Journey of the Elementals RP (Pm if Interested, Started)


Keep a hat handy
Jan 23, 2010

Out of a billion worlds, there are always those that present themselves different from others. Those that actually possess the monsters of legend, those that hold the magicians that children on other worlds only dream of. This is a story about such a world.

Welcome to the world of Darkengrad, a world that is by no means an advanced civilization, but in fact doesn't need such things because of a gift that has been attributed to the Gods, Demons, and the inner power of humanity. Regardless of its source, what matters is that there are individuals who have the gift that is best called "Magick". It wasn't as all powerful as some would think, allowing people to shatter the world over and the like, but it did present amazing possibilities. The ability to shift water without tools, the power to start fires with just their hands, able to shape the earth, and even bending the light or darkness around them. The possibilities seemed limitless. The world was changed and shifted to make things amazing, and technology made leaps and bounds. The world progressed, and people overall could be called happy.

However, the times of advancement and prosperity were never meant to last. Eventually, the people and mages began simply to fight over everything. Soon, wars began to be waged by everyone over everything. Fights over control of the lands, fights over technology, battle over simply who had the most power, fights that simply changed the face of the world. No longer were things organized as men wanted them to be, and the animals and forces of nature themselves had decided to finally take everything back. Legions of people were ripped apart by rampaging mages ripping apart the world around them. Mages fell to each other in the dueling powers, or to bolts and arrows raining down around them. Some even fell to assassins, but that brought out paranoia in mages which made even more destruction. Wars waged, and billions died, and the technology people held in such high regard simply fell into disrepair, or was burned or smashed and destroyed. In this time where mages were along legendary status, the consequences spread all over the continent.

And so, humanity fell from its amazing stance in the world, despite all its powers and control of the elements ultimately split itself apart, and lost all the controls that it once was so happy to have in place. What was left of humanity after the Great War ultimately decided that they could not be trusted to have mages in each separate kingdom of humanity. It was decided that they needed to be taken to their own kingdom, and taught to use their powers that way, rather than for each separate kingdom to influence the mages one way or another. Thus, instead of being close to the rest of humanity, Mages and their powers would tend to be regulated far away, on their own island.

This island in particular was some distance away from the rest of humanity, largely to keep the mages from being interfered with, and to keep the people safe from any possible rogue elements. The islands size was quite large, and the beginnings were rough for the mages, as the war had left scars on the people still alive. Over hundreds of years, the island was changed to match the needs of the mages now regulated to living on it. The mountains moved away or consumed to make the new grand halls and lairs of all the mages living there. The forests nearby cleared away to keep monsters from leaping out of the trees to kill the mages, as they were far from immortal.

And now, seven hundred years after the Great Wars had taken place, there is now a full society in place for the mages, and the rest of humanity on the much larger island remains mostly isolated from the mage influence, with many legends and stories still keeping the fearful, murderous mage image any mage alive. The Academy itself has been shifted into different areas to accommodate each group, but all ultimately joining together to the Great Halls where many events, celebrations, and everyday tasks are accomplished. Every month more mages are sent in from the villages on the mainland, either found through recruitment, or running from the cities which fear their skills. Of course, this is not the only Academy, with sister sites beginning to show up around the world to take care of the location of the cities and mages about the world.

The Story thus far

The large Academy has recently seen better days. Strange visions had begun to plague students on an Academy wide basis, making many fearful of what is to become of everyone. There are whispers of things creeping about the forest, wars taking hold on the mainland, and muttering amongst the students that the Masters on the council had been lying to everyone. It is a different time, with worries beginning to run abound of how some students plan revolution, while others worry that the rest of humanity is coming to destroy them, or the monsters now more actively roaming the forests.


Humanity has begun to drag itself out of the horrible pit they dug themselves ages ago. They have begun to rebuild their cities, relearn to forge weapons, and in some of the more advanced areas even make some flying machines (Though those are usually kept terribly secret). There hasn?t been a reestablishment of a central government for humanity yet, more of just an understanding. Many major cities leave each other alone, have their own kingdoms and lands, and despite some cultural differences and anger can usually get along on the surface.

Governments and customs differ from place to place, as humanity is as varied as it is spread out. Though things are usually along the medieval lines, with kings, knights, soldiers, and peasants, each section of the main continent is different, meaning that different customs, powers, and rules will apply. Though the people and their governments know a single thing to do is to make sure that their magically gifted children, thieves, or even royalty are sent to an Academy, less the horrendous stories of the wars that some might not even really recall any more become true.

Elementals themselves have their own particular set of customs. Physically notable is that they are usually required to have a patch or major color which would accurately show what element they belong in. While not strictly enforced, it is something that many Masters do hold over their students on a regular basis. Otherwise, there are not many restrictions on mages as a whole, with largely them expected to go to their classes as long as they need them (Mages are less restricted, and Weavers are expected to from time to time host classes). Ultimately, all mages are usually restricted from learning other elements, with students having to go through a ceremony of sorts, called "The Focus". This is meant to make sure that elementals do not spread to try and master multiple elements, and thus bring up the fears of old mages destroying cities and worlds with multiple elements to stop even other mages. Almost stereotypically, many of the elementals will not usually be trained in physical combat, considering the use of swords, crossbows and other such physical weapons to be along the lines of "Barbaric". While there are some that do break this mold, it is generally frowned upon. This by no means makes all mages weak, but they are largely unable to fight in physical hand to hand combat properly, let alone properly use a weapon.

The Academy

At the Academy itself, things have been set up to be as orderly as possible, and with the best intention to leave each sect to their own devices, while also doing their best to keep the opposing factions of elements from striking at each other. A Council is in place with representatives that each group has their own methods of choosing. Each group has a pair of representatives on the council to direct how things are going at the Academy as a whole direction on ruling over things that affect multiple groups.

The layout of the Academy is actually as you would expect it, with opposing elements being kept away from each other as best as they could. In order, we will have the Temples of Light, where there are constant torches and open windows to let the light flow about. The Caverns of Fire, where underground lava pits keep the place constantly warm and many torches keep the place bright, even though the volcano is somewhat dormant. Next is the Earth Mountain, with many caverns and passages for the many who like the feeling of the earth. The Waterfall Fortress, with many serene pools and waterfalls falling all around the fortress. Next is the Floating Air Islands, which is by the very powers of air float higher than the other lands with which to always experience the gentle breezes of the sky. Finally there are the Temples of Darkness, which is lit just barely to be seen and for the way to be lit. In this way, the elements are split, so that they will not consistently run into one another and cause more trouble than needs to be done.

This setup is circular around the main central buildings of the Academy. The Great Hall, where important ceremonies and events, as well as global announcements, are handled. Also located at the middle are massive, plain, dorms, where a majority of students, as well as a few higher ranked elementals, spend their evenings and days. While there are some rooms at each elemental area, they are not meant to be full living quarters, and rather there to hold classes, or practice their art.

Nearby Locales

Most notably close to the Academy is the port city where some average human beings live. The city is largely considered part of the Academy, even though it lies a mile from the Academy walls. The port city is bustling, but small, with a few places to eat, inns, bars, and merchant halls to trade wares.

Next are the forests that rest close to the Academy. The "Reaper Forest" got its name from the initial beginnings of the Academy, where many of the newly sent mages thought that the woods would be the perfect place to begin anew, not realizing that the many mythical beasts were all too ready to send them to the afterlife. They are somewhat large, and generally avoided for all the creatures, from mythical to plain, that exist inside.

Lastly is the odd mountain range that is north of the island, Some say that the Earthshapers simply made the mountains in an act of early rebellion. While this is scoffed at as rumor alone, none really understand how such a range would get to be on the island in the first place. What is known, however, is that there are some tombs up in the mountains of Elementals long past, and that there are just as many monsters lurking in the mountains as the forests.

