Kane & Lynch & Enough of the Bullshit

Russ Pitts

The Boss of You
May 1, 2006
Archon said:
Arbe, if you spend a few minutes on Google searching for "Russ Pitts" you can find all about Russ's adventures in stating truth to power. It was even in a Salon article.
Ah, the power of Google. I spent five years hoping that story would die with the angst that spawned it. Alas.

I got blacklisted by pretty much everyone for while because of that episode. The upside is I got the chance to explore a completely different career for a while, under an assumed name, while the worst of it blew over. It was almost like a vacation.

I'll be writing about all that on my blog in the next few days or so. If you're curious, stay tuned.


New member
Dec 3, 2007
Hey, anyone listen to the GameSpot podcast?

Click to listen [http://www.gamespot.com/pages/features/hotspot/index.php?id=661&om_act=convert&om_clk=multimodule&tag=multimodule;picks;story;1]

It's the GameSpot staff lamenting about their loss. Does it explain anything? Not really, but it shows that the GameSpot staff had nothing to do with letting him go.

Russ Pitts

The Boss of You
May 1, 2006
Erp. Looks like my site went down. God bless the internet.

I'll drop another link when that gets sorted out.

Russ Pitts

The Boss of You
May 1, 2006
Yeah, and the short-sightedness of my hosting choices. Hopefully I'll have it all sorted out sometime today.

Since the website can no longer speak for me, basically what I'm doing is finally describing my career at TechTV and detailing the events that led up to that disastrous email I sent, the one they wrote about at Salon.

The story will be in 7 - 10 parts, and as soon as my site goes back up, I'll re-post parts 1 and 2. I've resisted writing about all that for about 6 years now, but ... well, things change. Hopefully you'll get to read it soon.


New member
Dec 7, 2007
Even if there is absolutely *no* concrete evidence of collusion between Eidos and Gamespot, *chortle*, there is this truism of any advertiser-subsidized journalism: don't piss off the sponsors. Say whatever you want, but if the sponsors call foul, somebody's going to need a new job. That's exactly how it is in the TV, radio, and news industry. The only thing that would eliminate this situation is if the magazines refuse any advertisements from the publishers. This is just the case with Consumer Reports. CR doesn't allow advertisements in their magazine - keeps the reviews fair, and it becomes harder for people to claim otherwise. Unfortunately, that would make each issue of Your Favorite Gaming Mag just as expensive as the games that they review.


New member
Jan 13, 2007
Gilgamesh999 said:
Even if there is absolutely *no* concrete evidence of collusion between Eidos and Gamespot, *chortle*, there is this truism of any advertiser-subsidized journalism: don't piss off the sponsors. Say whatever you want, but if the sponsors call foul, somebody's going to need a new job. That's exactly how it is in the TV, radio, and news industry. The only thing that would eliminate this situation is if the magazines refuse any advertisements from the publishers. This is just the case with Consumer Reports. CR doesn't allow advertisements in their magazine - keeps the reviews fair, and it becomes harder for people to claim otherwise. Unfortunately, that would make each issue of Your Favorite Gaming Mag just as expensive as the games that they review.
At which point, you'd rather rent the game than buy the mag, and then finally acquire the game if you liked it.

Russ Pitts

The Boss of You
May 1, 2006
For the curious, take 2:

The Similar Story That Happened to Russ [http://www.falsegravity.com/?p=6]

Senor Pantz

New member
Dec 8, 2007
Honestly I have never relied on Gamespot for my game purchasing reviews, more for their previews and trailers. I prefer to go to Gamefaqs and read the highest and lowest scoring reviews and try to decide if its the sort of game I would like. However now that Gamespot's credibility is somewhat tarnished and they own (or at least advertise on) Gamefaqs, do you think it can still be trusted? When I checked yesterday I noticed a real lack of reviews, especially poor reviews, on Kane and Lynch.


New member
Nov 8, 2007
Russ Pitts said:
Kane & Lynch & Enough of the Bullshit

The burning questions are: 1) Did Gamespot's deal with Eidos include an expectation of editorial coverage, or of a certain kind of editorial coverage, and 2) Was Gerstmann fired specifically for his negative review. If the answer to either of these questions is "yes," we're all screwed. We kind of already are screwed merely because even if the deal didn't go down this way, it's so plausible that it did.

Read Full Article
This is definitely the kind of thing people need to know. Questions like this come up and need to be answered, and sadly they do not.


New member
Jan 13, 2007
This is just so going to rot. It's already lost its momentum. Too bad, we were approaching climax, but it fizzed out.
Maybe with the massive wave of Gamespotters leaving, something new might happen... but I don't think so.
Dang, this really does not deliver.
My popcorn has a bittersweet taste.


New member
Oct 24, 2007
The cause-and-effect tree of all this, neatly explained:

1. Videogames nowadays almost exclusively cater to, and are thus too tied to, gamers, causing:

2. Potentional readers/visitors to game sites/pubs to be exclusively gamers, and thus:

3. Ad revenue would then be dependant on the likes and dislikes of gamers, so:

4. A marketing guru would astute that ads in this medium can only be created for and driven to gamers, or young boys to 35 year olds at best, and as a result:

5. The bulk of ads for a videogame publication comes from the same people creating and publishing games, which means:

6. Piss them off, and they will stop sending ads, and thus the majority of your revenue is gone, so:

7. "Game journalism" is really a bunch of fat bobos too scared to piss off the money men involved and lose their jobs (save for Jeff apparently), because of the cause-and-effect of the above.

Funny thing is, things like the Wii are opening the industry to more people aside from gamers,
which means more diversity in the group of people who have interests in games,
which means more diverse ad revenue,
which means the pubs can't hold gaming news media hostage with ad money as there will be more sponsors aside from them interested.

Another funny thing: Plenty of gamers out there accusing Wii of "abandoning" gamers and catering too much to casuals/non-gamers. And then ***** about the recent Gamespot debacle. Oh the hilarious irony, hardee-fucking-har.


New member
Jan 14, 2008
Seriously, I don't get why people hate this game so hard. I watched the Gerstman video review, and the first thought that came to my mind was how unprofessional he sounded. He seemed to drone on and on, harping on the same topic. And when I read reactions from people who say "these questions need to be answered" and "this is important," it makes me scoff. Reality check: it's not as if this started a war or blew a CIA operative's cover...it was a ranting review about a decent, if somewhat flawed, video game.

Knight Templar

Moved on
Dec 29, 2007
I canot respect anybody who has a gamespot account(as a rule of thumb). Sorry but if they stop even you from reviewing a game, it becomes personal and them taking away someting you pay for.

But you said it better than I could.

The worry I have over this is, people will forget. That is someting that scares me.

Edit: On reflection I might be a little too harsh.


New member
Nov 7, 2007
For me, the thing to royaly piss me off, was how little the special edition comes with, A MUSIC CD AND 4 POSTCARDS!!!! The games not revoloutionary but i LOVED the online, well I would, if i wasn't on xbox live, and everytime I got revenge on a traitor, they swore at me.