Kids Shows Suck Today

Soviet Heavy

New member
Jan 22, 2010
Anyone else notice this? I remember when I still watched kids shows, and they actually tried to teach kids stuff. What was cool was that these shows still appeal to me now, because they were designed to be shown to both kids and their parents, who would get little adult jokes thrown in.

But now, now kids shows just suck! I find that a lot of them are an insult to intelligence. They seem to not realize that kids can be smart. So you have absolute shit shows like Animal Mechanicals, or the show with the retarded talking dog doing utter bullshit that has no relevance or morals to speak of.

Anyone here remember Arthur? The show with the anthropomorphic animal children? Yeah, it was great back when I was a kid. But now, the newer episodes are just pathetic. I can't find anything appealing about this whatsoever.

Why do kids shows suck?


New member
Apr 2, 2010
That might have something to do with the fact that you're not a kid any more and when you combine that with taking off your nostalgia glasses, stuff is going to be pretty lame.

Hobo Joe

New member
Aug 4, 2009
I concur, boys' programs are nothing but overly macho cool-man 'Raarr I'm so badass' characters and girls' programs seem to give the impression that eight year olds should dress and act like they're seventeen year old whores. In short, I hate the disney channel.

Soviet Heavy

New member
Jan 22, 2010
LemonLife said:
That might have something to do with the fact that you're not a kid any more and when you combine that with taking off your nostalgia glasses, stuff is going to be pretty lame.
I can still watch the older episodes of some of my favourite kids shows, and still be entertained by them. But when I watch the newer ones, they are terrible in comparison.


New member
Jan 31, 2008
LemonLife said:
That might have something to do with the fact that you're not a kid any more and when you combine that with taking off your nostalgia glasses, stuff is going to be pretty lame.
Exactly this.

I've heard a lot of people complain about the same thing and I always tell them the same thing.

"If you were a kid now, you would enjoy it just as much. And when you grew up, you would complain about the exact same thing."


New member
Feb 21, 2009
90's>00's, and now you're older, so OFC kid's shows won't be relevant to your interests


New member
Oct 5, 2008
even spongebob has gone bad! and sesame street! the old episodes are legendary and are still entertaining, but newer ones are so stale and unfunny (especially spongebob, which seems, like the simpsons, to have run out of ideas)

and new kids shows are universally terrible


New member
Jan 19, 2009
Soviet Heavy said:
LemonLife said:
That might have something to do with the fact that you're not a kid any more and when you combine that with taking off your nostalgia glasses, stuff is going to be pretty lame.
I can still watch the older episodes of some of my favourite kids shows, and still be entertained by them. But when I watch the newer ones, they are terrible in comparison.
Read what LemonLife said a few more times, because I think you didn't quite get the "take off your nostalgia glasses" bit. Which is a shame, because that's absolutely right. Don't tell me your parents didn't say "your shows are shit, better watch some of the stuff I watched as a kid".

Soviet Heavy

New member
Jan 22, 2010
Gladion said:
Soviet Heavy said:
LemonLife said:
That might have something to do with the fact that you're not a kid any more and when you combine that with taking off your nostalgia glasses, stuff is going to be pretty lame.
I can still watch the older episodes of some of my favourite kids shows, and still be entertained by them. But when I watch the newer ones, they are terrible in comparison.
Read what LemonLife said a few more times, because I think you didn't quite get the "take off your nostalgia glasses" bit. Which is a shame, because that's absolutely right. Don't tell me your parents didn't say "your shows are shit, better watch some of the stuff I watched as a kid".
No, what I meant is that I can still manage to enjoy the older episodes now, because they also had elements that appealed to older audiences as well. I can appreciate them for the nostalgia, but I can also enjoy them for the adult bonuses littered around. Its like returning to an old game you haven't played in years, and picked up on some stuff you missed the first time around.


New member
Nov 17, 2007
Kids don't even really watch Cartoons anymore, it's all about their phones and fashion sense now (or video games, he he).
kids who watch cartoons nowadays are berated. The quality of cartoons nowadays is simply connected to the vast lack of viewership.
the internet is also to blame...


New member
Apr 15, 2009
You know what show is good? That Ben 10: Alien Force thing. It's not like an old cartoon, but it seems to try to have a plot. And am I the only one who thinks that new thing on Cartoon Network, Generator Rex, looks awesome? Adventure Time is another new thing coming out that looks good to me. Plus, it came from an animated short which was expanded, so it has to be well-animated and written. Indie stuff is awesome, is what I'm getting at.

Why kid's shows suck nowadays is because, well, why write these clever, funny shows when you can write something based off an LSD trip? Kids eat insanity up, so why give them anything else that takes actual work? Don't play an ace if a 2 will do.

Hey, remember when kids' shows referenced pop culture? You don't see that now. It's because kids today wouldn't get those jokes.

Soviet Heavy

New member
Jan 22, 2010
Furburt said:
LemonLife said:
That might have something to do with the fact that you're not a kid any more and when you combine that with taking off your nostalgia glasses, stuff is going to be pretty lame.
You'd be surprised, take Animaniacs. I never watched it as a kid, I didn't even know about it, so there's no possibly way I could be nostalgic about it. When I watched it recently, I loved it, I absolutely loved it.

I think the reasons they were better in the old days were that they were aimed at adults as much as kids, and they weren't clearly being run by committee over what's 'acceptable' for the tykes.
See? This is what I mean. Stuff like Animaniacs, Pinky and the Brain, and the classic Looney Tunes cartoons are great for kids, but they take on a great edge when you're older, because you get a lot more of the subversive jokes and dark humor littered around.


The Return of T-Bomb
Apr 21, 2009
Yes, kids shows have seen a rapid decline in quality over time. As more mature beings now we come to realize that a majority of those shows were total shit, and that's because all they ever did was play music, dance around and do the same thing over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, copypasta, copypasta, copypasta, copypasta, copypasta with Alfredo sauce.

I also kind of feel bad for some of the people who are on camera. You must really love your job if everyday you put on a stuffy, non-breathable, purple dinosaur suit and for fifteen minutes be the most hated person on television.

Sesamie Street on the other hand, having actually seen one in the last few days, I think is still somewhat good. It caters to both passive and active learning and is meant for the child to participate in a learning experience with their parents.


New member
Feb 24, 2009
The only one I really like now is Spongebob, it can still make me laugh simply due to the nature of how things play out (seriously watch an episode of Spongebob called "Graveyard Shift".. its brilliant.) and I seriously think there are some undertones there that only adults are supposed to get.

That's the problem, older cartoons could appeal to both adults and children (obviously more-so children, as that's always been the general target audience.. but still..) and these days cartoons are made as strictly kids only shows, and they're just not funny to me.

There's nothing wrong with today's cartoons, they're just not lenient with their type of audience anymore.

Cartoon Network in the 90s was the time when cartoons were still brilliant, and watching them now is still very entertaining.

Soviet Heavy

New member
Jan 22, 2010
Did anyone here watch Thomas the Tank Engine as a kid? Remember that show, how awesome the trains were? How cool it was with all the little miniature electric trains running around on awesome sets?

That was 90's Thomas.

This is the abomination it has become.

CGI ruins it completely.


New member
Oct 14, 2009
Hobo Joe said:
I concur, boys' programs are nothing but overly macho cool-man 'Raarr I'm so badass' characters and girls' programs seem to give the impression that eight year olds should dress and act like they're seventeen year old whores. In short, I hate the disney channel.
Yeah you cant get any more right there. You should see the dipshits walking around today after they flipped to the Disney Channell. I'm going to go have a pie now.