For those of you wondering what this is about, it concerns the ability of the elementals to actually use TWO elements, rather than be restricted to just the one. However, this in itself does have the drawbacks, and not all the advantages you think it would be.

First, you are not able to use the special abilities that come from two different elements working together. You don?t get to shoot lightning if your power is both AIR and WATER, you need another person to get that done. Any combo element power has to be done by two people, and never just the one.

Second, your secondary choice power will never be on the same level as your primary power. This means that you will never be able to do all the amazing things a more focused elemental can do.

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, you are not able to raise either of your powers to WEAVER, or MASTER. This means at max you can be ADEPT/MAGE.


There are those who develop a bond with the light of the world, which ultimately brings them to path of the Lightdweller. This particular group can be considered one of the most peaceful of all the groups, largely being focused on the more healing and supportive arts than any other group. This by no means makes them defenseless. With the power of light also comes the power of focused beams and lasers, as well as the power to cause extreme lights to blind foes. While not necessarily an offensive class, they have a unique connection to the light of the life giving sun of the world, and are able to do some amazing healing that would otherwise be considered impossible.

Since Lightdweller followers are usually the most peaceful and civilized of the groups, the leaders of the group are chosen out to be the most capable of their amazing healing magicks, and also be able to present themselves peaceably, and are able to be amazing mediators. It is largely a democratic experience when a challenge is made to find new leaders. Otherwise, the leaders can stay on for as long as they live.

Able to make light, experienced younglings able to focus it like a flashlight.
Able to effectively focus light, and use it to possibly heat or almost focus to burn a particular area.
Full control of the light powers, and ability to make laser focused beam, light healing available.
Full control of light powers, and ability to fire additional lasers, as well as begin leaving "Light traps". Has moderate healing abilities
Full control, as well as ability to begin to form different forms of light, as well as more lasers. Excellent healing able to be done.
Full control, being able to make many lasers and even healing some very grievous wounds. Can also form a large, defensive shield.


Those who are drawn to the flames take to the path of Pyromancy. Pyromancers are usually the most passionate, and some would claim primarily rage driven. While this point is debatable, it cannot be argued that many pyromancers are very direct, forward, and primarily offensive warriors. While they are not exactly warlike, they are not ones who will bend knee or back down from a challenge, and are more than willing to meet any problems head on. Being manipulators of fire, they are able to summon flames at will, using them in many different forms from fireballs, to firewalls, to even making flames seem like they are living creatures. Their abilities also stretch to affecting warmth and taking care of the more open flesh wounds, using a controlled burn to seal off open wounds.

Pyromancers are much more forward in making sure that the strongest of them stand to represent them. So, there are ordered tournaments to test any Pyromancer who wishes to test their wills to be leading and representing the Pyromancers as a whole. Rather than be political about the process, Pyromancers hold to the ideal that they should stand tall, regardless of what comes their way.

Able to conjure fire, but likely to be unable to direct or control it.
Able to conjure fire, with some form of control, but limited in how much they can throw without a source.
Fire creation and control, and able to throw full fledged fireballs and some form of fire shield. Slight ability to heal flesh wounds with moderate flames.
Full fire creation and control, and now able to perform some flame manipulation from a small distance. Able to close flesh wounds of moderately sized wounds.
Fire creation and control, able to make many implements of fire and even form different creatures. Able to quickly seal up open flesh wounds.
Full control of fire abilities, and in some powerful circumstances able to teleport through walking through large amounts of flame.


There are then those who feel a closer connection to the earth around them, and they become Earthshaper. Almost stereotypically, Shapers tend to be slightly calmer than other groups, but also much more stubborn in how they do things. They are the amazing builders and miners of the magical users. They are also usually the most technically inclined of all the groups, and also known to be quite the excellent crafters and builders. Though perhaps somewhat calmer, that does not mean they cannot be as warlike as the pyros, hurling boulders and causing the earth to crack when provoked to action. The powers of the Shapers is to ultimately reform the earth around them, shaping it as they see fit in either the form of great structures made to last thousands of years, or into a boulder or sword to bring to bear upon their enemies.

Earthshapers, being the calmer and perhaps more well planned of the groups, tend to have a set idea as to who exactly will rule next. While this will sometimes change, there is a constant stream of the strongest, most connected with the world around them Shapers to lead the Earthshapers in their projects, and show them how the planet must be molded.

Able to work with some rocks, but nothing very large.
Able to handle larger boulders, begin to be able to shape the earth around them.
Able to work with boulders somewhat larger than they are. Has some good control of shaping the earth around them.
Able to now control multiple boulders at once, and some small amount of earth around them. Can now, in some small distance, able to detect movement through the earth.
Able to now control boulders and other large earth masses. Has ability to form rocks into proper tools, as well as some altering of the minerals of the earth.
Full earth control, can cause some small localized earthquakes. Able to work excellently with stones and minerals of the earth. Able to form a suit of the earth around themselves.


Those who hold the waters of life precious will become Hydromasters. They can be perceived as the most "Normal" of the groups. They can be emotional, calm, enraged, robotic, difficult, childish, clever, or conniving. The Hydros are the ones who can control the falling of the rains and even casually change it to a snow. Their powers largely lie in the way that the weather shifts, in the rains, mists, and floods. While some would scoff at being hit with water, Hydros are able to launch a innocent looking ball of water with much more force than would be expected. Though their powers are not able to control the liquids lying within others, they do have the capability to manipulate those that are their own.

Hydromasters, much like their personalities, are often changing how they will choose the next leader. Sometimes they are voted in, other times they fight to get there, sometimes they are simply chosen. There are times where they get unique, and instead do endurance tests, or see who can change the weather fastest or stop said weather change.

Able to shift the water in some direction or another, but no strong hold.
Some ability to move water like in a bubble, and shift the movements much more clearly.
Able to use larger amounts of water, and even begin to cool it to perhaps freezing. Some ability to cool and heal wounds. Able to better work and survive in the waters.
Able to now move and change large amounts of water, and now has a better ability to freeze the water they control. Able to, for a short period, survive longer under water than usual.
Able to affect large amounts of water, able to use it how they choose. Able to perform intricate healing not available to other elements. Some able to easily breathe underwater.
Full control of the waters in very large amounts, and possibly even Warp through water. Able to perhaps form the water in ways that almost make it seem alive. Sometimes able to perform amazing healing with the waters. Able to breathe indefinitely underwater.


Those who hold the breath of life to the highest position will become Airshifters. These particular individuals are considered some of the most reserved of the other elemental behaviors. Preferring to often keep to themselves, and only ever usually doing tasks in smaller groups, they can be considered to be sometimes a people who prefer to think of a small hunting pack. That does not mean the Shifters are defenseless alone by any means. With the power of the winds at their side, they are able to throw a strong force of wind with the force of being punched or kicked. Not only that, but with these winds they are also able to affect parts of the weather themselves, causing storms or hurricanes to come forth from their powerful gales. Also, with their connection to the winds, they can even amplify their speed, making them some of the fastest mages. Though much like the Hydros, they are unable to take the air away from a persons body, or pull the air from a room.

Because Airshifters are such a reserved group, people are not usually too certain how a leader is chosen. Rather, the abilities of the Shifter, including lethality, or just pure creativity, are taken into affect. This means that more often than not the leader of the Airshifters are terribly clever and creative, and some would say borderline mischievous.

