Jaxxyn Wood, 12, Stays Up to Play Games, Saves Family from Fire

Adam Jensen_v1legacy

I never asked for this
Sep 8, 2011
Pyrian said:
If you ARE staying awake for days at any age, you're not living a particularly healthy lifestyle. If you CAN stay awake for days at 26, you're almost certainly taking excessive amounts of stimulants, anyway, nevermind the fact that doing so is quite inherently unhealthy.
I'm not saying that I stay awake for days. Not unless I have to. But when I have to I can. And I don't even drink coffee, nor alcohol and I don't smoke. With proper diet and exercise you don't need stimulants. I used to drink coffee. But that didn't last long. About half a year. I didn't notice any difference so I stopped.
StewShearer said:
I've been trying to work out some with the missus lately and have been eating better since the baby was born, but no I'm not particularly healthy. In my defense, though, I tend to attribute my general sleepiness to the kiddo waking me up 2-3 times a night and then having to get up just before 5AM to work.
You should look into the NordicTrack Ski Machine. I got one for my parents who are both over 50 now and they use it daily. So it's easy to use.


New member
Jan 15, 2009
reminds me how i could tell my parents that the power cut out (wile i was playing), that they could use their phones as an alarm clock because they had to get up in the morning.


New member
Oct 17, 2012
Heh, I sort of remember what burning Legos smell like. That's because in my twisted young mind there were still periods of war and unrest within Lego utopia. Certain pieces needed to show battle damage, lives were lost, things were a little too perfect, know what I mean?


Geekdad News Writer
Jan 5, 2013
GamerMage said:
StewShearer said:
12-Year-Old Stays Up to Play Games, Saves Family From Fire

While this story leaves us a little curious as to how Jaxxyn knows what burning LEGO bricks smell like, we'll set that question aside to offer the kid our kudos. Just personally, if I had even noticed the gathering smoke enough to put down my controller, I probably would have panicked and gone screaming out of the house (who needs family anyways?). Perhaps the best part of this whole thing for Jaxxyn, of course, is the fact that he pretty much has free reign to stay up gaming as late he wants from now on. What are Mom and Dad really going to do when he can just pull out the "remember how I saved you all from a fiery death" card?

Source: <a href=http://www.wkyt.com/news/headlines/House-fire-sends-family-into-the-cold-in-Danville-237289261.html>WKYT

You'd let your family burn? Seriously? I hope you're joking, because if not...to quote C.O.P.S. From Sam & Max: "Congratulations,Sam! You're a monster!" XD
Psh...they're still alive aren't they? What more you want?


New member
Aug 28, 2008
Something like this happened to me too. I was playing games at like 4 AM when suddenly something happened to my multitap power conductor and sparks started flying, it made a horrible electric kind of noise and stank of burned plastic. Thankfully I was quick in my reactions and unplugged it from the wall. Not too long after there was a power outage which lead me to believe there was some kind of irregular current coming from the wall which burned out my power conductor. Thankfully nothing else was harmed but there was a bit of blackness which washed off from a couple of plugs that were into it, there was so much smoke coming out of it too and a black spot under it on the carpet too. I'm certain that had I not been right there to notice it it'd have caused a fire by the time the power went out. Scary shit. X.x


New member
Jul 12, 2009
TiberiusEsuriens said:
StewShearer said:
Seeing smoke, he followed it to the kitchen where he caught sight of a fire in the family's ice machine.
So while everyone is bickering about how stupid a name Jaxxyn is or is not, are we going to completely ignore that there was a fire in an ICE tray? How does that even happen? I guess it wasn't currently being used...
That was also what caught my attention.
Pretty ironic that the one thing that was caught on fire was the Ice Machine out of everyhting in the kitchen.

Lucky that everyone got out unharmed!


New member
Dec 18, 2003
That kid has hit pay dirt. I can't imagine his parents being too hard on him on anything after such an incident. Staying up late is one thing, but overall some gratitude will be shown for his actions. Bigger allowance (if any) would be a nice start. I'm more curious as to how/why said fire started than anything. I mean an ice machine catching fire in the middle of the night is beyond bizarre.

Kuala BangoDango

New member
Mar 19, 2009
J Tyran said:
No smoke detector in a kitchen? Good job that kid was awake, this is why smoke alarms where invented. Its not like they are expensive either.
The human nose can detect the smell of something burning much more quickly than a smoke detector. I'd imagine that if they had one the kid may have caught and extinguished the fire before the alarm had a chance to go off.

J Tyran

New member
Dec 15, 2011
Kuala BangoDango said:
J Tyran said:
No smoke detector in a kitchen? Good job that kid was awake, this is why smoke alarms where invented. Its not like they are expensive either.
The human nose can detect the smell of something burning much more quickly than a smoke detector. I'd imagine that if they had one the kid may have caught and extinguished the fire before the alarm had a chance to go off.
Actually it cannot, it only takes a few particles of fire smoke to set them off, besides in this case the family where asleep. Many people do not wake up, they actually suffocate to death from CO poisoning before the flames usually get them. Its hard to wake up from death, those that are not woken by something quickly enough usually die from suffocation as well.

If its a real fire and you are smelling smoke chances are it can be too late.