Waffle_Man said:
but if you had told me just five years ago about some of the video game controversies of today, I wouldn't have believed it.
There's a very famous saying that "nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people."
If you told me five years ago that we'd still be buying this crap, I'd be surprised. But then, people have an amazing threshold for crap.
While I agree the current practices are unsustainable, I don't think that means a crash. It means that EA/Activision/whoever have to further tune their practices, as they've been doing for years. History shows that we as a community will buy a new game with always-on DRM, knowing both that it has it and that historically it won't work near launch. They don't even need to fix this problem, unless there's a major sea change.
I'm sure that EA has probably made it's money back on SimCity by now. However, is someone who buys SimCity and left unable to play it going to be a repeat customer.
Yes, but you aren't representative of the whole. Further, while I hear the sound and the fury from the internet, this is the same outrage we got last time and the time before. The internet is full of people who scream "BOYCOTT!" who then silently buy up the game anyway. If I had a nickel for everybody who 'boycotted' Mass Effect 3 but was playing it onXBL or Steam, I'd be rich enough to start up my own publishing company. With blackjack. And hookers.
I'm not saying you are or aren't sincere. I try and believe the best in people, but the flipside is that I'm aware of the disconnect between the individual and the whole.
"It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing."
It loses a little bit when translated from the original Klingon, but still.
I'm betting the next game will also more than make its money back. And the next one. I don't even know what the next high profile releases are, but I'm betting there will be issues there, too.
As such, I will leave you with the words of the great philosopher, Peter Townshend:
But the world looks just the same
And history ain't changed
'Cause the banners, they all flown in the last war
Meet the new boss....