Able to make the winds move in some ways, but not anything particular.
Apprentice: Now able to more effectively effect the winds, and in experienced instances able to make a ball of air to throw.
Able to affect the winds, use it as a focused air burst of power. Some small training on how to fly, but no tools or chance to actively fly given.
Now able to affect winds in a localized area. Also able to better utilize the wind powers offensively or defensively. Given small staff gliders to which to fly.
Able to strongly effect the winds, able to focus the winds in a way to further increase speed. Able to find more effective ways to use their art, and able to fly effectively.
Powerful mage, able to sometimes fly without the use of a small glider. Capable of even using their own breath as a weapon.


Those who feel their calling is in the shadows will tend to become a Nightshade. These particular individuals tend to be somewhat more grim than their other brethren, and also more often at edge with many of them, especially those of their opposing light spectrum, as well as the Pyros which make it. The Shades will usually use a different method of battling with others, their shadow powers giving off an eerie cold if it is formed into a ball. It is also known that Shades, like their light counterparts, will form a pinpoint of shadows to strike. Some of the even more powerful Shades can make a shadow in some form fight for them. The dark powers are also a somewhat darker side, draining the energy from their opponents, or causing some form of disease.

Nightshades leadership is sometimes chosen by an "assassin" game, which contenders will all be tasked with hunting down one another in a particular order. They themselves are on a list as well, and the "game" is over once someone has completed the list. Other times, it is purely a game of illusions, to see who can best use the shadows to keep themselves hidden or their motives in the dark until their odd games to choose a leader is done. With this in mind, the Nightshade leader is often terribly secretive, giving no edge or hint of what is going on through their students and followers. Some contend that is how it should be, with the often misconception that those who follow this "darker" path are inherently evil.

Able to do some shadow manipulation, but that?s about it.
Shadow manipulation, and some ability of draining energy.
Able to manipulate the darkness, and even form it in a way. Some ability to use the darkness like a laser.
Able to manipulate darkness, and begin to learn to form some form of illusion. Able to creatively use "Darkness Traps" and some other implementations.
Able to form shadow in an energy form, to use as a thrown projectile or other use. Able to use the darkness to perform short range shadow travel, and better control and convincing of illusions.
Able to use the shadows to travel long distances, or use multiple dark lasers. Able to drain large amounts of energy.

1. Mages and the like are feared. Long ago, the planet was pretty well torn apart, and humanity nearly killed. Meaning your story with the rest of humanity ends when you get your powers, either through being found, or running to an academy.

2. Each element has its own way of going about things. Read up on them, and ask questions if need be. Being a warlike Hydromancer is nothing like a warlike pyromancer.

3. You will not all be Weavers. Don't bank too much on being one, because these are the people who can end up being a Master, meaning I WON'T have a ton of them running around.

4. Don't worry too much about rank. It doesn't mean you are forever powerless if you start out as a youngling.

5. Your age should make sense for where you are. Unless through some extreme circumstance, you won't be a master of your element if you came to the Academy when you were a teenager.

6. While there are some towns of technical advancement, and some with very strange customs, you will not be allowed to have high tech knowledge, even if you want to come from said town.

Welcome to the Elementals RP. For those of you new to this, welcome! This is an RP somewhat based on Avatar, but instead of splitting up all the elements, we have them all working together in a way at the same place. Please read up on this, and feel free to ask questions.

First, a few guidelines.

1. There will be times where this RP will run very very fast. That is because some people may be on at the same time and team up, meaning that fluid conversation can occur. This also might be because some of the individuals may use Skype. If you have one, or want to join in, let me know via Private message, and I?ll add you into the mix. This by no means is required, as PMs work just fine for me as well.

2. While this is based in some ways off of the more famous series Avatar: The Last Airbender, it is not a replication. For example, the extra elements, and how people are not strictly broken up by their elements. Also, you will NOT be a physical warrior unless specifically stated and allowed in your sheet. Remember, you are Elementals, and using physical weapons is looked down upon, if not outright ridiculed.

3. "MY EVIL IS LAW!" -Aku. Being GM means that I can ROFLSTOMP your dreams and hopes if I simply have a bad day. Not that I make a habit of it, just keep in mind when I have definitively said 'No', that?s it. It's done. Going to fight me on it despite me saying no will lead to an angry kick to the backside.

4. Stick to your character. I know you'll read other people's posts, and they will be thinking things or plotting to play a prank or harm you, but YOUR CHARACTER DOESN'T KNOW THAT. If you are going to take an action that directly interferes with something that your character couldn?t possibly know anything about, you will be asked about it.

5. No superheroes here. You are not going to be the master of your element, able to use a physical weapon, confident, brave, heroic, and all that stuff. You are going to be relatively human, meaning you will be flawed. Terribly terribly flawed.

6. Make a character how you want to play to have fun with. RP is going to be hellish if you are hating the character you are playing as, no matter what anyone does.

7. Finally, I will not be taking too many characters. My attention, and everyone elses, cannot be everywhere at once. Meaning that if I have 18 characters, and 5 are one place, 5 are another, 4 are doing their own thing, and another 4 are having a random discussion somewhere, no one will know what to do with everyone everywhere. To go along with this, I will also be looking for a Co-GM to help me manage this if I encounter a problem. If interested, let me know.

GM: @UnusualStranger
Co-GM: @SkyeNeko:


Keep a hat handy
Jan 23, 2010
Most prominent religion ?The Council?
Made up of many gods, but all peoples tend to have a major one named to worship more specifically. So if you plan on cursing in a gods name, please plan accordingly.

Alainia: Most powerful Water God. Female

Dorrokan: Most powerful Earth God, Male

Loriot: Most powerful Fire God. Female

Howleson: Most powerful Air God. Male

Jorrano: Most powerful Light God. Male

Sitheria: Most powerful Darkness god. Female

Reaver: Keeper of the other side. Genderless

The Council is largely considered to be neutral in most circumstances, or downright hostile in others. Belief tends to be personal, either believing in the Council as a whole acting in one method or another to keep humanity going, or to believe in individual deities that best represent what they are or wish to follow. No other beliefs have really sprung up in response to The Council, and it has been that way for as long as humanity can remember.

Name: (Simple enough right?)

Age: (Though it might be just a number, keep in mind that you can't be a 20 y.o. Adept. Please be reasonable.)

Gender: (Hopefully pretty simple)

Mastery (Your first, and possibly only power)
Secondary (Your secondary power)

Rank (Both ranks, in order, if you got them)

Appearance: (A general idea of what your character looks like. Look however you please, but make sure that it makes sense.)

Demeanor: (Some idea as to how your character is right now. While not necessarily set in stone, this will be something just to give a general idea how you will act)

History: (The big one. This is where you say how you got here at the Academy, and what your parents might have been like, if you still have them, and what you are or do. This can be big in showing why your character is who they are, so please put some thought into it.)

Name: Angelina Dufonte
Age: 44
Gender: Female
Element: Water
Appearance: Angelina has long black hair that falls down to her ankles. There's gray streaks in it, but it looks like she's bleached them in. She stands just shy of 6 feet, but her movements are still graceful and light. Her slight frame has a suspiciously well-maintained tan that never seems to change. She looks like she is only in her late 30's.
Attitude: Scatterbrained but pleasant, usually pauses when she talks and forgets to start again or starts talking about something else entirely.
History: Angelina became the Master through winning an exhibition 9 years ago. She's married to a Lumen Weaver (Ignacio) and has a single Adept Hydromancer daughter (Christine). She likes to teach classes to Younglings and Mages, claiming that she has nothing to teach the older mages. She is not as skilled in using her magic offensively, more skilled in using ice defensively.

