I dunno (this isnt about Kesha in particular, and I like all aspects of Ac/DC but they're guitar driven anyway), the vocals seems to be the main focus really, the music itself in that genre is extremely basic so it's not like you'd really be listening to that, especially when if played live, it'd just be her singing with nothing else, although saying that I think she soudns atrocious.Guy32 said:Same, and the argument about her "lack of talent" is crap.Pimppeter2 said:That was pretty hilarious. Kudos to those who made this.
I actually like the song, its catchy.
[sub]Now to fend of the quotes[/sub]
I'm sorry, I must have missed the meeting where we all agreed that music quality is based solely on the singer's voice. God knows I didn't listen to AC/DC for their vocals.
I finished it. That was painful. I need to blast some metal now.TOGSolid said:Ugh, couldn't even finish the video. That song is just god fucking awful.
Their was Star Trek: The Animated SerieszHellas said:I think there is/was a Star Trek manga. Could have been adapted to anime.Jack and Calumon said:AMV? Star Trek is not an Anime. >.<Bambi Puce said:What? You want congratulations for finding a Star Trek AMV?
I don't think so...
OT: That was cool! Better than most Fan Made Music Videos you can find. A hell of a lot better.
Calumon: I could make one... maybe... probably not.
Go do a Google search, you superbly cute thing!
Wish I knew. And it's not that it's bad because it's pop music, it's just legitimately bad music in general. Lady Gaga I get. I don't care for her, but I get it; it's fun, dumb dance music. She's trying to be Madonna Mark 2 and she seems to do a decent job at it. This Kesha moron, on the other hand, is just a bad performer. Her voice is god awful, the song is grating, and frankly she needs to just go away.CORRODED SIN said:I finished it. That was painful. I need to blast some metal now.TOGSolid said:Ugh, couldn't even finish the video. That song is just god fucking awful.
Off topic, how does someone like her get famou$?
Let's kill her, shall we?TOGSolid said:Wish I knew. And it's not that it's bad because it's pop music, it's just legitimately bad music in general. Lady Gaga I get. I don't care for her, but I get it; it's fun, dumb dance music. She's trying to be Madonna Mark 2 and she seems to do a decent job at it. This Kesha moron, on the other hand, is just a bad performer. Her voice is god awful, the song is grating, and frankly she needs to just go away.CORRODED SIN said:I finished it. That was painful. I need to blast some metal now.TOGSolid said:Ugh, couldn't even finish the video. That song is just god fucking awful.
Off topic, how does someone like her get famou$?