Jimquisition: Why Do People Hate EA?

Sirron Kcuch

New member
Jan 3, 2012
I hate it because it has has been Electronic Arts in the best sense. A company, a group of people passionate about games to the point of regarding them as art just can't turn into this. Quality entertainment and culture is what they first delivered.

I mean, there are really bad studios and publishers out there, but EA has a special place, for it has dissapointed me. I used to look up to their job and see them as an standard of what's right in the industry.

Seriously, this [http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3459/3872619822_e31916db92_o.jpg].

How could it all go down from there?

I don't know, but also EA marketing makes me crazy, it makes gamers look moronic.
This [http://penny-arcade.com/patv/episode/an-open-letter-to-ea-marketing] video from Extra Credits explains it quite well.

(I would like the Gravity Rush shirt. No matter if it comes with Shirt Rights Management; I have a fetish for things Jim Sterling has touched.)


New member
Dec 23, 2009
I hate ea so much but they publish some of my favorite games.

"also i would like a gravity Rush shirt please. ..Also Jim is sexy and thank god for him"


Needs more Dakka
Apr 13, 2010
Ooo, Dexter111 honourable mention!

Aside from the problems with EA that are so painfully apparent, I don't understand how IGN can NOT see these apparent problems. And the fact they went to EA to ask about it is just mind blowingly stupid.

I swear all of IGN is run by shit flinging howler monkey's.

(I would like the Gravity rush shirt, but I'm Canadian and will hope anyway because Jim is awesome, sexy and I'm sure happy he's here instead of working with the retards at IGN.)


New member
Apr 6, 2010
When you're compared to Activision and are still loosing, there's something wrong.

I don't need a shirt, but I would still like to say that Jim is sexy.


New member
Aug 20, 2008
EAs marketing is horrible too, "your mom will hate this game." It's like they were trying to market dead space to children. plus the fake dante's inferno protests.
[I would like a Gravity Rush shirt please and also Jim is sexy.]


New member
Jun 18, 2012
Jim, you make some valid points. It's really a shame that it's come to this, because like you, I too liked EA just a few years ago.

[I would like a Gravity Rush shirt, please. Also, Jim is sexy.]

LG Jargon

New member
Feb 9, 2012
Well, now that the main issues surrounding EA have been made clear (at least to me; I didn't care much about EA before), the questions I feel we should be asking are: What does EA need to do to improve? Does anyone need to be fired, and if so, who?

Granted, if noone was fired (seeing as we're in a down economy, and job loss only makes things worse) and EA actually listened to their fans about these issues and how to fix them, that might be the best case scenario. Of course, you know the old saying: Wish in one hand...

[I would like a Gravity Rush shirt, please, and Jim is indeed shmexy McShmex-sex.]


New member
Nov 9, 2009
is it wrong that i don't know whats wrong with activision? i never knew people hated activision as well (but then i am naive af so derp)

[also jim's sexilicious and i would like the shirt]


New member
Mar 26, 2009
I don't want the shirt, but I do want to see Jim wearing it, and see how awesome his man boobs are going to look :D

And yes, that sounded weird, but only if you are as wrong in the head as me.

Steven Niedermeier

New member
Nov 10, 2011
That shirt is so ugly and I don't think anyone would want it...

[But if Jim wore it at least once and I obtained that shirt by some means. I would have something to sniff for a weekend << ]

Per Vejbirk

New member
Oct 17, 2011
*worships Jim*
Once more you have hit the nail square on.
I can't help but feel amused at how EA fail to see why people hate them so much. And why people dislike they Origin since we Looooooveee Steam.. Well.. IT's Damn EASY!.. Steam don't treat they costumers like shit or simply ignore they problems with they service... IF you have a problem on steam costumer support is quick to help you.. ON Origin you in EU don't even have a freeking forum you can ask for help on.. Noooo you have to CALL them on the phone and sit waiting for nearly 20minutes until you get through then your told.. Sorry we can't help you...
And YEs Steam DO scan your pc but it only looks for GAMES.. it don't look for if they are legal of illegally gotten.. Origin Do... Steam don't scan your whole pc (including mobil devices) Origin DO... Origin will freeking scan your Smart phone if you have it hocked up to your pc.

Stabby Joe

New member
Jul 30, 2008
I'm just now wondering how explicit are people going to go for a t-shirt haha! Good times.


New member
Mar 5, 2011
I give EA some credit for being responsible for allowing Mirror's Edge and Dead Space to have a chance at life... But they seemingly realized their "mistake" and smothered Mirror's Edge in the dead of night and pushed Dead Space off onto Gears of War so hard, you can practically see Dom crying over his wife in the new Dead Space 3 trailer. I wouldn't be surprised if they somehow shoehorned a reason for Isaac and his new companion to start taking steroids and run around with chainsaws...

It's a great day to be a survival horror fan...

Oh, and:

[I would greatly appreciate a Gravity Rush shirt and thank god for Jim being so damn sexy]


New member
Jun 18, 2012
Another great Jimquisition!

(I'd like that snazzy Gravity Rush shirt! Oh, and... Jim is sexy.)


New member
Feb 27, 2012
What I find interesting is back in my day, when a game company was shitty all you had to worry about was them producing shitty games (Best example is LGN). Now we have to deal with so much more then just the final product. Everything from DRM, pass systems and other stupid business decisions, a sad, growing trend
Also, I'm Canadian, but (I want the gravity rush Tshirt and Jim Sterling is sexy)


New member
Dec 9, 2009
Scrumpmonkey said:
Jim. We love your indignat rage. Thank god for you and thank god for this POS gift of a target the churnalists over at IGN have given you. First time i saw the article i though "Wow Jim is going to love this".

You know i too hate the "It's a business" defence. Being a profit seeking organisation is not a blank check to be almost moustache-twirlingly evel. It just isn't. I don't see how we can't expect even the most basic of customer service from EA.

Fuck IGN, Fuck EA and praise be to almighty Jim
I couldn't have said it better myself. There's a reason IGN isn't taken very seriously in the gaming community, and things like this garbage are it.

(I would like a Gravity Rush shirt, also Jim is sexy)


New member
Jul 6, 2011
Eric the Orange said:
Activision: "We're Not EA"

I'll give you anything you want as long as you don't make me go back to EA!

OT: There is one bit of good news though (at least it's good for me): Hopefully 38 studios, the makers of Kingdoms of Amalur, will be taken under the wing of a someone NOT under EA. (I know that's a gross over-simplification but that's not the point) I really liked that game and was pretty sad to hear it's developer went under. I hope we get a sequel sometime in the future!

New IP's like that are a breath of fresh air these days...

Oh, and HAIL JIM!!


New member
Jan 7, 2012
This is why I dislike so many of the triple A titles out there. Seeing clips from Dead Space 3, I thought I was seeing clips from Mass Effect 3. And even now, I can hardly tell the difference.

[I would like the shirt... And something about Jim being sexy]