Kids react to Gameboy, people get butthurt


New member
Jul 5, 2009
TKhanman said:
Agreed, I really hate how some people have think being born in the 90's is some kind of accomplishment or that it makes them better and/or that not liking stuff they liked in the past is some sort of crime.
I get shit on by every asshole from the ninties because I grew up with a PlayStation and played games like Crash Bandicoot, Final Fantasy 7/8 and Metal Gear Solid instead of Nintendo stuff. I'm so sory my childhood was fun for me and not the fun you want me to have.

It also easily explains why I can't be fucked with Nintendo stuff and it's incredibly childish IPs. I have no problem that people enjoy them. They can enjoy what they want as long as it's legal and consenting. But don't tell me I had a crap childhood because I never played Ocarena of Time and think it's not fun.


Burn, Burn it All!
Aug 8, 2009
DementedSheep said:
Cheers for working that out for me. I appreciate it!
Well in all honesty I ended up taking the figures from a news article I read a while back. So I'm really just a lazy person, rather than a person who is decent at math. T^T


New member
Oct 25, 2009
From a programming perspective, the gameboy game was quite the feat to pull off. I don't care what anyone says, programming anything in assembly is NOT FUN.


Monster Befriender
Nov 19, 2010
That video popped up on Memebase and deliberately avoided it because I expected I'd get unreasonably irritated because of my own sentiments towards the system.

Watching it now,, it wasn't that bad...there's kids who are just too young to understand, there's no kids saying inconsiderate things in the case that they should know better. Tyler's annoyingly staunch, though. I imagine he hasn't had his views challenged that much.


New member
Jan 8, 2010
Neronium said:
DementedSheep said:
Cheers for working that out for me. I appreciate it!
Well in all honesty I ended up taking the figures from a news article I read a while back. So I'm really just a lazy person, rather than a person who is decent at math. T^T
Psst, you're not suppose to admit that. You're suppose to quietly let everyone think your a genius while never outright stating you worked it out yourself so you can't be called on it.

Thanks anyway ;)

Robert Marrs

New member
Mar 26, 2013
I would never hand my little brother an original gameboy and expect anything other than a look of total confusion and disgust. I probably would have felt the same way had someone handed me an atari when I have an n64. They were fun when I played them and still I still enjoy older stuff but thats really only because I played them when they came out. Does not mean they suck and classic games will always be classic but we live in a new age that for the most part services up games that would have given my 7 year old body a heart attack had someone shown them to me at the time.


New member
Aug 20, 2009
If they'd demoed a Zelda or Mario game instead, or maybe Pokemon, the reactions would've been different. Tetris is an acquired taste, I think.


Noisy Lurker
Jul 16, 2008
The kid that was disappointed by having physical buttons needs to be burnt at the stake, but other than that, I was OK with the vid.

[Kira Must Die]

Sep 30, 2009
It's about how I expected it to be. I like how there's some kids who appreciate it for what it is and what it's done.

My 10 year old brother also has a huge appreciation for older things, so he knows about the gameboy and asks me about it. He likes learning, and playing if he ever has a chance to, older games. I had the Zelda collection on Gamecube where he'd play Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask, and he also enjoys playing old Megaman games. Hell, he even teaches me stuff I never know or noticed. I also have shown him films like Robocop, Terminator, and Predator (You know, movies that kids his age should totally be watching) and he admired a lot of the effects work, even saying how he prefers them over effects you see in movies now.


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
Zhukov said:
What do they expect?

Kids today aren't going to want a Gameboy in the same way I wouldn't really want to drive a T-Model Ford, no matter how well it still ran.

I mean, I can appreciate it's legacy value and I'm sure it would make an awesome collector's item, but you wouldn't see me driving one into work.

OT: people are crazy and takei t personally

when I was in highschool I leanred what the Atairi was..I was like "that was a thing??? people paid money for that?? look at it!?" I think the Atari is cool in a novelty kind of way (dat wood paneling) but other than thats theres not much there
Xan Krieger said:
Watching that sent my blood pressure skyrocketing, I hate kids so badly.
see whar I'm talking about? dude no one is spitting on the grave of your childhood, I'm sure back then there were things you throught were dumb and old

DementedSheep said:
Although I admit I'm a little put off by little kids with iPads or fancy phones and it tends to make me think they are "spoiled" because of the price. I think my brain is still wired to react like they are more expensive than they are now plus I actually have to buy these things myself if I want them so see what the price is whereas when I was a kid it wouldn't register as much. Regardless it stupid getting pissy because someone had more than I did at their age. How expensive was a Sega Saturn or PS1? I don't think they were really cheap either.
lets face it though....those phones and ipads are just staples of life alongside my parents $2500 computer and their parents TV before that...


Neloth's got swag.
Aug 22, 2011
Zhukov said:
What do they expect?

Kids today aren't going to want a Gameboy in the same way I wouldn't really want to drive a T-Model Ford, no matter how well it still ran.

I mean, I can appreciate it's legacy value and I'm sure it would make an awesome collector's item, but you wouldn't see me driving one into work.
Me neither, but damn. Vintage cars from the early twentieth are beautiful. I'm a fan of Duesenberg's production, myself. Nice, blocky-yet-curvy and ultra classy town cars. The whole brand had as bit of a retroactive Dieselpunk Chic going.

That said, I wouldn't drive a Model T or a Duesy to work. Fuel efficiency, speed, responsiveness and whatnot.

