Jurassic World - Dinosaurs are Fun Again


Elite Member
Oct 27, 2009
Jurassic World - Dinosaurs are Fun Again

It took over two decades, but audiences have finally been given a true sequel to Jurassic Park.

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New member
Jan 15, 2009
well, good to hear its not a total waste of time. looks like i can watch it with some confidence next week.


Your friendly local nihilist
Dec 6, 2010
Great to hear! My Dad has been bitching kindly insisting that I go see this with him. Glad to hear it won't be two hours of my life down the drain... like when he made me go see Grown Ups 2. *shudders at the horrid memory*

Edit: So great movie, easy 7/10 for me. I'll agree with Shinji that the violence is insane for PG-13. I have a few issues, a couple plot holes so large I noticed them, some general movie stupidity, and the scene in the train when the youngest starts crying about their parents. That scene contributed nothing to the film.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
This is what I've always felt was missing from not just the sequels but even the original; Just big fun dinosaur carnage.

It also very cleverly circumvents comparisons to Jurassic Park by making it clear that that park (movie) was the OG. And instead of trying to replicate that sense of awe that the original had, it presents you with some pretty cool world building. The little dinosaur petting zoo where kids could cuddle with little sauropods and get triceratops pony rides was one of the stand-out moments in the film. I also liked the full-size dinosaur holograms that allowed attendants to interact with a velociraptor or dilophosaurus. It's little touches like that that made this version of the park really come to life.

And the raptor training was handled very well. I know beforehand people were all worried that the raptors were now going to be turned into pets or something, but they feel as dangerous as they did in the original.

And the violence really was surprisingly vicious. There's one scene that gets excessively nasty despite not one drop of blood getting spilled...

That nanny bought it real bad. I mean first she get snatched up by a pterodactyl, who then drops her into the mosasaur tank. It then swoops down into the water, grabs her in its beak, shakes her around, drops her again and picks her up in order to fly away with her, but before it can get high enough both it and the nanny get chomped up by the breaching mosasaur.

Goddamn that was brutal.

And the ending... What can I say? I can see a lot of people hating it, but I was pissing myself laughing. And not in a 'laughing at it' sort of way. I got what the movie was going for and I was right there with it.

Super Cyborg

New member
Jul 25, 2014
Good review and put some of my feeling into words well.

The Dinosaurs were cool to see, but I don't think the magic will ever be the same compared to the first. The first movie awed us with the dinosaurs, and the movie seemed to focus on that by always making the reveal of a new dinosaur great. The first reveal of the initial dinosaur was great. Then the T-Rex entrance was amazing and is one of the greatest moments in movie history. In this movie, the Dinosaurs aren't exactly new to us, and we don't exactly get the same feeling of awe. However, since the movie realizes this, it does well in not trying to outdo Jurassic Park.

One thing I do have to love is the final sequences of the movie, the night time stuff. The first thing is the raptors turning on everyone was quite a great scene, with chills going down my spine with the Raptors taking down these mercenaries with ease. The touch of the one raptor stopping and looking at Owen then getting blown up was a powerful scene, and the raptors dying in general. In the first movie, it was more this shouldn't happen period. In this movie, it's about respecting the dinosaurs, and culminates into the audience actually caring about the raptors. I was sad when I initially thought Blue died.

Also, the scene where the Aunt started up a flare as the cage opened up got me excited. As soon as the flare went up I knew what was going to happen and was grinning. The homage to the first movie of running with the flare to lead the T-Rex was great. The scene of the T-Rex and Blue teaming up was the defining moment of the movie, especially considering how the first movie ended.

I have to disagree with the Chris Pratt part. I actually thought he was quite good overall, with a nice balance of serious and joking around. The romance part I agree with.

Neurotic Void Melody

Bound to escape
Jul 15, 2013
Soon...soon, I can witness this. Just as soon as I can convince someone i'm fun enough to go to the movies with. Now to find some gullible humans!

Dinosaurs are fantastic. Anyone who says otherwise is a heathenistic christian! It's a pity that so many films do not utilise their ability to wow us. And no feathers please! Swans can be iffy, but certainly not dread-inducing.

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
Just watched this a few hours ago and while I did enjoyed it, the first is still better for me (nostalgia may have to do with it especially when seeing Dinosaur on the screen is no longer a wow factor).

Casual Shinji said:
I think it is made worse that she was pretty much alived and swollow whole which I bet those swollow fetish people want to trade places with her! I felt sorry for her since she had to nanny some unruling kids, get no respect from her boss (all she know about her is she's British) and she suffer a horrible fate before actually getting to died!

