ZippyDSMlee said:
masticina said:
VinLAURiA said:
So pretty much a repeat of 360 vs. PS3, then?
Don't forget the PS3 has a hard time with textures making most 360 ports look better. The codeing issues were not as bad as the bottleneck issues IMO. Now the Xbone is limited while the PS4 is twice the system it is and its going to be alot easier to code for. MS really messed up this time around.
An interesting point indeed and to make it simple this generation will be interesting for such reasons that the hardware at least isn't bottlenecking in the worst of places.
I was kinda not to happy to hear that the PS4 used more then 2,5Gbyte of memory for its OS and system [caches, video, etc] but eh.. both systems have around 5Gbyte of space left for actual games. So it isn't bad news.
And the different types of memory and memory speeds..we have to see just how much difference that will offer in the games we end up buying. But yes I think that Sony is going to do good this run. The basis it runs on is good!
And now we wait and see what the game developers can do with it. Mmm maybe a Skyrim version he, one can hope. Lets open up the graphics and get things running better shall we.