Jimquisition: The Past Is Not The Future

Redd the Sock

New member
Apr 14, 2010
I suppose I coould point out that by the logic of the title that just because it hurt when I hit my thumb with a hammer 5 times, that's no garuntee that it'll hurt the sixth time, but I know that's not the point you're trying to make.

The Game Overthinker (moviebob) did the same thing last year with Sony: pointing out how the PS3's problems were due to trying to live in past glories and not look at the current state of the market. The 3DS needs to compete with things that have much larger and more affordable digital libraries which, even if it doesn't want to fully compete with all the functions of tablets and phones, it needs to at least meet to be a viable gaming system. Even the price drop shows they don't see these as threats to their business model, instead acting like they simply overpriced the dang thing.


New member
Jan 19, 2011
I am not sure whats offered in the app store can be compared to whats offered from actual gaming consoles. Unless all anyone really wanted out of gaming was 5 min distractions while waiting in the dentist's office, I don't see how games on the iphone can be a danger to console games; even portable console games. And this is coming from someone who has 50 games on his iphone. You can't even really say they are in the same market, because no one really has to choose between buying a $1 app game and a full price console game. Chances are if someone can afford the console game, they can also afford the $1 distraction, and having both they know the drastic difference between the two experiences.

AyreonMaiden said:
I don't wanna live in a world where all there is is 1-5 dollar games. I simply don't. They're fun, but they're fun for about a dollar's worth of time.
Yeah pretty much this.

That said I don't know if the 3DS will succeed. If only it first came out with this good price and the mario 3D and mario kart game that are coming this year, things would have been much different. They should have also aimed for a holiday launch, because those are always good. I just think Nintendo got too cocky.


New member
Mar 28, 2010
Thank God for Jim. I have but one question...is there a solution for Nintendo or is Nintendo FUBAR to serve as a lesson to sit next to the original PSP launch.


New member
Aug 2, 2010
This really needed to be said. Until really good games are released for it, I don't see much success in the 3DS's future.


New member
Aug 2, 2010
This really needed to be said. Until really good games are released for it, I don't see much success in the 3DS's future.


New member
Jan 28, 2009
theultimateend said:
deth2munkies said:
We get it, "Fuck Nintendo". It seems at this point you're cherrypicking random unpopular arguments to stick it to them some more. Give it a rest.
I always find it odd when someone cherry picks in order to call someone else out for cherry picking.

His point actually isn't all that unpopular, if it were, Nintendo wouldn't be hurting from the incident.
The point is that I haven't heard this comparison between the DS and 3DS sales numbers before, and I've been reading threads on the subject around the net. In fact, a lot of these shows have been on arguments that are not widespread, but some obtuse argument posted once on a message board at demonoid or something that Jim felt like responding to, and in the last few weeks, he's been using Nintendo as a punching bag and it's getting old.


New member
Oct 22, 2009
Hmm, I think I'll be the one to point out the obvious here.

Any console that gives you a headache is fucking retarded.


New member
Jul 9, 2011
I really hope Nintendo has the same fate as Sega...No it should have a worst fate, Sega almost died cause they tried to release new ideas and put a lot of effort and money into they're games(Shenmue, House of the Dead, Virtual Fighter and Racing, Nights, etc). Nintendo on the other hand just kept releasing sequels after sequels (even though they're mostly good) to make more and more money, and sometimes PUBLISH a new game. If Nintendo don't start creating new ideas instead of making useless gimmicks and sequels I will abandon they. Nintendo like other companies get all the attention because of sequels while others companies and games that actually try new things don't get a third of the attention.


New member
Apr 8, 2009
I have a love/hate to how you dismiss the point that hole DS launch argument. It's true, the 3DS has more of a reason to fail now, then the DS did, but Nintendo did the same thing with the DS they are doing with the 3DS. They shipped it out with no games worth getting. But the 3DS may not come back form that unlike the DS, because of the mobile devises are many and can all play games (for the most part). Before all there was had been Nintendo handheld systems, and Sony's PSP, (and Sega's game gear... but that was before GBA. Oh... and N-gaga.

The 3DS if it gets some good games going can do just as well as the DS. GBA, or PSP... but it needs some really good games.

Garrett Richey

New member
Apr 6, 2010
Good points, but it'd be nice if he dropped the arrogant childish persona which does nothing but hurt his credibility... The persona he 'assumes' (it's stated by many it's merely an assumed persona and not really Jim) is a huge turnoff and anyone that disagrees with his point can easily ignore him because of it (as an example in his defence of CoD episode he paints anyone that happens to not enjoy shooters as pretentious douchebags, while coming across as the exact kind of raging douche that makes so many people avoid CoD and multiplayer in general).


Code Monkey
Oct 25, 2009
The only reason Nintendo gets away with this is because of the large herd of fanboys that keep buying the same game over and over again. Yahtzee states the exact same point in his review of SSBB, and I think he and Jim Sterling both are right.

Nintendo somehow seems to be getting a free pass, and I think it's because of the legacy releases. Hell I have a PSP solely to play some of the PS1 ports that are available to it, even though I generally find it to be a very bad gaming platform.

The post-iPhone smartphone has revolutionized the world, and it is indeed a bold bet to create a dedicated device for gaming. They seem to do commit to the same ignorance as Nokia did when Android came and hammered the final nail in the coffin that the iPhone had laid out.

The market is very saturated at this point with mobile games that are very easy to get hold on. But let's not judge this too quickly. Nintendo is a big boy, a big corporation with a lot of competent people deciding the strategies of the products. If the 3DS hadn't made any sense from an economical standpoint, it would not have been made.


New member
Oct 6, 2009
I wanted the 3DS to succeed so badly. Everything about it sounded amazing... until I picked it up and tried it in the store. Such a trainwreck. It's like they're trying to sell a portable Wii for a higher price and years after anyone would want one.

Lunar Templar

New member
Sep 20, 2009
Zhukov said:
I have to wonder, is it really worth getting worked up about, or responding to, the arguments of fans?

I mean... they're fans. Expecting them to speak sense is a something of a lost cause.

PS. Incidentally, I somehow seem to have gone from downright loathing The Jimquisition to rather enjoying it. Hm. Perhaps it's an acquired taste.
>.> your not the only one, started off not liking it my self, now >.> its part of my weekly routine how'd that happen o.0


New member
Dec 19, 2010
Some good points. I think the launch time and games lineup were terrible. I don't think this system is a fail either though. Also, not to argue the point, they didn't cut his pay, he cut his pay. There is actually a difference. While some good points are made, there are those same points that have been said in the past. I don't understand why things are either considered pass or fail by so many gamers. They won't be as successful as they were with the DS and Wii. Those systems also came out in much better economic times. The entire industry is taking a hit. Of course any gamer is going to work with what they have when they cannot afford more.