Name:Durant Klias
Age: 48
Appearance Durant is a bald man with just a moustache that already appears to be greyed with age. He often seems to have a bored expression, and at standing just 5'10'', he is a little bit on the shorter side.
Attitude:Despite his somewhat bored expression, he is actually quite lively. His conversing can often times turn into a wave of information rather than a conversation. He is persistent and calm despite his quick behavior.
History Durant achieved his Master status through a marathon, ultimately managing to beat the challenges faster, and better, than his peers. Most notably was the challenge of stopping a tidal wave, which he instead turned back on its creators. He is often found running about, seeing how the new generation of his students are doing, before wandering off to the shoreline.

Name: Nine
Age: 40
Gender: Male
Element: Air
Appearance: Coming from the odd town Shorran, Nine wears a joker's hat and mask with a permanent grin on it. You can see where the scars from previous battles have been covered up. His gold eyes are strangely serious, in stark contrast to his mask. His right arm is tattoed with what look like abstract swirls. While a not very intimidating five foot ten, he has a tendency to use his more average height to his advantage.
Attitude: He is very vocal about his opinions, and tends to use sarcasm in such a way that no one is really sure if he -is- being sarcastic or serious. Nine beleives students should learn on their own and frequently cancels all the classes and tells the students to go learn something on their own.
History: No one remembers what Nine's real name is anymore, but they know he's a member of a prominent line of Aeromancers. Everything other than that is pure rumor and speculation, from what he looks like to how he became a Master. All he really cares about now is finding more ways to battle using wind. He encourages all of his students to dabble in other elements in order to come up with more creative techniques.

Name: Amelia Teranus
Age: 38
Gender Female
Element: Air
Appearance: Has shorter black hair, and is usually found in long flowing robes to catch wind. She bares some scars from her journeys to becoming a master. 6'2'', making her seem to tower over others.
Attitude While she isn't exactly as warlike as Nine can be, she does have a more adventurous and mischief streak that is usually in many Airshifters. She seems to always wear a grin to be up to something.
History Amelia had a trying way to the position she is in now. She was known to more often than not disagree with many individuals, which is where she received some of the scars she bares from a pyromancer. However, that journey is now over, with her successfully managing to out-fly and out think all other competitors in the strange game of tag that was played. She is somewhat purest, however, and disagrees with Nine encouraging element mixing, instead telling students to master what they have, rather than split it.

Name: Niklas Hoch
Age: 68
Gender: Male
Element: Earth
Appearance: Niklas is 300 lbs. of muscle arranged on a 6'5'' frame. He seems to take up the whole room whenever he walks in. He has a mess of blonde hair on top of a stony face, weathered by years of labor. Unlike the hair on his head, he keeps a well-trimmed beard. He wears several bracelets made out of rare minerals and metals.
Attitude: Despite his intimidating appearance, Niklas is a soft and peace-loving old man. He rarely raises his voice or gets angry, and prefers to settle things without fighting. He constantly offers advice to anyone who will listen. Despite everything, he is very protective of all the students, helping them with any problems they might have even if they aren't Geomancers. His ability to keep peace even between the unpredictable Masters has made him the informal leader/organizer of the six
History: Niklas progressed through the ranks rather slowly, building up a reputation based more on the fact that he had simply been around more than others. He was the one responsible for the construction of the new Great Hall after the previous one was destroyed in an accident, and did a good job at it. Neither of his children became mages, so he rarely sees them and doesn't talk about them often.

Name: Joe Prantose
Age: 56
Gender: Male
Element: Earth
Appearance Joe is a somewhat heavier fellow, sitting at a simple 6 foot. He is not imposing or dangerous appearing, with his neatened black hair and shaved face, he looks more like a merchant than anything.
Attitude: A recently appointed Master, Joe is actually as calm as the much older Niklas. While he isn?t as peaceful at times, having a somewhat more forceful method of moving the earth, he was still up to the task of reshaping many of the caves that run under the Academy, making him the next choice for Earthshaper Master.
History: Joe had a more difficult life, and actually started late in coming to the Academy, as he had before actually started being a merchant. Upon discovering his earth moving powers, he knew that he needed to master them, or be hunted by his more greedy opponents. Instead of heading out after his successful control of his abilities, he instead chose to stay and learn all he could, later becoming a Master.

Name: Felicia Qu
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Element: Fire
Appearance: Short brown hair with long bangs that cover her eyes, scrawny with a generous bust, and relatively short at 5'5'', Felicia looks more like a nerd than a fighter. She wears sleeveless, short robes that usually only go mid-thigh. She looks pale, like she stays inside all the time. Her skin is covered in various scars from her numerous battles.
Attitude: Despite her slight appearance and her young age, Felicia is a sailor-mouthed fast-talking insult-hurling witch who will blast anyone who disagrees with her in the face with a ball of fire. She beat the previous Master in a fair duel ending in his death and won't let anyone forget it. Her skill and powers are obviously up to par, but she is impulsive and rash, preferring to fight rather than think of a good solution.
History: Felicia was constantly bullied as a Youngling (because her mother was a Noctomancer), but quickly learned to take her anger out in the form of several feet of burning flames. This was not only noted to be impressive, but also brought out even more anger induced tendencies. Eventually, she found her mouth landing her in a duel with the last Pyromancer, and bested him. She had killed several other students as she climbed the ranks, and is more often than not pleased when her former peers battle with others, or themselves. Though she does hold some displeasure that now many of the duels are watched to keep students from killing each other so often.

Name Marcus Orallian
Age: 52
Element Fire
Appearance: Bearing some signs of battle, with more than a few burns showing over his hands and face. With short grey hair before its time, and standing at a simple 5?11??, he is of medium build, showing no signs of being older.
Attitude: While he appears calm while walking about, anyone who has done combat or threatened Marcus knows that beneath that shell is a man prepared to torch a city. While not necessarily short fused, he didn't get where he stands, nor demands respect upon entering a room, without a tremendous flow of power coming from him.
HistoryMarcus was actually a guard under the nearby king. While his powers were somewhat active, the king did not send him out as he should. However, after some time it was finally discovered of the knights flaming powers at keeping order, and he was called to the Academy after he had ended up torching a field when chasing a band of rogues. Now at the Academy, his knightly demeanor made him a tough and calculating opponent, ultimately leading to his triumph in a tournament.

Name: Timothy D. Ashton
Age: 57
Gender: Male
Element: Light
Appearance: Timothy is always wearing a gold headband over short, dark curls. He tends to wear several layers of gold and white robes, with various scriptural writings inscribed on them, and glasses that tend to slip down his nose every so often. He carries a large staff that helps him cast his magic. He has dark eyes and dark skin.
Attitude: Pleasant and talkative, Timothy likes to be around people. After spending several years studing, he has become one of the best healers at the Academy. If you wanted to find him, he is either in the Temple or in the main Infirmary, either meditating or healing.
History: He is one of the few Masters that comes from a non-magical background. Neither of his parents are mages, and no one in his family has been one to the best of his knowledge. Even before he became a mage though he had been enamoured with the arts of healing, and is a good doctor in his own right. Almost all of his time as a student was spent apprenticing himself to older Lumenomancers, he rarely attended class, preferring to learn the healing spells by practice alone.

Name:Cindy Rotunz
Age: 55
Appearance: With naturally curly long blonde hair, a constant smile, and standing at an average 5'11'', Cindy is simply beautiful. Well endowed, and yet relatively slim, she radiates light often, giving a warm glow off as she walks about.
Attitude Simply put, Cindy seems to be almost terribly peaceful. She is kind, understanding, calm, and thoughtful. It doesn?t make her naïve in any sense though, as she has been known to deal somewhat harshly with those who refuse to take her seriously. She always seems to wear a happy grin or offer thoughtful advice to students.
History Cindy largely grew up in the Academy, living and working with everyone else. She actually tended to stand out somewhat as time went on and she became more beautiful, and more skilled. Not only that, she became a more brilliant leader and speaker as she seemed to attract more and more attention, ultimately leading her to be elevated amongst the other peers.

