Jim Sterling Plays Terrible Game, Angry Dev Reposts Video With Response UPDATE 2


Random small pink blob
Jul 23, 2008
I don't think the health itself that carries over. It looks more like hits themselves carry over. After watching Jim's stream of the game, he fell well to -9998% health with a mine, but never less than -5% with a zombie. He lost the most health on respawn when *multiple* zombies with mobbing him at the time of death. He would then respawn at 100% health and register those "hits" from his previous life that struck him after he was dead. This in itself implies there is a delay between the zombie "hit" and the health drop, which is ... odd.

The thing that bugs me most is the radar. Most games have the radar as a relative frame of reference, i.e. a dot above the centre means an enemy in the direction you are facing. The radar in this game appears to use an absolute frame of reference (e.g. a dot above you means the enemy is to the "north") which is confusing enough; but it is compounded with the fact there are no frames on reference on the radar itself! This means that when you see a dot coming from the left, you have no idea which direction the zombie is actually coming from. This is lazy coding that is highlighted with exactly the kind of test that Jim provides.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Bruce said:
In fact my overall opinion on GG is that not only is it not about ethics, it is actually opposed to ethics.
This really does seem to be the case, at least judging by the actual actions of the movement.

Gamergate are mostly not asking for the consumer to be protected, but rather for the developer to be protected from pertinent criticism.
Well, not exactly. Gamergate seems to be asking for the consumer to be protected--namely them. They[footnote]And while I realise a disclaimer will probably do nothing to stop people getting offended anyway, when I say "they" I refer to the movement as a whole, not each person involved[/footnote] don't want to hear about women in games or feminists or SJWs or anything they deem "political." And, of course, "political" usually means "politics I don't personally like."

Balance would treat this as being a debate, but the fact is the review itself does not exist.
Edited down the whole thing, but I'm really glad other people actually seem to have a grasp on what ethics would really entail.

KisaiTenshi said:
The 4chan GG stuff started disappearing because they couldn't get those doing illegal things to stop, so they just shut all of GG stuff down. Same thing happened with Anita Sarkeesian threads from the TvW video Kickstarter. 4chan is the absolute last place you ever want to visit when going factfinding except maybe ED or The Onion which post total garbage made up for kids and adults with poor reading comprehension.
Has this been documented? I mean, I never bought the censorship claims in the first place (people were claiming censorship even on the Escapist as others were praising them for being the one place keeping discussion open), but I'm still seeing the claim of censorship and it'd be nice to know if it's utter crap.

EHKOS said:
For the first twenty seconds I thought he had a point, since Game Grumps have been rushing in and then complaining about shit they should know.
Well, not only isn't it a review (which you've noted), but from the looks of things a lot of this really wasn't all that intuitive. Examples from the video include actual hit detection (edit: the audio, which the next line should help clarify, but still). The dev says the sounds should be an indicator, but as Jim points out, people were commenting on how they were barely audible. Ammo drops don't obviously gain you ammo and I guess only gain ammo for the weapon you have out, which the dev assumes Jim should know, but who would know that? Maybe there's an instruction manual, but before the dev got angry and started censoring people many of the problems Jim had were reflected in the Steam forum.

A different British personality from the Escapist once said, loosely, that he considered himself to be at least an average gamer and if he didn't get it, what were the odds your audience would? I think it's important to think about this, because Jim does like a dozen of these a week and he's probably approaching it with the same tactic the audience will. It's one of the reasons I like watching his Squirty Play series.

OpticalJunction said:
i'm on the dev's side. the game itself doesn't look that bad and jim is not doing the gaming industry any favors by ridiculing indie game devs who are doing this more out of love and passion, than money. game devs do have a right to defend their own games. jim was being extremely disrespectful.
What is the dev doing for the industry by calling Sterling a worthless pile of shit in a so-called "review" of the "Reviewer?"

And yes, this really does look that bad.

Anti Nudist Cupcake said:
What was there to understand? The game has a UI. It shows how much ammo, health, etc you have. That is pretty self-explanatory. He'd just be reading what is already on the screen. Besides, the ammo-counter wasn't the problem, it was actually getting it replenished that was his problem.
It's ethics in journalism, son.


New member
Jan 29, 2010
Windcaler said:
I know this wont be popular but Im going to play a bit of devils advocate here. There are a lot of assumptions flying around that I feel like this is one of those times where an opposite viewpoint is needed. That said, I am not the dev to this game (in fact Ive never made a game in my life) and while I agree that it looks like a bad game I dont like the mob mentality Im seeing either.

