Job Application Form: State your sexuality. Me: Why does that even matter?


New member
Mar 5, 2011
Zachary Amaranth said:
Genocidicles said:
I always just fill it in as anything other than straight, reckon it'll increase my chances because of token diversity hires.
It'd sort of be hilarious if their work force became like 92% gay based on these results.
The downfall of civilized society. I always knew the gays were going to take over *shakes head*



New member
Jan 4, 2009
Supdupadog said:
Asexual people don't exist, then? Weren't there even 'other' category?
Do people even need to know if someone is asexual?

I guess it's as important for HR to write down as the other stuff, but is there something important an office job has to accommodate for an asexual?
Is there any reason to ask your sexuality in the first place, apart from statistics?


New member
Feb 23, 2010
Lieju said:
Supdupadog said:
Asexual people don't exist, then? Weren't there even 'other' category?
Do people even need to know if someone is asexual?

I guess it's as important for HR to write down as the other stuff, but is there something important an office job has to accommodate for an asexual?
Is there any reason to ask your sexuality in the first place, apart from statistics?
Well a workplace is a group of people that need to function well and the people in charge should be making sure that everyone gels just fine to ensure productivity and no awkwardness. I suppose.

That's not to mean gross discrimination in hiring is ok, just, you'd want to know that as management. Probably.


New member
Aug 29, 2012
As related on first page, it's good PR when CEO can say "we have gay and bi workers, we don't discriminate on sexual orientation" and every SJW rejoices.

Other than that, it's probably just curiosity for personal or corporate reasons. I would expect that to to be technically illegal, but who knows about 50 different sets of employment regulations.


New member
Jan 4, 2009
Supdupadog said:
Lieju said:
Supdupadog said:
Asexual people don't exist, then? Weren't there even 'other' category?
Do people even need to know if someone is asexual?

I guess it's as important for HR to write down as the other stuff, but is there something important an office job has to accommodate for an asexual?
Is there any reason to ask your sexuality in the first place, apart from statistics?
Well a workplace is a group of people that need to function well and the people in charge should be making sure that everyone gels just fine to ensure productivity and no awkwardness. I suppose.

That's not to mean gross discrimination in hiring is ok, just, you'd want to know that as management. Probably.
In that case they'd be better of asking me if I'm in the habit of throwing dead spiders and roaches on people I don't like and if I regularly smell of ferrets since those have way more to do with how well I get along with people than the fact that I don't find penises sexually attractive.

Also shouldn't they then ask if people hold homophobic/biphobic etc views if that's the reasoning?


New member
Mar 29, 2009
I would check all the boxes or write next to it that this question is irrelevant. If they do not hire me because of this, then I didn't want to work for them anyways.

But then again I refuse to answer questions about my race as well, even though you can clearly tell I am white just by looking at me. I those types of questions are stupid.

Also OP what company were you applying for that asked this? Was it Hobby Lobby? It was Hobby Lobby wasn't it?


New member
Feb 23, 2010
Lieju said:
Supdupadog said:
Lieju said:
Supdupadog said:
Asexual people don't exist, then? Weren't there even 'other' category?
Do people even need to know if someone is asexual?

I guess it's as important for HR to write down as the other stuff, but is there something important an office job has to accommodate for an asexual?
Is there any reason to ask your sexuality in the first place, apart from statistics?
Well a workplace is a group of people that need to function well and the people in charge should be making sure that everyone gels just fine to ensure productivity and no awkwardness. I suppose.

That's not to mean gross discrimination in hiring is ok, just, you'd want to know that as management. Probably.
In that case they'd be better of asking me if I'm in the habit of throwing dead spiders and roaches on people I don't like and if I regularly smell of ferrets since those have way more to do with how well I get along with people than the fact that I don't find penises sexually attractive.

Also shouldn't they then ask if people hold homophobic/biphobic etc views if that's the reasoning?
Well it would be pretty easy to figure out if you throw spiders on people when you show up and start doing that. Easy judgement call.

And in the workplace, the assumption is you already took your bad habits and tapered them down to do the 9 to 5.

Not like you can ask for that stuff. They'll just say they aren't a suck pie.

They give you a paycheck and hold you in their own place for some hours. There is a certain amount of info they get to ask for. Even if they don't have a direct use for it, they want to know it.


New member
Jun 15, 2013
RoBi3.0 said:
I would check all the boxes or write next to it that this question is irrelevant. If they do not hire me because of this, then I didn't want to work for them anyways.

But then again I refuse to answer questions about my race as well, even though you can clearly tell I am white just by looking at me. I those types of questions are stupid.

Also OP what company were you applying for that asked this? Was it Hobby Lobby? It was Hobby Lobby wasn't it?
There is no Hobby Lobby in the UK and if there were, their "corporation is religious" crap wouldn't cut it here. No its a stock taking company. They check product stocks for different businesses. That's all. Nothing sexual about it and nothing linking to anyone sexual orientation. Unless scanners and barcodes turn people on... no I won't look at the internet for that.


King over my mind
Mar 29, 2011
Unkillable Cat said:
Its so that they can boast on the statistics, honestly thats all it comes down to. There are hundreds of industry awards that look good in the share holders meetings, and on letter heads and by taking as many minorities they can up the chances of getting a new shiny thing.
The question sounds like something that should be part of an anonymous survey of current employees rather than part of the application.