I really hated the manager for being a cliche (super busy to actually spend times with the kids to the point she does not know their ages and not showing empathy to the dinosaur until later). Sure there are worse business cliche character out there (Deep Blue Sea come to my mind) but still.

What I did liked that it did kind of break away from the cliche like that war monger monologue was cut short thanks to that raptor and that nerd standing behind but getting a kiss from that female co worker was a failure!
Also the few reference to the first film like actually visiting to that building (althought I thought they would demolist or rebuild it), that DNA mascot and the hologram of that frill neck dino) was a nice touch.

The final blow to the Indominus Rex death was NOT expected!! They just went Deep Blue Sea on us! Speaking of that sea dino, how come that sea creature doesn't attack the recuse ships? That must be some strong underwater fences they got down there!

Lastly with that Raptor vs Rex fight, did anyone else thought it was competely random how that raptor (how does anyone know which Raptors are which since apparently it was Blue that was left standing?) just went BBQ crisp when the rex thrown it into that grill stand with its teeth? Also that first raptor death by being blown up by a bazooka was kinda random aswell since I thought most if not all of the mercanary were all killed!

EDIT- Oh yeah the ost was very lacking compared to the first film!

Sniper Team 4

New member
Apr 28, 2010
I saw this movie last night, because apparently release days now mean the day before at 7 p.m. It is very well worth seeing, to be sure. It does feel like a real sequel to Jurassic Park, and there are plenty of references to the original movie. Fans will certainly catch a lot of them and it just makes the movie feel more genuine.

The only problem I had with it is that a character's death goes on a bit too long. Those of you who have seen the trailer, and see the pterodactyl attack, that is the part I'm talking about. Going in, most people are going to know who is going to die and who is going to live simply by how they act, but this death got a bit uncomfortable. I asked my friends about it afterward and they agreed. If they had cut it down by maybe half the length, then it would be fine.
Of course, this could be because I'm getting old, but it really felt kind of jarring.

EDIT: I see a few people above me felt the same, or at least remember that scene. Glad to know my friends and I weren't the only ones.


New member
Aug 5, 2009
I may be missing some central philosophical point the movie could have, but I don't care: I want to see more Dino-on-Dino fighting, and I hope Jurassic World delivers! That part was the only redeeming thing about JP III.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Scarim Coral said:
that nerd standing behind but getting a kiss from that female co worker was a failure!
A lot of the humor in the movie fell kinda flat for me, but that one was really good. Amplified by the same scene prior between Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard. It's like 'Yeah sorry, none for you.'

EDIT- Oh yeah the ost was very lacking compared to the first film!
Michael Giacchino wasn't really been able to recreate that same magic from his years at Pixar unfortunately.


New member
Dec 5, 2008
Whatever else it does, I have to give it credit for one thing. Jurassic Park 2 had this "Oh, we have to preserve and protect the beautiful natural genetically engineered dinosaurs that died out millions of years ago! For nature!" theme that made me want to slap whoever was responsible upside the head. JW seems to say, "Wow! Rigging a new dinosaur together was a spectacularly bad idea!" (Yes, you idiots, every iteration of Jurassic Park has been a spectacularly bad idea; thank you for finally catching on!)


Your #1 Source for the Dino Porn
Jul 10, 2013
I had a hard time containing my laughter due to some of the dialogue choices... Then again, it did weird me out a bit that not only did I guess correctly how long it has been since the boys have seen their aunt, but also noticing the subtle instances of the number 7 in the most "unexpected" of places... Also, I thought the loose subplots would annoy me since they didn't seem to get any true closure[footnote]
If that older brother's not loosing his girlfriend any faster than the parent's divorce, then I know something's up...
[/footnote], but after really thinking about it, I feel like they were just there to make this characters have more dept that their dialogue wasn't conveying properly...

Other than that, I'm not surprised I was able to figure out with raptor was which during the night portion of the movie...
Charlie dies via getting blown up...
Echo dies in a fire...
Delta, despite getting sweet revenge against the "cartoon bad guy", gets fucked by Holyshitasaurus...
Blue's the only one that makes it out alive...
Plus, I like the quick "fuck you" to the third JP movie as well as the LW music reference in the overall score of the movie... Overall, I would say that "1<JW<<LW<<<<ALAN!" despite really enjoying the shit out of this movie...


New member
Sep 3, 2008
Casual Shinji said:
This is what I've always felt was missing from not just the sequels but even the original; Just big fun dinosaur carnage.