On topic, though - being butthurt at this if you're around your thirties is kind of a given. Every generation starts off by saying "Oh, we'll be different, we'll be tolerant and accepting of the wondrous changes technology will bring us!"

Then you wake up, thirty years have passed, and you no longer have "it". You are no longer hip or cool. You're old, and you've joined the ranks of the fuddy-duddies the Archie comics tend to perennially stick somewhere in the fifties' mindset. I'm exxagerating, but the point is that time calcifies us, no matter what we might try to stay in the know.

Plus, kids are ungrateful by nature. It's not a criticism, it's a fact! Even I used to be an unbelievable little shit, come Christmas, until I realized how ingratitude made everyone else feel super awkward! With that in mind, actually getting butthurt is futile. If you know they can't appreciate the fun of having a vintage Gameboy between their hands, then you adjust your expectations accordingly.

At the very least, that's how I stay sane during the Holidays, after being stuck hearing my cousins' younger kids holler about this or that gift sucking. I was there, I used to say horrible shit to people who loved me, I used to have no concept of how fleeting time is. With that in mind, the munchkins can say whatever bullcrap they like, it won't bother me.

Captcha: trolololol
No, Captcha. I'm being honest.

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
They're reacting the same way to a Gameboy as someone who's 30 years old today would've reacted to an Atari 2600 or Intellivision at that age.

And so we react just as adults then would've reacted. "But it's my childhood, so it's awesome forever!"


New member
Feb 28, 2014
And those kids are right. Who can blame them? "OH BUT IT'S OUR CHILDHOOD IT'S SUCH A LEGACY SO MANY GAMES NINDERPDO, ZELDA, MURRRIO, METROIDERP" - it's a 25-year old piece of hardware that barely fits in a pocket, drains batteries like an eletric leech, has no color, no backlight and requires huge-ass cartridges to play simple games like Tetris. And it's made by Nintendo. Of course it's crap!


Sane among the insane.
Sep 12, 2010
Zhukov said:
What do they expect?

Kids today aren't going to want a Gameboy in the same way I wouldn't really want to drive a T-Model Ford, no matter how well it still ran.

[Snipped photo]

I mean, I can appreciate it's legacy value and I'm sure it would make an awesome collector's item, but you wouldn't see me driving one into work.
Quoted for truth. It's not about it's historical significance, it's about newer and better technology which is all around superior. Your car is faster, cleaner, gets better gas mileage, and safer than a Model T. There is no reason you should want to drive or enjoy a Model T. Doesn't make it insignificant to history. And an older person would probably get that. But kids are young. They aren't going to appreciate that as much.


New member
Jan 21, 2014
keniakittykat said:
SaneAmongInsane said:
I think it's case by case. My 5 year old nephew simply loves playing Sonic The Hedgehog games on the Genesis.
That's the thing, isn't it? If you want your children to have fun with older technology, you have to get them excited for it at an early age, before they get too attached to the newer stuff preferably. They won't be interested to explore that era of gaming otherwise. I know I wouldn't be interested in the Atari 2600 if my grandma didn't own one when I was little.
Indeed, a person's tastes are formed very early. I was a "90s kid" (though I mostly hated the 90s while it was going on) and I loved and was fascinated by things from the 1930s/40s/50s because of the pop-culture nostalgia for those decades that hit really hard in the late 80s/early 90s. With throwback films (The Rocketeer, Dick Tracy, stylistically Batman '89) and lots of references to things like old monster movies in contemporary cartoons like Tiny Toons. All of that nostalgia peaked my interest and made me go seek out the original material as I matured. And I still love much of that vintage media I discovered. I'm sure a lot of today's kids will come to appreciate classic games in a similar way.

What could you expect from kids looking at a Gameboy though? It was great at the time, but even then the bulk of the thing and non-backlit display were a pain in the ass. Still way better than the Gamegear which you were lucky to get an hour and a half of life from SIX batteries.

Chester Rabbit said:
Lol honestly, that's how I reacted to a gameboy when it was new. Dear god what a piece of sh*t. I remember just trying to play Mortal Kombat 2 on this thing when I was little, what a god damn head ache. You had to tilt it just the right way to see anything, the gameplay was crap and the visuals were god awful and OH MY GOD! I just remembered the music! >.< ugh.

From what I remember it was only around the time of the Advance came out that the games actually started being legitimate games instead of dramatic downgrades of what was on the consoles.

I truly do envy the kids who get to grow up with the 3DS and the Vita. If we had those back when I was growing up maybe I would have actually been interested in the handhelds.
>Mortal Kombat 2

There's your problem. It's a fighting game, of course it's going to stink on an 8bit system with 2 buttons, much less one that's in black and white. There were a lot of good games on the Gameboy though, and a few legitimately great ones like Final Fantasy Adventure. Since it was basically just a portable black and white NES.

Imperioratorex Caprae

Henchgoat Emperor
May 15, 2010
Sean Hollyman said:
I bet if you sent a buttload of them to a third world country and handed them out to kids who have nothing but a lopsided soccerball with a permanent leak in it to play with, they'd be extremely excited. Contemporary kids in a first world setting are oversaturated with stuff like smartphones, tablets, consoles, PC's, etc. so older shit won't wow them.
I still love my NES and all the stuff that came from my childhood, cherish it and such.


Elite Member
Dec 1, 2009
Are you sure people aren't just angry because it's a video featuring children, creatures that just seemingly provoke an enraged reaction in sane, normal people?