Keyboard issues.


New member
Aug 17, 2011
Hi, first and foremost I wasn't sure where to put this so mods feel free to move.

I'm trying to diagnose my friend's computer problem. When she types the letter "a" it puts a 7 right after it. So the word "and" gets typed as "a7nd." Also the number "1" comes with a free "8." They are the only 2 odd keys and I can't for the life of me figure out the problem. It doesn't help that I'm diagnosing over IM..

Have any of you escapists had or encountered the same problem before?
Thanks in advance!


New member
Nov 13, 2008
First of all, is it a laptop or a desktop.

Secondly ask her to use the on screen keyboard. (This will help diagnose whether the problem is software or hardware).

If it is software, all i can suggest is to reinstall the keyboard drivers.

If it is hardware, try blowing underneath the keys, some stuff may have worked its way under the keys causing two key presses to be recognised.

If it is a desktop, i suggest trying a spare keyboard that might be lying around.