Kids react to Gameboy, people get butthurt


Australian Justice
Jan 30, 2010
I'm just going to paraphrase Yahtzee here

"I'm not good with children. Maybe it's because, being a video gamer, the mainstream media tends to group me with them, along with autistics, magpies, and stains on the upholstery. But I really wish they'd all fuck off. And parents of children always give me shit for this stance.

"You were a child once," they say. And yes, that's true, but I had the strength of character to overcome my disability.

"Children are the future," they add. But if that's the case, then children are the bodily representations of environmental decline, dwindling resources, and Lord Humongous. Fuck the future.


New member
Jul 7, 2011
DementedSheep said:
Although I admit I'm a little put off by little kids with iPads or fancy phones and it tends to make me think they are "spoiled" because of the price. I think my brain is still wired to react like they are more expensive than they are now plus I actually have to buy these things myself if I want them so see what the price is whereas when I was a kid it wouldn't register as much. Regardless it stupid getting pissy because someone had more than I did at their age. How expensive was a Sega Saturn or PS1? I don't think they were really cheap either.
I personally feel bad for new generations who grow up thinking that F2P apps and cash shops are the norm.


They will not take our Fluids
Jun 5, 2008
RomanceIsDead said:
92 kid here. Why would I praise this thing? Get with the times nostalgia nerds!
But it's so damn durable.

In all seriousness in serious land, it functions well. I know, I still have 3 of them, and I can still enjoy them and all 52 games I own. But it's totally understandable no one would be impressed. It paved the way for bigger projects, nothing else that impressive.


New member
Feb 12, 2014
On of my Nephews plays with all my Old handhelds. He played Sonic CD the other month and was better than me, and he's barely 7. I'm proud and furious, one day I'll have to beat him up :p

But I remember seeing some other kids play older games and couldn't hack it, kids today got it good. Better than us anyway, but standards change I guess.

I miss the 90s.


New member
Sep 22, 2009
Did we watch the same video?

Because in the one I saw, most kids reacted very positive, even stating that the tetris was fun.

They just voiced negative comments on technical things, like how heavy the gameboy is and how different it is from today's gaming devices. Those are not even opinions, they are just facts.

Sean Hollyman

New member
Jun 24, 2011
Exterminas said:
Did we watch the same video?

Because in the one I saw, most kids reacted very positive, even stating that the tetris was fun.

They just voiced negative comments on technical things, like how heavy the gameboy is and how different it is from today's gaming devices. Those are not even opinions, they are just facts.
I'm not on about the kids, I'm on about the people commenting on the video.


New member
Nov 24, 2009
This whole situation reminds me of a certain Simpson's clip.

Ok the Gameboy was great for its time, it really was and it's spawned a great legacy, but its such a dated piece of hardware now. And to be honest alot of the games on it arnt that great anymore. Ok sure it's got some good stuff but we have moved on from it.


New member
Mar 31, 2011
The entirety of the video was them being amazed by the conveniences we didn't have and don't want a world without them. The whole thing was about hardware.

You know guys, there's a reason these conveniences were made. They're called "improvements." They never said they didn't like the games. Heck, a lot of them had much more reasonable reactions than I would've at that time. They reacted to hardware and Tetris, boo hoo.


New member
Dec 31, 2009
I still have my GameBoy and I've been having some nostalgia about it a few weeks ago that I recall putting it in a box nearby.

I remember having like 5-6 games for it, but the amount of laziness that I got to actually look for it is too much for me.


New member
Sep 29, 2010
StriderShinryu said:
I don't know.. outside of a few games, the original Game Boy wasn't really all that great (and yes, I actually had one at the time). I can also totally understand why kids would react poorly to it. It's not that hard when you take off the nostalgia goggles.
This is pretty much the case with anything. Even in a really good decade, there's a lot of crap... and quite a lot of the stuff you like is a bit crap but you're too emotionally attached to it to notice. And there's a handful of truly classic things which will be passed down to future generations because they really are that awesome. And there's a fair amount of cool stuff which will be largely forgotten, but will be chanced upon by the more curious members of future generations.

