in its history...but name me a country that is perfect. Name me a country that is free from an ugly past.
Then show your friends this!


New member
Jul 7, 2010
Jabberwock xeno said:

I wish the article handled the situation more tactfully.

It may sound silly, but it could turn into a very serious issue: The same vaguely worded type of statement is in US anti-child pornography laws, and due to it, drawn, cartoon, manga, whatever depeciations of sex focused things with characters who APPEAR underage is potentially legally the same as real child porn.

People HAVE been arrested, charged, and prosecuted for that.

In one case, it was rule 34 of the simpsons.

I repeat: A person was PUT IN JAIL as a SEX OFFENDER for having CARTOON images of a FICTIONAL YELLOW HUMANOID that was said to be less than 18 years old having sex.

And they Simpsons don't even LOOK human.
Don't think you will get a lot of sympathy here for your comment, as most believe what you have described should be treated the same as actual pictures of child abuse.

I think it is more interesting to look at it from a different point of view. That most western governments are now sending out the message that if you have to look at this kind of material, you may as well seek out actual pictures with real victims rather than drawings with no victims, because the punishment for looking at them is the same. Now if everyone believes, as they should, that the final result of any legislations on this needs to result in less abuse to real children. Then people no matter the yuck factor should find the direction we are going as potentially counter productive to the final aim. If you were to offer me the deal that allowing disgusting drawings, will decrease abuse to actual children, I would take it in a minute.

I have said this a few times on this site, but I would like to see the Japaneses government do something intelligent with legislation, to reduce the amount of drawings of minors being produced. I would love them to legislate against making money from the drawings. This would hopefully have the affect of reducing the amount without having to rely on censorship. You can make the drawings, you just can't get any money for them. That would separate those with artistic intentions from the those who just want to peddle (you can fill in the rest).


New member
Jan 23, 2010
Draksila said:
That's okay, Japan. You can send all of your sexually aggressive women to me; I'll take good care of them and find them homes. Now where'd I leave the phone listings for all my single friends...?
Well, that's awkward. I was going to suggest giving them my number... Pistols at dawn?