1. We dont know that this is the developer behind the slaughtering grounds. IMO it is unfair of us to put the blame solely on him/her/them without any kind of actual evidence. In the case of Wild star games taking down totalbiscuits first impressions of Day one: Gary's incident we actually had evidence that they were behind that. Thats not the case here. In my country, USA, we do not convict individuals of crimes without evidence of wrong doing and in no sane society do we punish people for the actions of another.

Is it possible it was a dev? Yes. Can we prove it was? Not to my knowledge. Without evidence to prove that the Review the reviewer video was created by the developer I feel its unfair to essentially boycott or otherwise harm their company or its image for reasons that dont equate to their work. Furthermore if it was a developer they could legally use the content matching software in Youtube to flag their game from being shown except in the case of content creators that get permission from them. They would loose out on sales but they could do it. Yet they havnt. So assuming this is a developer lets give some credit where credit is due

If you think they made a bad game, and I agree TSG is a bad game, then by all means criticize the hell out of it and/or dont buy it. However dont start calling for their game to be pulled or a mass boycott on the basis that you think, but can not prove, the developer made this response video.

Edit: Since the dev came out and said that he was responsible for the review the reviewer video I withdraw my earlier point. By all means hold him/her accountable for their actions but again keep in mind that they could have just as easily copyright striked or content ID matched the game. They deserve some credit for not using those tools

2. Criticizing a critic is totally fine. There have been many cases where I felt a critic did a poor job addressing the faults of a game or otherwise hurt their own review by not properly learning how the game worked. Years ago when Angry Joe did his review (an actual review not 1st impression) of alpha protocol he failed to learn the mechanics properly and misrepresented the game and how it worked. I think it was last year Totalbiscuit did a 1st impressions of Guise of the wolf in which he made a lot of criticisms that I felt didnt match up with what I was watching in the video. Then there's Jim himself who quite awhile ago pretty much attacked the dark souls community representing us as angry over an "easy mode" that was never even talked about by the director while simultaneously ignoring what we were actually saying which was we felt such a mode would cheapen the game for us. This kind of stuff happens from time to time.

In the case of this specific video I noticed the "quest" list up in the top left within the first 10 seconds of the game and I noticed the "try again" audio que corresponding with the timers. I put two and two together. For whatever reason Jim didnt seem to notice them but I think the not noticing them part was a valid criticism of Jim's 1st impression

Critics, like me, are human beings. We all make mistakes. However a critics work is just as open to criticism as the work they are criticizing. Theres an entire award (the pulitzer prize for criticism) based around the best criticism and critiques with mistakes like the ones I mentioned never measure up to it

To be fair Review the Reviewer did an abysmal job with critiquing the critique but thats not the point Im trying to make here
If anything, we can be pretty certain it was someone who understood how the game works. Many of his gripes involved Jim's failures to grasp things that would be obvious for the developer but not for a new player. It's not proof it was him, but it is pretty strong evidence.

L. Declis

New member
Apr 19, 2012
Zachary Amaranth said:
Bruce said:
In fact my overall opinion on GG is that not only is it not about ethics, it is actually opposed to ethics.
This really does seem to be the case, at least judging by the actual actions of the movement.
It's about ethics in games journalism. Gamergate (the majority) are not up for discussing ethics as we realise that gamers be a fairly diverse bunch and that comes with a diverse set of people.

Gamergate (the majority) are about asking the journalists to:
1) Admit when they are complicite in a game's development or have personal relations with a dev or publisher
2) To avoid or not have said relations or complications; it goes against EVERY established ethical code of journalism
3) For journalists to not censor conversation to protect one of their own, but to discuss it freely
4) For journalists to not try and direct or misdirect the narrative of an event but to report on what actually happened with the evidence available, not because "we give the benefit of the doubt to our friends" (*cough, Mr. Tito, cough)

In the Escapist's defence, they have updated their Code of Ethics, they have allowed conversation and Archon has been fantastic about the whole thing.

Gamergate are mostly not asking for the consumer to be protected, but rather for the developer to be protected from pertinent criticism.
Well, not exactly. Gamergate seems to be asking for the consumer to be protected--namely them. They[footnote]And while I realise a disclaimer will probably do nothing to stop people getting offended anyway, when I say "they" I refer to the movement as a whole, not each person involved[/footnote] don't want to hear about women in games or feminists or SJWs or anything they deem "political." And, of course, "political" usually means "politics I don't personally like."
Nope, Gamergate is about asking the Games Journalists to not censor and not misdirect a narrative.