I'm 44 and I'm constantly trying to remind other members of my generation just how myopic our entertainment choices really were, because every last one of us remembers the same stuff from previous generations... almost like it just happened to be on television all the time when we were younger and we had precious few channels to select. Get us off that narrow script and we're just as clueless as kids today. My dad is constantly mentioning movies, radio programs, and TV shows that I know virtually nothing about which were quite popular when he was a kid, but for whatever reason they just never turned the generation corner.

And we're often just as blind to the cool stuff kids are enjoying, because we're not digging deep and finding the cool stuff they are.

Adam Jensen_v1legacy

I never asked for this
Sep 8, 2011
I remember not wanting a GameBoy. I was the only kid who thought that it wasn't exciting. And I was into video games. I played mostly Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat etc. on arcade machines. They were a lot cooler than anything on the GameBoy. So I didn't care for it. A few years later the PS1 was released. That was something I wanted.


New member
Jan 6, 2012
Kids like this are the reason why if I have kids I'll have them start off with a Nintendo emulator and work up through to a PSX as they before dumping it for late 90s PC games in their mid teens like I did.

Make your nostalgia their nostalgia!

TKhanman said:
Agreed, I really hate how some people have think being born in the 90's is some kind of accomplishment or that it makes them better and/or that not liking stuff they liked in the past is some sort of crime.
Yeah it's so stupid when everyone knows that bring born in the 80's is the real accomplishment.

They're reacting the same way to a Gameboy as someone who's 30 years old today would've reacted to an Atari 2600 or Intellivision at that age.
You assume everyone is fixated on the latest and greatest, which is sadly what they seem to be stuck on these days. A lot of people just like playing with technology period and playing with older stuff for the fun of it.

You're talking to a guy who discovered his brothers old Atrai 2600 in the Genesis/SNES era and played it whenever he could get someone else to play the plane/tank competitive game.


New member
Jan 2, 2012
The only things I took issues with were the bratty kid who said they'd throw it in the trash and a bit of disappointment in the kid that brought up the fact you have to use buttons. Other than that, the kids were fairly positive about the gameboy, they recognised the fact that it had a place in gaming history but technology has improved over the years.

Brotha Desmond

New member
Jan 3, 2011
Let's be honest, the original game boy sucked. In fact, the only game boy/color games that I ever liked were the Pokemon ones.


Elite Member
Aug 24, 2010
People actually got butthurt that kids realized that 25 year old technology is obsolete?
Yeah, that sounds like humans.

Like half the kids understood what it was and why it was important.
I wonder what it would be like to go 25 years into the future and show somebody a DS?


New member
Jul 16, 2013
They should have an episode where kids react to old 90's cartoons.

Imagine the rage that would ensue when they learn that modern kids don't like the cartoons they grew up with.


Oct 5, 2011
United States
42 said:
I'm just going to paraphrase Yahtzee here

"I'm not good with children. Maybe it's because, being a video gamer, the mainstream media tends to group me with them, along with autistics, magpies, and stains on the upholstery. But I really wish they'd all fuck off. And parents of children always give me shit for this stance.

"You were a child once," they say. And yes, that's true, but I had the strength of character to overcome my disability.

"Children are the future," they add. But if that's the case, then children are the bodily representations of environmental decline, dwindling resources, and Lord Humongous. Fuck the future.
Yeah, this is something that's been bugging me for awhile but...can we stop shitting on children? Please? I know it's an easy target to go after someone who odds are will never even know what you're talking about and can't take a shot back at you, but can we give it a rest?

Also Yahtzee's points there are more for getting a laugh. "Overcome my disability" Funny, but you can't use that as a logical argument. "Environmental decline, dwindling resources" people who run uncaring corporations today are the ones who do that. Children don't even know what the Hell is going on.

Seriously, can we just stop with this?