Jim's Magnum Opus


Formely Gone Gonzo
Jun 30, 2014
Squilookle said:
I just wish he'd stop putting on a a stupid voice every time he said 'the AAA industry', simply because it pushes new viewers away by making him look like a whiny child.
Funny enough, I don't think he does it in this video (or if he does it, it's way more subdued).


Formely Gone Gonzo
Jun 30, 2014
Eacaraxe said:
Lufia Erim said:
The two extra videos, on crunch
Literally the first result on a Google search for "video game crunch" is a Kotaku article from three years ago [https://kotaku.com/crunch-time-why-game-developers-work-such-insane-hours-1704744577]. That is a revised and republished article from 2015. That references an IGDA study from 2014.


AAA early access
Literally the first result on a Google search for "AAA early access" is a Gamespot article from five years ago [https://www.gamespot.com/articles/aaa-publishers-now-eyeing-steam-early-access/1100-6417174/]. Here's a 2016 gamesindustry.biz article [https://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2016-03-29-shifting-from-aaa-to-early-access] and a 2014 Polygon article [https://www.polygon.com/2014/1/24/5338478/early-access-exposes-the-lie-that-the-best-games-should-or-even-can] about early access and triple-A development.


the current hot Topic du jour...
...are actually years-old industry issues that are only now getting widespread attention, completely independent from Jim and all of which predate him saying a goddamn word about any of them. Might I suggest extending the full breadth of your industry news consumption to "someone besides Jim"? At this point, I'm sure we can expect a Jimquisition video about at-will and temp-contract employment in the games industry somewhere around the year 2022. That is, when he's not faffing around with videos about unionization, once again playing the windsock to Polytaku, like he did six months ago.

Accept it or don't. But you got served.
lol k
Do you work in the moving industry? 'Cause you should fired for moving the goalposts into the highway.

RJ 17

The Sound of Silence
Nov 27, 2011
CaitSeith said:
Squilookle said:
I just wish he'd stop putting on a a stupid voice every time he said 'the AAA industry', simply because it pushes new viewers away by making him look like a whiny child.
Funny enough, I don't think he does it in this video (or if he does it, it's way more subdued).
Pretty sure he doesn't in this video specifically because this is a video above all else that he wants to be taken seriously so he presents it sincerely (without the usual cut-aways or gags). That's why the intro and outro are both just straight-forward little speeches about the video itself. The closest he comes is by using quote-fingers when he says "AAA" in the intro in his normal voice.

And yeah, say what you want about the guy. I can certainly understand that the character he puts on CAN actively chase people away and cause them to ignore his points. But the fact remains that when you "translate" his videos - just as you have to "translate" Zero Punctuation to get at what Yahtzee is actually saying about a game - his points are nearly irrefutable. At the very beginning of the Year of the Loot Box Jim specifically said that the industry better chill the hell out with this crap or they're likely to draw attention that's very much unwanted...and look at where we're at now: gamers actually CHEERING the fact that the government is coming to implement regulations. I doubt any of us wanted government regulation since that's always another can of worms all together, but at this point it really is the lesser of two evils: SOMETHING had to be done, and since the industry wasn't willing to do it itself then there's no one else to do it but the government.