E.g. Gamergate wants ethics to be addressed. The media keeps pushing harrassment despite constant decrying.
E.g. 2 Electric Boogaloo: Gamergate doxes. Media decries. SJWs dox. Nothing. Zip. Zilch. Unfair reporting.
E.g. 3 The Return of the Quinn: Several prominent journalists and devs attack, encourage and bait followers to "be a good feminist" and attack people, dox them, get them fired. Not only are they not fired for such unprofessional behaviour, but they are given more money sometimes.
E.g. 4 Live GG or Die Hard: Games Media begins to heavily push towards an agenda driven narrative which is openly admitted by several prominent journalists.

Politics are fine; giving a good game 1/10 because you don't like how it portrays something despite being a good game as this is a narrative you're pushing is bad.

Jimquisition good.
Leigh Alexander bad.

KisaiTenshi said:
The 4chan GG stuff started disappearing because they couldn't get those doing illegal things to stop, so they just shut all of GG stuff down. Same thing happened with Anita Sarkeesian threads from the TvW video Kickstarter. 4chan is the absolute last place you ever want to visit when going factfinding except maybe ED or The Onion which post total garbage made up for kids and adults with poor reading comprehension.
Has this been documented? I mean, I never bought the censorship claims in the first place (people were claiming censorship even on the Escapist as others were praising them for being the one place keeping discussion open), but I'm still seeing the claim of censorship and it'd be nice to know if it's utter crap.
Well, at the VERY beginning, there was some censorship by the Escapist.

Then there was radio silence on many events that, in the past, the Escapist had been only too happy to report on, but now would say nothing.

There was also a lot of proof later revealed that Greg and Archon had a lot of pressure from the other media figures to COMPLETELY censor discussion; again, I thank both Greg and Archon for having some intergrity.

But go to, let's say 4chan and mention Gamergate; see how long you last before you get hit with a ban.

OpticalJunction said:
i'm on the dev's side. the game itself doesn't look that bad and jim is not doing the gaming industry any favors by ridiculing indie game devs who are doing this more out of love and passion, than money. game devs do have a right to defend their own games. jim was being extremely disrespectful.
What is the dev doing for the industry by calling Sterling a worthless pile of shit in a so-called "review" of the "Reviewer?"

And yes, this really does look that bad.
Yeah, Jim was being pretty kind to the game from what I could see; the game developer was pretty harsh straight back and I can tell you that if he had simply held his hand up and said "Ah, Jim, I see what you've said, how about I patch these things and could you please give it a proper review next time?", Jim may well have been kinder.

But doing what he did, well, now everyone knows him for being a complete dick and Jim comes out of this no worse, really.
Hell, he even game Jim the nickname: Jim Fucking Sterling Son. Jim won.

Anti Nudist Cupcake said:
What was there to understand? The game has a UI. It shows how much ammo, health, etc you have. That is pretty self-explanatory. He'd just be reading what is already on the screen. Besides, the ammo-counter wasn't the problem, it was actually getting it replenished that was his problem.
It's ethics in journalism, son.
Well, there was the ammo counter, there was the fact it was a complete mess, and there was the fact he was charging money for what was an utterly subpar game. Remember; you can get full, well made games for the same price.

If Jim was talking to the dev of the Killing Floor who asked Jim "Hey, Jim, think you could screw up my competitor?" and then Jim did it, then it's about ethics.

No, what Jim did was a mercy killing.


New member
Jan 29, 2010
Arcane Azmadi said:
DoPo said:
Matthewmagic said:
so the second response was taken down. I really wish I had seen it
You didn't miss much, to be honest. It was about 2 minutes, black background, with just the sound of Jim's voice from his response (first 2 minutes). Here is a paraphrase of the more funny things the dev said

- "You are scum because YOU don't contribute anything to gaming, I DO"
- "You said I was angry? I WAS NOT ANGRY! I was disgusted"
- "I don't steal anything - I'm an indie dev - I get stuff from other indie devs. We support each other"
- "You are getting money for copyright infringement at 60 FPS" (almost exactly this was said, the wording may have been slightly different)
- "Your videos can help or hinder a game, and don't you understand you are being negative on my game which loses me sales?"
- (it ended with) "Well, you aren't really worth my time - I'm going back to work, so bye"

and thus it ended before minute 3 hit.
Maybe the guy doesn't get that Jim is TRYING to hinder his game because he's trying to save poor gullible saps from wasting their money on his piece-of-shit excuse for a "game"? If you make tripe like that and expect people to give you money for it you DESERVE to lose sales. Especially if you react like a complete and utter prick to any and all criticism, like this guy.
While his reaction was infantile, I think he's mad because he actually thinks his game is good, and in his little world, Jim is spreading misinformation about how his wonderful game is actually garbage. Since squirty plays aren't reviews, the dev sees them as nothing but videos where people make money by spreading negative propaganda about good games. Of course his case would have to be an exception, since his game actually is garbage.
Then again, if squirty plays aren't reviews or TotalBiscuit-quality first impressions, then what is their actual purpose?