Name: Dominique L.
Age: 34
Gender: Female
Element: Dark
Appearance: Cold blue eyes rimmed with dark lashes, she would have looked pretty if she weren't frowning all the time. Her black hair is pulled back into a ponytail. Strangely doesn't wear shoes, but you hardly see her feet under her long dress anyway, which covers her full 5 foot 11 frame.
Attitude: She is neither condescending nor dark, merely stoic. Her face rarely shows any reaction, she just continues to frown. Any decision she makes has been thought out thoroughly, and all other options have already been considered. She doesn't like to make a big splash, and tends to fall into the background.
History: Dominique was groomed to be Master by her family ever since birth. She feels like she would have been a different element if they hadn't forbidden her from even associating with mages of other elements. She is married to a Nocto Weaver (Xilero) that she is rarely seen with, and no one is sure if they have children or even care for each other in the first place.

Element Dark
AppearanceHaving supposedly gotten their position long ago, Darnell is cloaked in a deep darkness, with nothing but their green eyes often showing through the cloak of darkness that seems to constantly be around them. Oddly, the shadows of different weapons sometimes show through the flowing shadows around Darnell. Their height even appears to shift as things go on around them, from being a small five foot five to a giant six foot five.
Attitude Darnell can mostly be considered simply grim. Their voice is often just flat and factual. Though they do sometimes say a joke, or something philosophical, it at times is lost in the dark tone it is often said in.
History:Darnell was rumored to have come around a 100 years ago. While this number is always disputed, what is not is the ultimate skill of Darnell. It is said that Darnell managed to sneak about, destroying any documents of who they were, what they did, and kill those who might have ever known who they were. While this might not be true, what is apparent is that Darnell is often shrouded in nothing but shadows which seem to flow from them, rejecting the light that is around them. This particular privacy and shadow like behavior has earned him many a follower attempting to find out who or what they are, but to no avail.

Name: Seth Darius

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Mastery: Pyromancer

Rank: Adept

Appearance: a dark brown head of hair, normally unkept due to the hair normally behaving itself. Green eyes which tend to be a piercing gaze, which goes nicely with his 6 foot height. Normally wears darker pants and dark grey shirt, with a red robe with a black trim around the edges usually billowing about him, with its dark blue lining. Seth is of an average build, not overly muscular, but then not overtly skinny. Seth himself doesn?t have any particular scars or other marks to speak of.

Demeanor: Grim and cryptic, Seth is at times terribly oblivious to the world around him. At times, he will note the smallest of behaviors or quirks, and at other times will completely miss a large obvious show of things. However, this inattentiveness does not make Seth a fool in any sense of the word, as he is actually quite intelligent, he just lacks some of the finer points of being properly civilized at times.

History: Seth was a random find, being found in the less than noble streets, actually slamming his fist into someone who had attempted to cheat him. His parents are long dead, with Seth having taken care of himself for most of his life. His father before was actually a somewhat successful assassin, but was eventually hunted and killed for killing a particular noble family. His mother was killed some time after, attempting to steal food for the family. With this, Seth quickly decided to make himself a force to be reckoned with, fighting and doing what he could to survive. When he was finally found, slamming a fire fist into said opponent, the recruiters quickly picked him up and sent him on his way to the Academy. Seth?s time at the Academy, while usually dull and filled with Pyro training, was also filled with Seth practicing with his fists and any weapons he could get his hands on. Seth developed a drive that even though he might be beaten in magic, he could still win with a slam to the face. After becoming a Mage, Seth continued his path, and eventually ended up in Adept status due to the constant fighting that he ended up doing with other pyros or elementals over his more physical nature. Now Seth has shown no more drive to become a Weaver or Master. Rather, he sits back and gives his odd advice to any others who ask what Seth is about, or what they should do in many circumstances. Though he still fights and might have the skills to be a Weaver, his general mistrust of people and sympathy with younger and usually more rebellious students prevents this.

Mr. Omega

Jul 1, 2010
Ok, I made a few changes from last time, but I will be returning.

Name: Drew Kyarra
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Mastery: AirShifter
Rank: Adept.

Appearance: Pale, even by most standards. At 5'8, he's not that tall, and he's just a little bit chubby, at least compared to the average attendant at the academy. He has messy brown hair, almost never kept straight, a little, fuzzy mustache and beard, and blue eyes, which are half shut most of the time. He tends to slouch, making him seem shorter than he is.

Reflecting his lazy nature, his outfit resembles a poncho more than a robe. The robe itself is dark blue, with wavy light green lines swirling around the collar, resembling the eye of a hurricane, with a few of the lines zig-zagging around the wrists.

Demeanor: Self-serving, always looking to do the least work for the most results, but is more than happy to just do the bare minimum unless he really cares about the work. If he does care about it, he almost completely obsesses over it. The only people he's willing to go out of his way for are himself and his sister, but he's not completely without compassion.

History: His background wasn't really that spectacular, born to merchant and trader parents, keeping him in a well-provided childhood. He was enrolled to the academy after he and his sister were caught arcing lightning bolts between their fingertips. His sister had enrolled as well, and he spends most of his time with her. Drew was more content to just drift his way through with the least amount of work he could. He went on, just trying to keep his life simple.

He seems to be abnormally skilled in the use of lightning, but because it requires two people to use, and Drew's lack of faith in most of the academy means he rarely gets to show this talent off. His skills in Airahifting are nothing special. If anything, it's somewhat lacking. Nobody knows where he got the motivation to get up to Adept rank, but lightning has yet to strike twice, apparently...


Is trapped in a title factory.
May 20, 2009
Sweet it's up, sadly I am leaving on a trip soon, and while I will have internet access, I won't be spending much time on computers. In other words I won't have time to deal with a new RP, but when I get back, I'd like to join and bring back my character KORICK LORNICK! So we'll see where you guys are at in a month! I'm very excited for this one!


I am Tizzy's Willing Slave
Aug 3, 2009
Interesting, color me intrigued I will begin working on my sheet.

Edit: here is my character sheet if there is something you want me to change just let me know.

Edit 2: edited my character to make him better.

Name: Jack Grabow (random name generator FTW)
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Mastery: airshifter
Rank: Weaver

Appearance: A tall man at 6'2", jack has short brown hair, a short beard, light blue eyes, and has a tattoo on his right forearm that is basically a tornado that covers the entire of his forearm.

Demeanor: Jack is considered a jokester using his wind power to play jokes on the other elementals. while light hearted he can get serious in battle if one of his teammates is in danger.

History: Born in the slums of the city Jack's childhood was full of drugs and violence. Jack's family hated Wizards and when he was 6 he discovered he could control wind a little but he never told his family. He did tell his only friend and his friend told him that he should join the academy but once he told his friend that Jack's father overheard the conversation and Jack was forced to flee and while he was fleeing Jack's best friend was killed. At the academy he was determined to not let his past affect who he was at the academy and now hides his sad past behind a smile he always seems to have on.

Edit 3: might need to drop out, my free time has taken a drastic hit recently and I wont be on as often as I'd like to be and I don't want to be a liability in the RP.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
Name: Alexander Smith

Age: 30

Gender: Male

Magic: LightDweller

Rank: Adept

Appearance: Alexander was not very interested in modifying his robes from their standard white color, only adding a couple of yellow metallic suns on the sleeves at the shoulder to make it especially obvious which class of mage he is. He is Caucasian with brown hair and green eyes hailing from a capital city in a nation neighboring the Academy.

Demeanor: As a follower of the healing arts, that which he has always promised himself he will never do is kill unless in a situation where there is absolutely no other option. Alexander instead prefers to disorient and subdue opponents or incapacitate. Even though he himself will not kill, he will not dislike others for killing with good reason.

