NOTE: How I killed might be a tad graphic and in no way does it reflect how I feel about who i'm killing. I just felt like being creative and killing you in a way no one else has said in this thread.
I push you in a swimming pool I had filled with petrol then I throw a nade in after you. As the firery petrol rains from the sky you painfully pull yourself out of the pool and slowly look up to see me towering over you hold a massive gun. I shoot repeatedly, you are bleeding out quickly, I proceed by picking up your barely-alive scorched corspe hold in my opposing hand I hold a sharp blade which I jam into your stomach and watch as all your organs spill from you. You fight for your life as a throw you, your body sliding across the floor, I walk up to you, lift up my right foot and curve stomp your head.
Marry Xmas =D