Kingdom Hearts Getting Remixed for PS3

Sarah LeBoeuf

New member
Apr 28, 2011
Kingdom Hearts Getting Remixed for PS3

Several Kingdom Hearts games are getting the HD treatment for a 2013 release in Japan.

The good news: Kingdom Hearts is coming to the PS3. The bad news: it's not the long-awaited Kingdom Hearts III. Instead, three games in the oft-spun-off franchise will be bundled in a high-definition PS3 release, appropriately called Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD Remix. The titles getting the remake treatment this time are Kingdom Hearts Final Mix, Kingdom Hearts - Re: Chain of Memories, and Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days.

Square Enix is no stranger to multiple releases of games in the franchise; Kingdom Hearts Final Mix was a Japan-only re-release of the first game in the series, which added some new features to the core game. Chain of Memories was originally a Game Boy Advance title, and was later ported to the PlayStation 2. The spectacularly titled 358/2 Days was also a handheld title, so far only appearing on the Nintendo DS; Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD Remix will give gamers the chance to play it on a console for the first time.

Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD Remix is due out for the PS3 next year, but so far is only slated for a Japanese release. Meanwhile, Kingdom Hearts III remains an elusive mystery.

Source: Joystiq []


Vault Citizen

New member
May 8, 2008
If this is getting released outside of Japan then FINALLY! it took them long enough to get final mix outside of Japan. If not then this news is just annoying.

I also hope they do a 2.5 with BBS and 2:FM.

Best case scenario this could be another announcement I've been waiting for con true, worst case scenario I'm going to start thinking that Square Enix is just taunting non Japanese fans.


New member
Jul 10, 2012
This isn't infuriating at all. Nope. Just what I wanted Squeenix, another spin-off/re-release/blatant cash grab instead of KH3.

I love out of touch execs like the ones running SE, they just make my day.

Captcha: Square meal. Seems oddly appropriate.


New member
Sep 6, 2008
Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD Remix is due out for the PS3 next year, but so far is only slated for a Japanese release.
Sorry gents, Sony hates you and all gaijin scum like you.


New member
Aug 11, 2012
NotALiberal said:
This isn't infuriating at all. Nope. Just what I wanted Squeenix, another spin-off instead of KH3.
I wasn't aware that games that explain the backstory and universe AND have better gameplay than the PS2 games counted as 'spinoffs'. We must have a different definition of the term.

OT: Excellent news. Though I wish they'd rerelease II because I don't like having to play II Final Mix on an emulator.
But a remake of Days? THAT sounds good.


Lord of the Salt
Mar 29, 2012
All i have to say to this is.... really? kh1 rerereleased? and 2 portable games, chain of memories which i liked at the time atleast and the garbage game that had less story than a double dragon game and reused everything that was in KH2 which basically reused everything from kingdom hearts one so it was an even lazier attempt, and they couldn't even be bothered to add KH2?

Honestly, they waited too long, i just don't care if they release 3 anymore, I mean I had to look up the date KH2 released because i remembered playing it the last time i was in college and thought it couldn't of been that long ago, but it was... 6.5 years. I like a year or 2 wait between big name games because it shows they're putting effort into it but after 6 years they lost the heat.


New member
Jul 10, 2012
Myndnix said:
NotALiberal said:
This isn't infuriating at all. Nope. Just what I wanted Squeenix, another spin-off instead of KH3.
I wasn't aware that games that explain the backstory and universe AND have better gameplay than the PS2 games counted as 'spinoffs'. We must have a different definition of the term.
That's your opinion, and yes, technically they are spin-offs. Truth of the matter is, I don't have enough money to buy the 100 different platforms just so I can play some handheld exclusive.

Uber Waddles

New member
May 13, 2010
Hey, guys. It was only announced in JAPAN.

Like, they've made no North American announcement.

And SquareEnix has this habit of re-relasing Kingdom Hearts games in Japan, and not America.

And it chose the 3 weakest games in the series. Kingdom Hearts 1 was decent, but hasn't aged well. Chain of Memories is the exact same game as 1 when your not fighting the Organization, except with a different control style and the word "Memory" instead of "Heart".

