Jim & Yahtzee's Rhymedown Spectacular: Gaming Platforms & Cutlery


New member
Aug 5, 2009
MonkeyPunch said:
canadamus_prime said:
0_0 Jim I never thought for a second that you, Yahtzee and TotalBiscuit sounded the same. In fact it baffles me that people think that you do.
But you see this quite often (well I've noticed it a lot). Just because two people have a British accent they are said to sound the same regardless of which region they come from. You could (as Jim pointed out) compare it to hearing two Americans. One with Southern accent and one with an accent from let's say... Boston and have someone reckon that they both sound the same. Which they probably wouldn't.

Yahtzee's rhyme was pretty damn clever and Jim's had me laughing... though I am English too, so that might have helped.
I know Yahtzee and Jim are both English, but who thinks they sound the same? Nice of Jim to clear that up, but I don't know the other people he named. The best part of Yahtzee's poem is that he didn't say which console is which spoon.
Brainplant said:
shrekfan246 said:
So is the trowel a PC or Wii U in this situation? I MUST KNOW. FOR... SCIENCE. Or something.
I imagine the Wii U is the spork of the gaming consoles

I also imagine the trowel is a ZX Spectrum in this situation
Good question. I do not know what utensil to compare to the PC. And what's with those mustaches on the spoons?!


Leaf on the wind
Feb 20, 2011
Wait... were there really people who thought Jim was putting on his accent to ape Yhatzee and TB?

Oh my. -_-


New member
Nov 8, 2012
there was a time;
- this long before critics did rhyme -
about the issues within games
and the objectified conquest of "dames"
and naratives gritty blitzed with silly sandbox crime.

And in this when there was this word,
its meaning crystal clear to one and all;
referring to a humble machine
as humble as its features list was small.

"Into it you inserted a game,
A simple cartridge, not even loading pause required,
And finally threw the power switch
To game and game to heart's desire."

But with time the time a words meaning may change and twist,
both improvements better or worsenings ill; and
whereas "console" began life rehearsed soloist
behold console the boondoogled one-man-band.

Now console means something else indeed,
on launch this new machine misbehaves.
Early adopting as beta testers - do reports deceive?
Or do thousands of these mint console now need graves?

Its built disloyal to its new paying master;
upon arrival demands re-connection to its shameless creator.
How are next gen apologists dismissing this disaster?
They embrace it so long as graphics are greater.

Now console defined includes bizarre modem plans,
"connect to creator's sun or console wilt like a flower"
Should creator ever think console sits in pirates hands
A telegram reads "seppuku" and it bricked inside the hour.

Like "literally" became redefined, by act
of widespread overuse as an adverb,
originally emphasising description as exact,
it now is populist rhetoric reverb.

And will "pirate" become twisted by creator's management to mean
whatever they want it to until the definition's obscene?
Are console gamers so willing for consoles to be hostage,
sticking heads in the sand like proverbial ostrich?

Once simple consoles lived for decades -
see, my old 8 bit friend of mine smiles a dot matrix eye at thee.
What now pass as "consoles" are charades!
Built less for gaming than to brick and die on me.

I feel I must speak out to disagree
because seemingly the critics have now acquiesced
to this new generation hardware (read: new generation agenda); an agenda tastes vile to me,
yet ...its from dinky Ouya Jim's taste buds find distress?

I do not declare him wrong,
but I am no mind reader
Jim has regularly spewed his intricate crystal wisdom at length before
[deep inhale]
so I'd wish he'd speak plainly and candidly what the specific shortcoming is of the Ouya to warrant that reaction.
I somewhat regret making the previous sentence so long,
The pacing through the poem was already an awkward eye bleeder.
Though I think the rest of the parts aren't too much of a bore.
Perhaps leave a comment if you derived from it some measure of satisfaction*.


Apologies to you Jim if its something you already covered at length elsewhere, but I really only follow your posts on the Jimquisition and Rhymedown Spectacular with consistency; if that's the case a linkslap response would be deeply appreciated.


New member
Aug 1, 2012
canadamus_prime said:
0_0 Jim I never thought for a second that you, Yahtzee and TotalBiscuit sounded the same. In fact it baffles me that people think that you do.
I don't know if those people really have an issue differenciating accents, or they just don't care. I'm going by the later.

OT: Both poems were good, the "user friendly food" verse in Yatzhee's poem felt a little akward though.


Hating everyone equally
Nov 28, 2012
United Kingdom
As always, excellent poetry from both.


New member
Feb 17, 2008
Wait a second, people think Yahtzee and Jim have the same accent? Are they deaf? I admit it now, the depths of ignorance that the Internet can provide has unlimited ability to shock and gall. I am not immune.

Yahtzee's spoon metaphor was fun.


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
Wait they said you sound like yatzee? You sound completely different. Yatzee and TB i can see similarities in voice, but you Jim are unique here!

Also the analogies didnt really work this time for yatzee since the new spoons are really just the same spoons but shorter.


New member
Dec 13, 2007
The 3 guys, Total Biscuit, Jim and Yahtzee, are from totally different parts of England and differ accents. Not to mention Jim has been living in South America for a while so his accent is a more tinted to our own.


Premium Gasoline
Jun 23, 2009
All things considered, not even denizens of the UK can figure out where the hell ElectricalBeast comes from.