It also very cleverly circumvents comparisons to Jurassic Park by making it clear that that park (movie) was the OG. And instead of trying to replicate that sense of awe that the original had, it presents you with some pretty cool world building. The little dinosaur petting zoo where kids could cuddle with little sauropods and get triceratops pony rides was one of the stand-out moments in the film. I also liked the full-size dinosaur holograms that allowed attendants to interact with a velociraptor or dilophosaurus. It's little touches like that that made this version of the park really come to life.
I know it couldn't replicate it because there will literally never be anything quite like that first time you see a full dinosaur from Jurassic Park 1 (between how well the actors sell the whole thing, to just how realistic the dinosaur looked, to the just straight majesty of it all, nothing will compare to it) I have to say that the moment when the kids are in the gyrosphere and he asks "Where are they?!?" then the camera pans out and you see them all? My heart skipped a beat that it hadn't skipped since Jurassic Park 1.

The sequels never had that sense of wonder and awe that Jurassic Park 1 had. 2 tried to replicate it with the photography scene near the start, but it didn't feel genuine and was over so quick that you didn't have a chance to appreciate it. 3 didn't even pretend that dinosaurs being alive was a big thing because it was too wrapped up in the running and screaming part to remember the oohhs and aaahhs. Jurassic World though, with that one scene, reminds us that its still wonderful and beautiful to see dinosaurs alive again. Between the younger one being extremely over hyped and having all his dreams come true, to the older one who gives no fucks at first (dinosaurs are so whatever compared to chicks) until he finally sees them up close and personal and he's allowed to remember that this is excessively cool.

Even if the rest of the movie was shit that one scene would have at least been incredibly memorable.

And the ending... What can I say? I can see a lot of people hating it, but I was pissing myself laughing. And not in a 'laughing at it' sort of way. I got what the movie was going for and I was right there with it.
I'm usually able to keep my laughing to a minimum in movie theaters because I feel its rude to laugh. I even do it in comedies, which is totally weird. I got the whole hand over the mouth lung chuckle thing down. Yet that ending I literally burst out laughing and had to cover my mouth to muffle it. Its not totally unexpected, because the movie hadn't been 100% serious all the time, but that ending was so hilariously amazing that I couldn't stop it.

I was cheering and laughing in a movie theater like I was at home for a good 10-15 seconds.

My SO actually elbowed me in the ribs when I yelled out "KICK HER ASS BLUE!" when Blue showed back up. God that ending was amazing.


Mad Max 2019
Feb 18, 2013
As a Canadian I find it surprising that you find it surprising that the movie has a PG13 rating. Then again, here the uncensored version of Kingsmen was PG13, so it's not as though our rating systems have much similarities other then the names of the ratings.


New member
Jul 12, 2009
Watched the movie yesterday.
Really enjoyed it, went far above my expectations. So I am happy with it :D


Elite Member
Sep 11, 2008
I loved this movie, it was 10/10 for me.

One of my favorite parts in general though, was the slap to the face of JP3

When the tyrannosaurus burst through the skeleton of the JP3 Spinosaurus

That moment felt like a real win to me.


AccursedT- see you space cowboy
Jun 6, 2013
I'm of two minds on this. On the one hand this film is not as good as the original, and to be fair, it never tries to be. There's no suspense, no wonder, and ultimately no horror. The characters are comparatively flat, there's an overabundance of CGI, and there are numerous plot holes. It's also filled with self referential humor and TONS of fanservice.

On the other hand, the movie IS fun. Chris Pratt is... well, Chris Pratt. He's a funny and likable leading man. You have dinosaurs fighting the military. You have dinosaurs fighting each other. You have dinosaurs eating tons of civilians. If you've ever just wanted to see all out dinosaur carnage, then this is the Jurrasic Park film you been waiting for. It's not nuanced, and it doesn't even begin to capture the magic and heart of the original. But it's a big, dumb, fun action movie, and it's over the top in all the right places. Enjoy the film for the silly fun it is. Just don't expect what I would call a "true" sequel to Jurassic Park. Other then the music, it doesn't really feel like it's in the same franchise. It's got more in common with Guardians of the Galaxy.

Ryan Minns

New member
Mar 29, 2011
I enjoyed the movie but I am annoyed by the absolute need for romance in EVERYTHING. Even if it's not done terribly it still seems forced. Only thing that really pissed me off was the overwhelming idiocy of tje kids. JP1 didn't need completle dipshit kids to cause drama


New member
Sep 25, 2012
Sniper Team 4 said:
The only problem I had with it is that a character's death goes on a bit too long.
I have to admit that one did surprise me. I was very aware that there were a load of children in the cinema (you tend to be, their bladders are like satsumas) and while I wouldn't say that scene shocked me or disgusted me I did feel it was a little...shall we say vicious, particularly for kiddy-bait like this film.