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Leon Declis said:
It's about ethics in games journalism.
Well, since we had just covered exactly why that seems to be at odds with GG's actual actions, I'm just going to say "saying it doesn't make it so," and leave it at that. You can read exactly why I said what I said if you choose to, but it seems like if you were interested you would have already done so.

Bug MuIdoon

New member
Mar 28, 2013
Nooooo! The new video from the dev has been taken down. Does anyone happen to know where I could find it? I need a good laugh.


- in Glorious Black & White!
Jun 22, 2009
Fasckira said:
I'd love to see a tshirt with the Jimquision logo but the text instead reads, "Jim Fucking Sterling".
Random thought: If Jim started using the 'Jim Fucking Sterling' - moniker on a regular basis, would the Slaughtering Grounds - developer be able to sue him for it?


New member
Dec 11, 2013
Bug MuIdoon said:
Nooooo! The new video from the dev has been taken down. Does anyone happen to know where I could find it? I need a good laugh.
Jim uploaded it on his channel. If you also missed the first one, Jim's response to the first response has all the same text.


"You're not cleared for that."
Jan 30, 2012
Bug MuIdoon said:
Nooooo! The new video from the dev has been taken down. Does anyone happen to know where I could find it? I need a good laugh.
Sure, it's been reuploaded by Jim himself.

uncanny474 said:
Jim himself reposted the video the dev took down. You can find it here:

(Link w/o embed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lXcPiy9g4UQ)
Thank God for him.

As a side note: it seems that Jim has changed his name on Twitter to JimFnSterlingSon [https://twitter.com/JimSterling]. I just thought it merited being pointed out.


"You're not cleared for that."
Jan 30, 2012
busterkeatonrules said:
Fasckira said:
I'd love to see a tshirt with the Jimquision logo but the text instead reads, "Jim Fucking Sterling".
Random thought: If Jim started using the 'Jim Fucking Sterling' - moniker on a regular basis, would the Slaughtering Grounds - developer be able to sue him for it?
On what grounds? To my (legal) knowledge there is nothing there. While it can clearly be traced back to the dev as the originator, it's not a trademark, nor copyrighted and not really a harassment. Unless there is something else it can fall under, and I certainly don't claim to be a legal expert. Moreover, a clever/evil lawyer would almost certainly be able to fabricate some thing out of it, but being not a legal expert, I don't know if it would fly in court (though it would be a pain in the ass even if it doesn't).


Mugwamp Supreme
Nov 26, 2008
This is wonderful, haha. Thank you so much for tracking and posting these videos.

Thanks Jim, I'm so entertained I haven't even left work yet.

EDIT: Just watched the second dev response video. While it is "sad" that the developer can't buy new stuff with profit from their game, they need to understand that they aren't entitled to profit from a crappy product. Jim is doing his job, making sure we don't just lose our money on terrible games.

That being said, this game is far better than the stuff Jim really attacks. So there is that. But Jim is just playing the game and sadly, he doesn't actually have to say anything. The game is obviously subpar. Sorry, but true. At least it's playable.

Bug MuIdoon

New member
Mar 28, 2013
Mezahmay said:
Jim uploaded it on his channel. If you also missed the first one, Jim's response to the first response has all the same text.
DoPo said:
Sure, it's been reuploaded by Jim himself.
Thank you, both :)

Now I'll wait patiently for Jim's response to that, and maybe buy some popcorn. I do feel a little sorry for the dev. though, got to admit. Yeah, he's being a douche and deserves some comeuppance but I don't think he realises quite what he's in for. Probably just a naive teenager fresh out of college/uni - like a lamb to the slaughter.


New member
Mar 4, 2012
Got to love it when Jim gets shit done! Seems the response vods have been removed from YouTube! I got here too late it would seem!