History: He had been taken into the academy early in life, a consequence being he mostly knows his parents through letters. He has met them when he is off academy grounds, but often times he simply communicates through letters because of his studious nature. His father is a fairly respected blacksmith in the capital city of his home nation, a man of not much wealth or fame but not struggling much to find work amongst the population of the city. Oftentimes his work is simple, but occasionally there is a large order from the knights, army, or town watch which allows him to live in relative luxury.

The suns on his arms were a gift from his father, as he was a blacksmith, and are the only adornment to his robes and have been so since he had received them for the birthday after his attuning at the age of thirteen.

He has spent fifteen years in practice and hope to one day achieve the rank of master through study and practice given enough time. Alexander has made the suns on his shoulders his focus for his magic, and they will glow or burst with light depending on the power and intensity. He has spent five years practicing the arts expected of him as a Adept, and has actually made an appointment for his test to become a Weaver next month.


Detective Prince
Jul 2, 2009
I'll be bringing back Nat and add another. Hell I'll help Co-GM if you'll have me.

Name: Natalie (Nat) Tanara
Age: 28
Gender: Female

Element: Nightshade

Rank: Weaver

Appearance: Nat keeps her hair up in a messy pony tail as her bangs lay off to the side of her face, a few strands hanging off the side behind her ears. Her eyes are an oddity; part of her eye that is closest to her iris is a deep blue while the outer is emerald green. Her face is somewhat fair but her beauty never really mattered to her, all that mattered was her mind and her powers. Beauty fades with age while the mind develops further.

She stands about 5' 8" and it fairly thin, her hands are a smaller than normal women her height. Her arms are a bit dis-proportioned compared to the rest of her body due to the length. Her skin is pale with little color outside of her face but not to the point of looking like a ghost.

Her robes are black with a gold design on throughout the material, her sash is a silver color with gold weaved through out the fabric, her hands peak just past the sleeves of the robes. The only other bit of skin that is visible is as the base of her neck, which is adorned with a necklace made of silver with a jade pendant, given to her only by her friend Nina before she left for the Academy. She uses as a focus for her magic which is much less bulky then a staff.

Demeanor: Nat keeps to herself mostly using her time to study. She enjoys spending time just watching out the window as she reads or draws. When she does interact with others she's kind but a bit stand offish or only spends time with Nina. She has a harsh side to her when she's being interrupted or insulted and when she is angered she reacts ruthlessly. Her harsh manner is a sign of other deeper issues caused by her mother being cold and harsh to her due to how much she looked like her father, the same father that left her mother while she was pregnant.

History: Nat was born as an only child living with just her mother, her father had left before Nat was born. As she grew her mother became abusive, going as far as forbidding her to leave the house or even letting her own anything past the clothes on her back; all due to the fact that she had her father's eyes.

For years she had to withstand her mother's verbal and emotional abuse, however, it became worse when Nat discovered she had Magick, however, her mother refused to let anyone know that Nat could use magic. She saw sending mages to the Academy as a gift, one she thought Nat shouldn't have.

When she was 8 she met a girl named Nina after she fell outside crying her eyes out while her mother, who earlier that morning forced Nat to say horrible things about herself, was out shopping. Nina was more than willing to help Nat make feel and try to dry her tears until her mother came back home chasing Nina off. From that day on Nat and Nina were close to the point where Nat would sneak away at night to see Nina. Nina?s family also wanted to shelter Nat from her mother but could only do so much due to her mother being a high end merchant.

When Nat was 10 Nina?s family made a plain to help Nat get away from her mother and send both Nina and Nat to the Academy. When he mother was asleep Nat snuck out of the house and ran to Nina?s like normal but knew she wasn't going to come back so she packed what little she had. As a gift for Nat Nina and her family gave Nat a necklace with a deep green jade pendant hung on a ribbon of black silk.

After she arrived she decided she would best be suited as a Nightshade. She spent time studying to better understand her chosen power. She used her hate for her mother and her bitter rage as a driving force to study proving that she is worth some acclamation and not worth the abuse she received as a child creating the darker side of Nat. Due to her hard work she progressed passed most of the other mages of her age. She refused to use her powers as a reason to be lax with her work and studies pushing past some of what was expected of her. Now she seeks to find Dominique or Darnell to become a master Nightshade.

Name: Nina Raje

Age: 30

Gender: Female

Master: Airshifter

Secondary: Pyromancy

Rank: Adept, Apprentice

Appearance: Nina has dark black hair that she keeps up in a tight, messy bun with her dark brown almond shaped eyes. Her face is simply shaped with a small chin and her skin a dark tan color. She stands about 5 foot 5 and always has a smile on her face.

She chooses to wear a dress that's white with a pink and gold sash she keeps around her shoulders. The robe she wears with the dress is a emerald green with gold swirls in the fabric that she keeps open. She keeps a staff on her back kept there with magic that's black with a dragon design on it. She uses it as a focus for her magic and also it serves as a set of swords.

Demeanor: In most cases she's happy and tries to keep Nat as happy as she can. Nina puts others ahead of her self but still watches out for her studies. She is a kind person and is friendly to as many people as she can be with in reason. She isn't a big fan of people that attack others for no reason but still even her kindness has an end. She lashes out at people for being jerks or people that are over all horrible people.

History: Nina was born to a weapon smith and a jeweler, her mother being the jeweler. She meet Nat when she was 10 years old and became fast friends with her. She and her family tried to help Nat get away from her mother but there was little they could do due to who her mother was.

When Nina was around 11 she found out she had magic powers, just like Nat and her parents spend months working out a way for them to get Nat away from her mother and send her to the Academy. They finally worked out the idea of taking Nat from her mother and sending them both off at night while Nat's mother was asleep. Before she left, Nina's parents gave her a staff they both had a hand in making, a staff they wanted her to use to protect Nat and help others with her magic.

When she got their at the age of 12 she decided to become Airshifter. she enjoyed being able to control the air around her and also enjoyed being with Nat watching her grow and become the mage she is now but wishes she wasn't so cold or distant to others.

At the age of 25 she decided to try becoming a Pyromancer as well. Her teacher was hard on her and expected allot from her but she did the best she could, she wanted to please her teacher and prove she could use fire. A few months ago she was put under Aden as her teacher and found he was even worse then her last. From that point on she spent allot of her time with Nat, or alone studying.

Chaos Incarnate

Swiggity Swag
Jan 31, 2010
Name: Ezekial Fried

Age: 17
Gender: Male

Mastery: Water

Rank: Apprentice

Appearance: Ezekial's dark brown hair is constantly uncombed and greasy sporting a massive cowlick on the back gives him the appearance of a rooster's comb. Caucasian, but sporting a rather dark farmer's tan on his arms. Ezekial has several tattoos most homemade and all in a blue ink, one on his back of a massive water-drop, a fist on his right arm and an X on his left hand, also has a rather intricate facial tattoo in blue ink, claims to have received it after a rather heavy night of drinking. Refuses to wear a classical robe so instead just wears a the top part of his robe with the sleeves torn off and some simple dark linen pants. Carries a rather large jug of alcohol on his waist claims it's "water".

Demeanor: A total slacker Ezekial would rather sleep than work, the only time he trains is to keep up with the rest of the apprentices just barely. Animal's are his true passion and is protective of most creatures while having a fascination with Dragons of lore. Willing to get dirty with his hands, his fists make up for his lack of skill with his art.

History: At an early age Ezekial was noticed by recruiters when the rain seemed to constantly miss him as he wandered the streets. The recruited believing himself to have found a natural paid his parents a small sum of money and took him to the academy. Ezekial showed almost no promise, innate ability or desire to learn apoun further inspection but was given a chance to learn as even useless mages can be a danger if not controlled.