I hope it's not for filtering potential employees but maybe it is.

Steve the Pocket

New member
Mar 30, 2009
If it were up to me, putting that question on the application would constitute a form of sexual harassment. The only appropriate time to ask someone their orientation is if you're thinking about doing something sexual with them, and in a setting where that's not allowed, then neither is asking them.

Mad World

Sep 18, 2009
AnarchistFish said:
Are they even allowed to ask that? I know they were gonna make that a question on the census but decided against it cos of the ambiguity.
That's what I was wondering. I thought that this was strictly illegal. Not sure, though.


Supreme Evil Overlord
Jan 21, 2009
Micalas said:
My girlfriend is pansexual. Guess she can't answer.

And before you ask, yes, that means she's sexually attracted to pans.
Really? her too? Her and I should get together and talk about how incredibly sexy pans are.....


I'd feel just as uncomfortable answering that as I did when people were trying to disclose my facebook information to them before that was deemed illegal and not allowed to be asked or based hiring practices on. Hell, I'm uncomfortable having to put a gender down on my damn application since I don't identify as male or female and don't like being lumped into a narrow minded box like that. I really hope that doesn't start becoming standard practice out here....

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Micalas said:
The downfall of civilized society. I always knew the gays were going to take over *shakes head*

Well, keep in mind, they're only gay on paper. Unless Barrowman got to them.


New member
Mar 6, 2012
Genocidicles said:
I always just fill it in as anything other than straight, reckon it'll increase my chances because of token diversity hires.
Yeah, I have never been a hiring-manager personally but I have to think that on the balance this tends to be more false than true. Listing anything other than straight would probably be more likely to count against a person. The majority of bosses I've ever encountered have been of the fairly conservative variety and I could easily see people reading the bisexual option as "oh well I guess they just fuck everybody" and move on down the list.

Anyhoo, the whole asking of that question just seems so invasive.


New member
Jun 15, 2013
Micalas said:
The downfall of civilized society. I always knew the gays were going to take over *shakes head*

I know right! Coming over here, making a neighbourhood a bit more better and colourful. Always smiling and happy and singing along to some catchy tunes. Being enthusiastic with life and in love with their partners. DAMN THE GAYS!! *shaking fist*

I kid I kid :D

Zachary Amaranth said:
Micalas said:
The downfall of civilized society. I always knew the gays were going to take over *shakes head*

Well, keep in mind, they're only gay on paper. Unless Barrowman got to them.
I like John Barrowman. I think he is great, fun and so energetic. Love him in Arrows and Torchwood.


New member
Apr 7, 2009
All the applications i have filled in have a 'prefer not to say' Section, i don't see why people get so up in arms over it, Employers are nosy people!

x EvilErmine x

Cake or death?!
Apr 5, 2010
Paradox SuXcess said:
Daaaaaaaaaaaaamn its hot like Cleopatra in Egypt.

Looking for jobs is a pain. Filling out the application form is boring and uneventful. Filling out the same thing over and over again for different roles. On computer its fine. Copy and paste or just Google auto filler (Thank Google for that) but by paper, how many times do I need to right why I chose to apply for this job and often times I lie cause I truly want to say "I'M BROKE AND I NEED MONEY". Thats just the norm. What I noticed today, and to be honest once before, were new and interesting questions.

State your sexual orientation

Why does a job that involve stocktaking need to know this? To put it into some sort or statistic and to get some sort of recognition that they are hiring LGBT workers? Should I be an extremely cynical Brit here and say maybe they do it to cross certain applicants off this list. That's a dark dark thought but it could happen.

Should a work know about your sex life and sexuality? I believe they shouldn't but I know some in the world may disagree.

What do you think and have you seen this elsewhere before?
They ask it for equality and diversity information only.

The question is entirely optional and you are not legally required to answer it. If you choose to then the answer can not be used to influence them to give you the position or not. It's the same with the questions about religion or ethnicity. Legally, employment laws in the UK state that no person my be discriminated against when applying for a job based on there gender, sexuality, religion, or disability. Obviously this is subjective to the proviso that one should be able to preform the duties the job requires. For example someone who is blind would not be suitable for the job of school crossing guard.


New member
Jan 30, 2010
Personally, I think the first REAL step in getting rid of racism, sexism, genderism, etc. etc. would be started right here. All that should matter on a resume should be if you are old enough to work, and how qualified you are, and that should be the ONLY things that are on the resume. Anyone hiring would simply compare qualifications and hire solely based off of that. If I had MY own business, thats exactly what I would do. It doesnt matter if they are white, black, yellow, purple, old, young, male, female, straight, gay, blah blah blah... you would get hired if you had the qualifications that the hiring company is seeking, end of story.
Have you not been reading, that is how it is done. This information is never actually SEEN by recruiters certainly in the UK), and is actually a method to make sure that they aren't being discriminatory in how they hire from the statistics generated by the answers to these questions. It has nothing to do with the rest of the resume at all.

Frankly, I think this sort of think is more important than ever with social networking being as huge as it is, since recruitment could happily discriminate based on background from looking at profiles and still be able to claim a total lack of knowledge. It would be very difficult to prove.

Edit: actually, this isn't entirely true. There are some employers who will ask about disabilities and are on schemes that all but guarantee you an interview as long as you meet the requirements.