Just got Skyrim. Wat do?


New member
Aug 28, 2009
ACman said:
Water breathing is a useless ability. Much like poison resistance.

I recommend role playing and making you decisions from there.

Be a Nord dedicated to felling the Tyranny of the Thalmor and the Empire and the freedom of Skyrim.

Be an Imperial Spy putting the pragmatic interests of the Empire first.

Be a Bretonnion fugitive thief from Daggerfall free with the jewels in others pockets and sock drawers.

That's my three characters.

Other suggestions include a Kajit merchant, a wood elf hunter, summoner, a high elf mage. A dark elf assassin.
I like to take my roleplaying one step further....

Puss in Boots (Khajit thief swordsman)
Legolas (Wood elf archer)
Emperor Palpatine (Imperial dual shock wielding mage with some telekinesis for lulz)
Shrek (Orc fighter)
Xena, Warrior Princess (human female sword and shield user)