Ezekial often wanders the academy slipping into the other elements areas and has thought about dual wielding with another element but decided it would be too much work. Not very social but rather well known at many of bars, his only true friend is "Sir Taco" a rather large docile black chicken that Ezekial found outside the forest often found trotting beside Ezekial or riding on his shoulder.


New member
Mar 27, 2011
Name: Aden Ignaeus

Age: 29

Gender: Male

Mastery: Pyromancer

Rank: Weaver

Appearance: Aden would look fairly average - about middling height at 5'10, physically fit but not hulking, relatively plain-featured and pale-skinned - if it weren't for the terrible scars covering much of his left side, going from his side, across his arm, and over much of the side of his face, leaving his left eye milky-white and blind. He keeps himself neatly groomed, his face shaved and his black hair kept short. His remaining eye is a very vibrant blue, the color seeming to shift shades like fire.

Aden has rather atypical taste in dress - rather than the long, flowing robes favored by most Mages, he prefers black shirts and trousers, and a crimson coat. In battle, Aden sometimes carries a five-foot long staff of ash wood, shod with iron. He uses the tool to augment Pyromancy's lacking defensive capabilities and as a focus for his powers.

Demeanor: Aden is bold, ambitious, and driven, but also bigoted, hateful, and ruthless. He would go to great lengths to protect the Mages, but has little concern for how many mundane humans die. In fact, Aden would be pleased to see the world of the mundane in flames.

History: As a child, Aden seemed incredibly unlucky. At the age of four, his parents were killed in a fire, Aden only narrowly escaping. At the age of six, his caretaker, his uncle, was killed in a fire, Aden only narrowly escaping. At the age of seven, his caretaker, his grandfather, was killed in a fire, Aden only narrowly escaping. After the third case, the people of the town determined that Aden was a demon child, marked by dark powers. He was taken and dragged to the outskirts of the town, where the townspeople attempted to burn him at the stake.

Aden managed to escape using his latent powers, the fire burning his bindings off on his left side and scarring him terribly in the process. He managed to flee and escaped into the city, hiding in a dark gutter. About a day later, he was dragged out of his hiding place by an agent of the Academy looking for potential Mages. He was quickly tested and determined to have powers. He was subsequently shuffled off to the Academy.

As he trained, the fire stoked his emotions. The pain and fear that had been driven into him by his experiences soon transformed into rage and hatred, which drove him to greater heights. Two ambitions formed within him - to become a Master Pyromancer, and to destroy the world of men.

Gypsy Ninja Pirate Zombie King

What the hell am i!???
Oct 25, 2010
Name: Aidan Rath

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Magic: hyrdromancer

Rank: Mage

Appearance: medium build 5'11 has short electric blue hair with bangs coming out to the top of his sea green eyes that perfectly match his robes.

Demeanor: Aidan loves the academy more than anything. he's friendly and honest. and he's always trying to help anyone who needs it. he takes his classes seriously but still try's to have fun whenever he can.

History: Aidan has lived in the academy all his life. his mother and father were both well respected teachers at the academy but died in the reaper forest when he was 2 years old. most of the teachers who knew his mother and father at the academy looked after him. so he's always trying to repay them for everything they've done for him. he hopes to become a teacher at the academy himself one day.


New member
Dec 30, 2010
Name: Fei Kyarra

Age: 17, turning 18 in few days

Gender: Female

Element: Hydromaster

Rank: Mage

Appearance: Fei has pale skin, which contrasts a lot with her jet black pigtails. She stands at an embarrassing 4'10", and is always trying things to make herself seem taller. By some standards she's simply cute, her big blue eyes full of wonder and innocence. Her robe is dark blue with gold and white flowers on it, and has long kimono sleeves.

Demeanor: Shy when it comes to strangers and older mages. Since she was accepted into the Academy when she was still young, she retains the 'normal' habits of a child, chasing after candy and dolls despite her age. She's fiercely loyal to her friends, but they need to be in a lot of trouble for her to resist running for safety at the hint of danger.

History: Her parents doubted her powers, thinking that it was only her brother that summoned the lightning and perhaps let her play with it. They finally let her follow her brother to the academy after she begged them for a long long time, but they still try to convince her to go back home and work in the family business. Fei studies and practices hard to continue to convince them to not take her away from the Academy her brother is in. She worships the ground Drew walks on, and hopes that one day she'll be able to take care of herself rather than hiding behind her brother all the time. She is currently trying to become an Adept.


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
Well, this sounds like a great setting! While I would love to take part in this, I don't want to intrude or slow things down. I currently have a pretty busy work schedule, and would likely only be able to play in the afternoon/evenings. If this is a problem, let me know and I'll back out. If not, then here's my character sheet:

Name: Naritas

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Mastery: Airshifter

Rank: Apprentice

Appearance: Standing a bit above 6', Naritas has shaggy brown hair, but keeps it short enough to stay out of his eyes. Has blue eyes. Despite his height, he is quite underweight, giving himself a thin, lanky body type. Typically wears a white shirt and dark blue pants, with a foot length brown robe. Wears an inch-wide white stripe down the right side of his robe to signify his place as an airshifter. Also has a white stone necklace that he is seldom seen without. Wears boots. As for a weapon, he typically hides a curved dirk somewhere in his robes. He rarely uses it in combat, but can often be seen fiddling with it. It also provides a good focus point for his bending, allowing him to move the wind in a thin, whip-like manner.

Demeanor: Although he can be polite in everyday conversation, Naritas is horrible with people. He finds it difficult to open up to others, and is terrible at reading people. However, if he feels that someone is a friend, he will be fiercely loyal to them. A strange man, he has a few nervous habits, namely fidgeting with anything close at hand (Rocks, sticks, etc). His eyes rarely settle on one person or place; they typically flit all around him, giving him an excellent view of his surroundings. Often talks to himself. Finally, although quite slow to anger, he has been known to suffer from temporary insanity whenever extremely frightened or angered. During these periods, he becomes incredibly violent, has difficulty telling allies apart from enemies, and possesses an insanely high pain tolerance and superb reflexes and speed.

History: With no idea who his parents were, Naritas was found wondering the streets at the age of two. Luckily for him, he was taken in by an innkeeper. Unluckily for him, his adoptive parent was quite cruel. Constant beatings and many foodless nights taught him to always keep an eye open for escape routes and easy to grab morsels. Old habits die hard; Naritas can often be found swiping snacks from the Academy kitchens, although he rarely attends meals. Too many people for his liking.

One day, after his guardian came at him with a knife for swiping a loaf of bread, Naritas snapped, and left the inn, the knife buried in the innkeeper's chest. He survived on the streets by himself for a few years, but after being attacked by a group of miscreants for "trespassing" on their territory, he again lost it and unwittingly unleashed his dormant airshifting abilities, nearly killing the gang members in his rage. He was jailed for a few weeks, before word of the incident reached the Academy. He was admitted to the Academy at the age of 14.

It was here that Naritas made his first friend, a master airshifter who took Naritas under his wing. For the next four years, Naritas made great progress, specializing in smaller, but more focused, gusts of wind, as well increasing his speed and reflexes. However, when the master passed away about a year ago, Naritas slipped back into his old habits of trusting no one. He has made little headway in his training, and it looks like he might never progress beyond a mage, if he even makes it that far.

Edit: Updated a bit. Not a whole lot of changes, just a few more details added to his demeanor and history.
Jun 13, 2010
Name: Nydia Freecs



Mastery: Lightdweller

Rank: Adept

Appearance: Nydia is of about an average build at about 5"8 and 120 pounds. She has long light blonde hair that extends past her shoulders and bright blue eyes. She needs to wear glasses to see properly and usually wears a robe of pure white, as she likes to keep her wardrobe fairly simple.

