John McCain Caught Playing iPhone During Senate Syria Hearing


AccursedT- see you space cowboy
Jun 6, 2013
No surprise, he's a war mongering sociopath. To be fair he's already had a long drawn out conversation with his BFF Obama at the white house, presumably while they braided each others hair and giggled at the thought of burning Syria with hellfire. Honestly, I don't understand why people think they hate each other, I'm surprised they haven't announced their engagement yet.

If Mccain had his way this wouldn't be going through the Senate at all. Unfortunately we have to occasionally bomb a country into dust because it's the only way Mccain and Lindsey Graham can get a hard on anymore.


New member
Dec 7, 2009
I have sat in meeting like that. "We will go in and attack the infrastructure of the enemy until they are not able to fight back and will have to resort to guerrilla tactics we will call terrorism. Now the nex-...." *Me* "So what country are we "helping" this week? The rest of the briefing is the same as last month" This did not really go over very well........

Playful Pony

Clop clop!
Sep 11, 2012
Huh... The exact same thing happens in my countrys government, but it does make it kinda extra bad that they are talking about war here X3.

Teoes said:
I understand the man's plight though. I often wonder if the folks in the office across the road will rat me out for posting on the Escapist when I should be working.
I have some kickass blinds, which means I can be sitting in my office, feet on the table and eating a salad, and post on the Escapist forum with no fear! I'm only here to answer the phone though, and I get maybe 10 calls on your average day so... What I'm saying is, McCain should get some blinds... Somehow.


New member
Feb 22, 2013
Jumwa said:
kael013 said:
This sums up American politics pretty well. The man's made a decision, so obviously he doesn't need to hear any facts (or listen to whether the other side's got any valid points), he just needs to vote.

Still, I can understand. 3 hours straight is a bit too much.
Yeah, the decision to go to war and murder countless people should be capped off at two hours, tops.

But as for the first point, that's a huge problem with American politics, and where Canadian politics is headed too.

It's hard to believe now that back in the 80's, Conservatives and Liberals got together, studied the evidence, and both came to a consensus based on it to reform our justice and penal system, for instance. Now it's all about "supporting YOUR team" or ideology, regardless if that ideology matches up with the reality or not.
Just to clear things up a bit, if there is a Senate vote it is not going to be about declaring war or 'murdering countless people'. The operation being considered is a limited strike with no ground forces being deployed in order to punish the regime for its use of chemical weapons against civilians. This is a position McCain already supports and he's one of the Senators who has taken the time to inform himself about the subject the most, while this hearing is mainly geared toward bringing other, less informed Senators up to speed. While I agree that he shouldn't be messing about on his iPhone regardless, your characterization of the whole affair seems a bit over the top. No offense intended, it just seems like you might be misinformed about what was actually going on with that hearing.

RJ 17

The Sound of Silence
Nov 27, 2011
Jumwa said:
It's hard to believe now that back in the 80's, Conservatives and Liberals got together, studied the evidence, and both came to a consensus based on it to reform our justice and penal system, for instance. Now it's all about "supporting YOUR team" or ideology, regardless if that ideology matches up with the reality or not.
Yeah, I miss Reagan too. :p

I had a thought to use your comment as a springboard into a mini-rant about how partisan American politics have become and what I think is the cause, but I decided "Why bother?"

So instead I'll just say "Here's to World War III! Been a long time coming and it looks like this powder keg is finally about to blow!" Given how most news outlets that I've heard/read make it seem like a done-deal that Congress is going to support Obama's desire to launch an attack (due to the number of high-ranking congressmen/women who have already announced their support for the war), we really are heading in that direction. There's no way Russia and/or China are just going to sit back and let this happen. Hell, North Korea might decide to do something as well.


New member
Jul 27, 2010
Fox12 said:
Honestly, I don't understand why people think they hate each other, I'm surprised they haven't announced their engagement yet.
Probably because every Sunday after he lost the election he's gone on Meet The Press to complain about everything the President has done, is doing and will do in the future.

As Bill Maher put it: "New Rule: John McCain has to try spending a Sunday morning with his family. Look, Senator, I'm with you, anything to avoid church. But, come on, it's Sunday morning. There's got to be an easier way to tell Lindsey Graham you don't want to cuddle."

Chairman Miaow

CBA to change avatar
Nov 18, 2009
I love the idea that 3 hours too long. I don't know about the US, but the minimum you have to work to earn a 15 minutes break in the UK is 4 hours. Not only that but the person working without a break could be cleaning a toilet. This guy is making a decision about killing people.


New member
Dec 19, 2010
This is inconsequential and a matter of course for politics. He knows how he is voting, for intervention. It's just a matter of him having to be there. If he could be home and phone it in he would. I mean, do people really think every countries political scene doesn't have people just like this? Of course they do. America is broken in such a way that we have the media everywhere we look and are then convinced that this actually matters.


New member
Oct 14, 2010
I often play something simple while listening. Maybe it's a touch of ADD, but I find it easier to focus if I also have something to do with my hands.


