Jimquisition: Why Do People Hate EA?


New member
May 22, 2009
Thank you for bringing up everything wrong EA is doing, it really disappoints me how EA continues making stupid decisions. I really hope they start to fall and lose more money, some form of reality check for them would be amazing.

[I would like a Gravity Rush shirt from the unbelievably sexy Jim Sterling]


New member
Nov 18, 2009
Yeah, IGN can be pretty stupid with its articles.

And Dead Space 3 has to tell 5 million copies? So EA is saying that Dead Space 3 has to sell more than Dead Space and Dead Space 2 COMBINED to break even? There is no defending a company that arrogant.

(I would like a Gravity Rush shirt please. Also Jim is sexy)
Apr 28, 2008
There's also the fact that they made buying DLC for Dragon Age/Mass Effect downright agonizing.

Sign into social site to go to another site to buy bioware points to get the DLC then download and insall yourself.

There's no damn reason why it should still operate like that. EA, you have your own freaking service, put your DLC on that for fuck's sake.

[I would like the shirt and Jim is very sexy]


New member
Aug 18, 2008
Apathy on my part. I have not bought an EA title in 2 maybe 3 years. The last one I had any real interest in was Dante's Inferno. Everything else, I could just give a flip too.

Although what pissed me off was they did a promotion with Del Taco. They were giving away free games and free DLC for BattleField 2 I think. I was gung ho for it, then I found out that this free stuff were only for the 360 iterations of the games. I was justifiably pissed, as all of the games they were giving away as well as the DLC were also on PS3 and PC. Well, the contest organizer at EA could not give me a valid explanation as to why I was not allowed to swap out a 360 copy of Saboteur for a PS3 one. No, me having a 360 at the time was not really the point.

Lately, all of my money is going towards Square Enix. Their brand of evil is not nearly as menacing.


New member
Mar 11, 2010
All I can think to say is holy crap, Jim's right. Though I also found the fact that Dead Space 3 would need to sell 5 million copies to just break even was really quite interesting.

[Everyday, I thank God that he put a sexy man like Jim Sterling on this planet. I would love a Gravity Rush t-shirt.]


Not Gone Gonzo
Jan 16, 2009
I do not hate EA. Yes, I think they do represent the bloat of AAA games and game companies, but I do not think they are so bad. I do not seem to have a reason not to hate them, but I guess it has to do with my applying for a job at their Vancouver campus. They are a good corporate citizen, a good company to work for and they are well involved in the local community. I guess that carries some weight with me... then again

PS No I did not get that job :)


New member
Feb 12, 2010
Valve isn't a corporation, it's a private company
This means Valve doesn't answer to a board of directors that don't know dick about games.

Not defending EA, possibly just pointing out that their failure as a corporation may be because they're a corporation.


Apr 4, 2010
Jim just keeps getting better and better, keep up the good work!

OT: Nice to see EA getting the kicking that they deserve, but people do keep buying their products, so nothing will really change.


New member
Jul 15, 2010
I have to say, EA puts out some of my favorite games, and I much prefer them to Activision. That said, everything you just said is absolutely true about them, they need to change and until it becomes less apparent that their high level corporate management is an evil cabal of exceptionally incompetent Illuminati types, they won't. Which is a shame, as you said, they really could just embrace being the 'good' guy in the Activision vs EA fight with gusto and gain a license to print money and good PR out of the same machine.

{ I would like a Gravity Rush shirt, you magnificently sexy bastard. You black knight, fighting for the honor of gamers everywhere against the sterile white corporate mediocrity of today's AAA industry.}


New member
Oct 19, 2008
And it barely even touched upon Origin, its DRM, its privacy invasions, EAs removal of games from steam, strong-arming gamers to use the new service. And then EA have the gall to go and attack Valve for steam's service to fans [http://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2012-06-06-david-demartini-origin-wants-to-be-the-hub]. I refuse to get Origin even if it does mean I miss out on games like BF3 and ME3.


Old Man? I am not that old .....
Jun 14, 2008
Wow, a Jimquisition Video that felt like I wrote the script, if my grammar was much better.
Get out of my head Jim. Unless I am in Jim's head which I apologize for invading your inner thoughts Charles Xavier style.

Although I want to add EA screwed me over their DRM when I was told I can't Install Red Alert 3 anymore on my PC. I should have to be restricted how many times I can install a Product I legally own.

Although I would like a sweet Gravity Rush shirt, but Jim said it was a Large and I wear XXL.
[I would NOT FIX in the Gravity Fall t-shirt, and I think Jim Sterling of the Jimquistion is sexy in a completely Platonic heterosexual sort of way.]

For those who complain about Jim not shipping overseas, overseas shipping can be an expensive nightmare filled with delays and crap with Customs (the part of the government that deals with import and export and there filling out of forms).


New member
Apr 4, 2010
ok, i think EA need to be slapped away from the desk and someone else needs to be brought in
imagine what valve could do with EA's resources
although that could just result in a worse valve...
i guess it true what they say, power corrupts

[i would like a gravity rush shirt and also jim is sexy]

Cursed Frogurt

New member
Aug 17, 2010
I lost my respect for them when I saw the marketing campaign for Bad Company 2 which was basically, "Modern Warfare 2 sucks! As you can see, this is NOT Modern Warfare 2!"

Why don't you tell us why we should play your game and not why we should avoid the competition?



New member
Feb 10, 2011
EA killed off Westwood an butchered Command an Conquer. I will never forget.

[I would like a gravity rush shirt. And also, Jim is sexy]


New member
Dec 12, 2010
Not much makes me twitch more than hearing people ask, "What's so bad about EA?". They're publicize their arrogance to the highest degree on a daily basis, you can't miss the reasons if you tried.

I don't know how anyone can get excited over an EA game anymore with how horribly they abuse us with every last product. They deserve no pity if they're having money issues. They deserve to collapse for everything they've done. I just wish it weren't the honest developers getting the axe first anytime an EA exec does something horrible.

And IGN is a whole 'nother story. The "Fox News" of gaming; quite literally since they're owned by the same corporation. I don't think any other explanation is needed for them.

Crazy Zaul

New member
Oct 5, 2010
When Riccitiello said at E3 "It used to be when you paid for a game you get a game" I thought is he seriously gonna say "now when you pay for a game you get half a game" but then he just said some bollocks about it being a service.

Vaguely on the topic of IGN, I watched an old review the other day and was surprised to hear Steve Butts reading it. He must have come to the light side since then.

I never knew till a few days ago IGN was part of Darth Murdoch's Empire.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
When I was watching the EA press conference and the guy said "5 years ago the game you bought was the game you got," I thought to myself, "Jim Sterling must be preparing a rant about that right now." Yup yup yup. EA, no offense, but your management is kind of stupid.

[I would like a Gravity Rush Shirt please and Jim is sexy]


New member
Aug 7, 2010
I had no idea EA were quite this awful. To be fair, I recognised they had a less than stellar reputation, but urgh... their PR with a couple of games a year or two ago (Mercs 2. World in Flames comes to mind) makes me just despair for the image of gamers...

(I would like a gravity rush shirt please, and also Jim is sexy. C'mon Jim, pay for shipping. Gotta love the UK :3)