Keep up the good work Jim! <3


New member
Sep 29, 2010
DoPo said:
busterkeatonrules said:
Fasckira said:
I'd love to see a tshirt with the Jimquision logo but the text instead reads, "Jim Fucking Sterling".
Random thought: If Jim started using the 'Jim Fucking Sterling' - moniker on a regular basis, would the Slaughtering Grounds - developer be able to sue him for it?
On what grounds? To my (legal) knowledge there is nothing there. While it can clearly be traced back to the dev as the originator, it's not a trademark, nor copyrighted and not really a harassment. Unless there is something else it can fall under, and I certainly don't claim to be a legal expert. Moreover, a clever/evil lawyer would almost certainly be able to fabricate some thing out of it, but being not a legal expert, I don't know if it would fly in court (though it would be a pain in the ass even if it doesn't).
Amanda Fucking Palmer might be able to get him on grounds of Brand Confusion, even if Jim doesn't show his breasts nearly as much.


New member
Sep 29, 2010
DoPo said:
Bug MuIdoon said:
Nooooo! The new video from the dev has been taken down. Does anyone happen to know where I could find it? I need a good laugh.
Sure, it's been reuploaded by Jim himself.

uncanny474 said:
Jim himself reposted the video the dev took down. You can find it here:

(Link w/o embed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lXcPiy9g4UQ)
Thank God for him.

As a side note: it seems that Jim has changed his name on Twitter to JimFnSterlingSon [https://twitter.com/JimSterling]. I just thought it merited being pointed out.
I love the last bit, which starts "unfortunately, I have to get back to work."

Preach it, crappy indie game developer, preach it. It is indeed unfortunate for everyone :)


"You're not cleared for that."
Jan 30, 2012
Netrigan said:
DoPo said:
busterkeatonrules said:
Fasckira said:
I'd love to see a tshirt with the Jimquision logo but the text instead reads, "Jim Fucking Sterling".
Random thought: If Jim started using the 'Jim Fucking Sterling' - moniker on a regular basis, would the Slaughtering Grounds - developer be able to sue him for it?
On what grounds? To my (legal) knowledge there is nothing there. While it can clearly be traced back to the dev as the originator, it's not a trademark, nor copyrighted and not really a harassment. Unless there is something else it can fall under, and I certainly don't claim to be a legal expert. Moreover, a clever/evil lawyer would almost certainly be able to fabricate some thing out of it, but being not a legal expert, I don't know if it would fly in court (though it would be a pain in the ass even if it doesn't).
Amanda Fucking Palmer might be able to get him on grounds of Brand Confusion, even if Jim doesn't show his breasts nearly as much.
While this is true, I would shield myself with the technicality that the question was how the developer could sue Jim.

Netrigan said:
I love the last bit, which starts "unfortunately, I have to get back to work."

Preach it, crappy indie game developer, preach it. It is indeed unfortunate for everyone :)
I like how it sounds like "Well, I could continue with this, but you are too beneath me so I don't need to bother with you."

Saika Renegade

New member
Nov 18, 2009
Anyone with a skin that thin has no business being in an industry where any piece of work can and will be put to the shred test by anywhere from one to hundreds of reviewers. Self-destructing in an angsty temper tantrum is an ignominous end.

Ima Lemming

New member
Jan 16, 2009
According to his Twitter account [https://twitter.com/JimSterling/status/531293967200292865], Jim just got hit with a copyright takedown from these guys.

Well, now I'm not so sure the next Jimquisition is going to be about Ubisoft pulling its games from Steam.


New member
Jul 15, 2012
Oh boy, it looks like Jim's original video has now been taken down due to 'Copyright Infringement'.

Honestly I have zero sympathy for indie developers who release shitty games, who then expect people to pay for their shitty games and not call out the fact that have released a shitty game.

What really bugs the crap out of me is that they seem to have this mentality that, because they are in creative industry, they are free to just create a lazy, shoddy product without criticism.

As if the rules of retail and economics do not apply to them because they are an 'artist'.

It would be like if I went somewhere for lunch and the food was terrible and when I complained about the poor quality of the food the chef turned around and said;

"You can't judge me man! You have no idea how hard it is being a chef, I have to source ingredients for the job, I've got to work long hours preparing the food and cleaning up the kitchen, I've got to pay bills and cover transport getting to and from my job."

I don't give a crap how hard your life is, if you suck at your job then stop deluding yourself and pick another field.

I just wish the creative industry would stop being flooding by people who think that they can just come in and throw shit at a wall and expect to get paid for it.