Just Who The Hell Is Deathlok?

Stabby Joe

New member
Jul 30, 2008
RossaLincoln said:
Stabby Joe said:
"Just who the hell is Deathlok?"

Considering they're still grossly over delaying Agents in the UK, he's a spoiler.
Ooof, sorry about that.
Nah it's fine, I blame Channel 4. The second half of the show is not coming back until March I hear. Why? Because... erm... reasons?


Not Gone Gonzo
Jan 16, 2009
Ross, I like your style. You do not shy away from criticising the show where it is merited. It has many flaws (casting is one in my opinion). This article does not come from a fanboy standpoint like the other SHIELD reviews. The series is teetering on being bad, which is surprising, and it is good to see that they are making these efforts to tie it into a larger cause...