New member
Sep 6, 2009
I am intrigued at the possibility of this being some sort of foreboding. He lost at poker during an important hearing, and he then loses the vote.


New member
Mar 22, 2012
I sympathize with the guy but this really looks bad. I'm sorry Senator McCain but this is your job; it doesn't really matter how long the hearing is it's your obligation to listen and make an informed decision. This looks especially bad given his position going into the hearing.


Premium Gasoline
Jun 23, 2009
I'm just glad he was caught playing a game as opposed to being caught sending out pictures of his crotch.

Because that would be a real war crime.


. . . . . . . .
Aug 3, 2013

I feel this article and the reactions to it show a pretty clear view of what a harmful and atrophying effect this pastime has had on our society. These time wasting pieces of entertainment have leeched their way into our lives so thoroughly that gamers can't even stop playing them during the times when they should be paying attention to making what will be for other human beings, a life or death situation.

It's up to all of we gamers to stand up and tell Senator McCain and the rest of the world that this aggression, or in this case I guess non-aggression, will not stand.

I have more to add but must cut this post short in case my superior catches me posting this instead of doing my job. A situation with which I am willing to bet many of my fellow forum posters can relate.


New member
Oct 14, 2009
I noticed an implication in this thread that needs to be addressed. Most of the people in the Hearing were most likely already extremely well-informed on the subject matter, or should have been. They have staff meetings, meetings with experts, reporters, and Senators/Congressmen about this kind of stuff before and after the Hearing. This Hearing isn't really to give new information (Unless new information was released), its for conversation. The thing about that is the discussion is not to sway a decided member, but to sway undecided members.

McCain has already made his decision, and announced it to the public. It wasn't a decision made willynilly, but one done with a foundation of information and influenced by his political philosophy. Him, and every other Senator who already knows how they are going act, are only there because it was expected for them to be there and that there is the possibility of new information (Which a Poker game wouldn't make him miss). This isn't a situation of him not caring about the topic, or about him refusing to accept new information on the topic. This is a situation of him not being bored about arguments that aren't even targeted towards him, and most likely ones he has heard before in private.

Now, there is an argument to be had about changing social etiquette that is even leaking into the very traditional Senate. But that is far more boring than "McCain the War-Monger doesn't care about whats going on!" hyperbole that will inevitably be caused by this.


New member
Jul 16, 2009
I take it you guys haven't really watched much parliamentary proceedings? Politicians' exceptional talent for waste verbiage is such that anyone could play poker on his phone, and not miss a thing.


New member
Jun 26, 2013
Chairman Miaow said:
I love the idea that 3 hours too long. I don't know about the US, but the minimum you have to work to earn a 15 minutes break in the UK is 4 hours. Not only that but the person working without a break could be cleaning a toilet. This guy is making a decision about killing people.
Current US law is: over 4 hours earns a 15 minute break

But this is congress, they get it super cushy and then pretend they have any idea what actual people are dealing with. Seriously, if you're dealing with an ethical dilemma like this can of worms... put the damn phone away.


New member
Jun 21, 2010
Gorrath said:
Just to clear things up a bit, if there is a Senate vote it is not going to be about declaring war or 'murdering countless people'. The operation being considered is a limited strike with no ground forces being deployed in order to punish the regime for its use of chemical weapons against civilians.
I'm curious as to what you think a strike will do if it's not kill people. I'm imagining the missiles and bombs approaching their target then, Loony Tunes style, a big paddle comes out and swats the bottoms of those durn guilty parties.

Any military action will result in deaths, and inevitably civilian deaths to boot. Telling yourself or others anything else is deluded at best.

The best case scenario that anyone can advocate through military action is that by the US stepping in and killing more people now they can avert a larger death toll in the long run.


New member
Jun 21, 2010
RJ 17 said:
Yeah, I miss Reagan too. :p
I was talking about Canadian politics.

Politicians like Reagan and Thatcher were the beginning of a mainstream radicalization of right wing politics that has been largely responsible for our current situation of Us vs. Them in politics.


New member
Mar 1, 2011
tmande2nd said:
Anyone ever been in a VERY LONG ASS lecture or speech or seminar?


Admit it...most of us could not sit through three straight HOURS of something without letting our mind wander.

I had three hour once a week courses.
We NEEDED a 15 minute break in it because no one could pay attention through the entire damn thing.
Ya, I do it 4 days a week, along with a massive percentage of the rest of the country. I work 10 hour shifts, during which time you get three breaks, plus the nature of my work is such that i am often unable to go on break when scheduled. It is quite common that i'll go 4 or more hours w/o a break.

It's his job; and when your job means deciding whether we, as a nation, murder countless thousands of people, you f*ing sit there and you f*ing listen. I don't care how much you think you already know, these are human beings' lives your playing with, and he can't even be bothered to stop playing poker??

I always think that i have no more rage to spend on our useless politicians in this country, but somehow one of them always finds a way. This just makes me sick.



New member
Mar 14, 2011

Proper behaviour in that situation is to take a nap. I thought the newbies would be briefed on correct procedures.