Demeanor: Nydia is a bright and inquisitive person. Her noble upbringing has taught her excellent manners, she is very polite and can be quite friendly when need be but prefers to spend her time studying alone.

History: Nydia came from a noble family that prided itself on having a long line of LightDwellers so it was no surprise that she herself joined their ranks. Her mother passed away of a sudden illness when Nydia was only 7 and her father couldn't bear to remarry, leaving Nydia as the sole successor to the Freecs name. She had many suitors her entire life, but managed to put them off by declaring she would not marry until she reached a rank fitting of her noble stature. In addition to being pressured to marry, she also was expected to be a successful LightDweller. Having shunned her other obligation, she made sure not to let her father down and devoted every fiber of her being to studying magic. Her efforts were rewarded and she quickly reached the rank of Adept, having obtained potent healing abilities and above average combat abilities for her element. Now she has her sights set on becoming a Weaver.
I'll have another go at this if you'll have me again. I know I wasn't exactly one of the major players last time but I have a lot more time to devote to this nowadays.

Xero Scythe

New member
Aug 7, 2009
Here's my sheet! Sorry I'm a bit late delivering- I somehow was accidentally IP banned during some server update. However, apparently everything is fixed now, so yay!
Name: Grana Rei

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Mastery: Pyromancy

Rank: Mage

Appearance: Standing tall at 6'1", and weighing only 150 pounds, the best way to describe Grana would be 'whiplike.' His emerald green eyes entrance the viewers of his dance while his short spiky hair becomes a golden blur as he flows from one form to the next. Due to his preferences from his past life, his loose black pants are secured right above his ankles by strips of elastic as to not hinder his movements. If possible, Grana prefers to walk barefoot, with white wrappings supporting his ankle and the arch of his foot, continuing where the pants end. Grana's crimson-red vest often remains open, revealing a pure white shirt below. Grana will only ever button up his vest during a performance or a fight. Damien's arms are wrapped from halfway up the forearm to a centimeter below the second knuckles on each of his fingers.

Demeanor: Grana is often easy-going and laid back, but all that is merely an incredibly long fuse to an incredible bomb. Grana's rage is so great it transforms his magic from flowing flames to destructive explosions.

History: Grana was born into the Rei family, widely acknowledged as the greatest acrobats on Darkengrad. Grana, as the oldest male heir of the family name, was taught everything his parents knew. Due to supporting his body weight on a single muscle, Grana has built up a body that managed to be light enough to fly through the air, while simultaneously being incredibly strong. His grip strength is especially fierce from trusting his life to his hands and the trapeze. He was taught dexterity to survive above the ground, and coordination to flow through the complex dances his family were known for. After a performance for the city that housed The Academy, Grana took it upon a whim to go see the legendary school of magic. Assuming he was blending in with the crowd, Grana had accidentally slipped into the line of apprentices waiting to be Focused. He was rushed to center stage and forced to sit in site of everyone else, feeling like a fool. Grana realized that any moment he could be found out and killed, and was suitably relieved when it was found out he had potential for Pyromancy. When the mistake had been discovered, Grana was offered a scholarship to study at the Academy, with his parents suitably reimbursed, of course. Now Grana incorporates his magic with his familial dances, creating a unique style of magic use that is as beautiful as it is deadly.

Jeff Gibson

New member
May 6, 2010
This looks pretty cool. I'm going to be a bit busy for the next week and a half, but I'll try to get a sheet going ASAP.

My name is Fiction

New member
Sep 27, 2010
I wanted to join this when the first one started. I hope you like it! ^^

Name: Edward Sheen

Age: 18
Gender: Male

Mastery: Earthshaper

Rank: Apprentice

Appearance: Being a mover of stone and rock he lacks the bulky build that is commonly associated with earthshapers but can still lift the . He has well toned and defined muscles due to his informal training gained from his reading believing more in practice then in theory. His hair is a lightning blonde and is cut short and ragged due to cutting his own hair.

Demeanor: He likes keeping his mind busy, while some call him a bookworm or "Earth worm" he is very social and can befriend almost anyone he meets. Either he is thinking about a friends feelings or a grand stratagem for battle, he pursues it full stride and shares such when he can. Morally he is diverse. In two similar subjects he can have almost conflicting opinions. Like a one way mirror just when you think you can see straight through him you find out he is only showing you what he wants.

History: At age 9 he was finally sent to the academy where his power manifested when he threw a rock at a bully and missed. Mid-flight, the rock had changed course, and struck the boy. Once he entered the academy he was quick to try to make as many friends trying to replace his old family with the new. Often wandering around the port city when he could to hang with the other kids .
He was fascinated by the other elementals, and made more friends with them then his own kind. At times he thinks he was focused into the wrong magik and often compares the others to himself. This motivates him even harder to take his art to the next level to a point where he feels respectable.


Keep a hat handy
Jan 23, 2010
staika said:
Sir, you unfortunately are running a character who is not only being superman, but also a walking paradox. He only has control of his power when calm? For pyros, that's like saying you can only breathe when you feel like it. He ranks too high for his unpredictability in general, and just needs to be redone.

Gypsy ninja pirate zombie king said:
You need to work on that description more. There isn't really much of any picture to it other than blue hair and robes. Also, your history needs a ton of work. This is quite a while after the mages first arriving, meaning that wandering Reaper Forest would be terribly stupid. Also, being connected to a multitude of teachers is just odd in general. If you want consideration, it just needs to be redone.

Xero Scythe said:
Alright, this thing needs some real work now. First, your description is far too long. Just a general idea please, not describing absolutely everything. Next, his rank is too high for his age being so young, especially if any timeline is to be formed for how long he was here. Next, you need to just redo a lot of this sheet. I see a lot of things that don't apply here any more, like "Attuning." Your powers don't simply become amazing, you have to learn them. So, a lot of work to be done here.

My name is Fiction said:
Not a bad start, but the curse thing is a little bit too much. Go into more of the character themselves rather than the family around them. Also, he might be somewhat too young to be using Mage level, so a slight boost to that would be appreciated. Also, your character demeanor should just be how they act, and also some explanation on how he is muscled when he just reads books would be nice.

My name is Fiction

New member
Sep 27, 2010
UnusualStranger said:
staika said:
Sir, you unfortunately are running a character who is not only being superman, but also a walking paradox. He only has control of his power when calm? For pyros, that's like saying you can only breathe when you feel like it. He ranks too high for his unpredictability in general, and just needs to be redone.

Gypsy ninja pirate zombie king said:
You need to work on that description more. There isn't really much of any picture to it other than blue hair and robes. Also, your history needs a ton of work. This is quite a while after the mages first arriving, meaning that wandering Reaper Forest would be terribly stupid. Also, being connected to a multitude of teachers is just odd in general. If you want consideration, it just needs to be redone.

Xero Scythe said:
Alright, this thing needs some real work now. First, your description is far too long. Just a general idea please, not describing absolutely everything. Next, his rank is too high for his age being so young, especially if any timeline is to be formed for how long he was here. Next, you need to just redo a lot of this sheet. I see a lot of things that don't apply here any more, like "Attuning." Your powers don't simply become amazing, you have to learn them. So, a lot of work to be done here.

My name is Fiction said:
Not a bad start, but the curse thing is a little bit too much. Go into more of the character themselves rather than the family around them. Also, he might be somewhat too young to be using Mage level, so a slight boost to that would be appreciated. Also, your character demeanor should just be how they act, and also some explanation on how he is muscled when he just reads books would be nice.
I should snip all this but oh well. But thank you for all the constructive feed back. Do you want me to edit the original sheet or just post a new one with those revisions?