And 358/2 Days, despite having an excellent story, is the worst game in the series. The gameplay is boring, dry, dull. The story doesn't kick in and start going anywhere till near the final moments of the game, and the gameplay has so many arbitrary bullshit that feels synthetic and gamey that its not even funny.

I mean, I get it. The final trailer of BBS Final Mix pretty much announced the remakes. But still. If you ported them internationally, across multiple platforms you'd get a WAY larger success. 2 of those games are Nintendo games for fucks sake.

Ugh. Square, you hurt me


New member
Aug 11, 2012
NotALiberal said:
Myndnix said:
NotALiberal said:
This isn't infuriating at all. Nope. Just what I wanted Squeenix, another spin-off instead of KH3.
I wasn't aware that games that explain the backstory and universe AND have better gameplay than the PS2 games counted as 'spinoffs'. We must have a different definition of the term.
That's your opinion, and yes, technically they are spin-offs. Truth of the matter is, I don't have enough money to buy the 100 different platforms just so I can play some handheld exclusive.
Spinoffs generally don't require you to read a plot synopsis if you don't play them. Spinoffs aren't vital to the plot. These ones are.
Unless you want to play Kingdom Hearts III and have no idea who the villains are, or what they want, or what Keyblades are, or what they do, or who can use them, and so on. The 'spinoffs' as you call them explain these details. Spinoffs generally don't explain important plot elements, you see.


New member
Oct 29, 2009
Capitano Segnaposto said:
NotALiberal said:
This isn't infuriating at all. Nope. Just what I wanted Squeenix, another spin-off instead of KH3.

I love out of touch execs like the ones running SE, they just make my day.

Captcha: Square meal. Seems oddly appropriate.
Well... actually they did announce the game, it will be worked on AFTER FINAL FANTASY XIII VERSUS. .
So... Never?


Gone Gonzo
Jun 16, 2008
You know, it's infuriating that they continue to only release stuff like this for Kingdom Hearts only in Japan. I mean does Square just hate money or something? More baffling is that they usually use the all english voice cast (save for RE:Chain of Memories, but that got a release outside of Japan eventually with proper localization) and then everything else in the game is in Japanese.

Seriously Square, wtf is your problem?


New member
Jul 29, 2009
If I still don't get to play a Final Mix after all this time, I would be very sad.
I'm patiently awaiting the announcement for an American release for now.


New member
Jul 13, 2010
I will believe that this collection is coming to the US when Square Enix officially says it is. Not before. The presence of the Final Mix has me worried. They, so far, have been keeping to their "We will never allow you terrible overseas audiences to get your grubby hands on our beautiful Final Mixes!" creed (Even when KH2 Final Mix had important plot information that wasn't in vanilla KH2... >_>), so chances are still high that we won't get this one, at least not in this form.

I've been waiting for an HD Collection for a long time. The KH series needed one desperately so that the story-important games scattered across multiple systems could be united under one banner. However, now that it's finally here, I'm surprisingly 'meh' about it. Not only is there the fear of it not being localized, but all we get is KH1, Re:CoM, and the friggin CUTSCENES from 358/2 Days? I'm sure they expect us to fork over more cash for a 2.5 Collection that will have KH2, Birth By Sleep, and the cutscenes from Re:Coded.

This comes right after Sony releases a collection that included all 5 God of War games on one disc. You couldn't make this one collection why, exactly? Oh, right, more money. At the very least, give us a collection of 1, 2, and BBS. You know, the really story-important ones? (excluding Dream Drop Distance, which is also a main game, but it came out too recently for it to be collected in anything)

I have been a huge KH fan for a long time, but this year has been taxing on me in that regard. After more than a year of waiting, I ended up really disliking Dream Drop Distance (the gameplay was fine, but that story... Ugh... it hurts just remembering it), and now we get this half-assed HD Collection that might not even make it out of Japan. Don't get me wrong, I'm very thankful for the fact that we're finally getting an HD Collection, but they surely could have handled it a bit better than this.

If I do end up finally getting to play KH2 Final Mix when the 2.5 Collection rolls around, however, there will be much joy to be had. I can do without the KH1 FM, but the KH2 one looks glorious.