Kingdom Hearts Getting Remixed for PS3


Digs Giant Robots
Dec 30, 2008
I got excited for a moment there then realized that they weren't doing Kingdom Hearts 1 or 2, so I don't care.
Seriously Squenix just do an HD of 1&2, then fucking make Kingdom Hearts 3 for fucks sake! Enough is enough with this spin-off BS.


Burn, Burn it All!
Aug 8, 2009
Sadly I don't see this getting released outside of Japan at all. The same can be said about the International FF games. I mean FF X International has English voice acting and even an option to put the text in English, yet it was never released outside of Japan. I own all the Final Mix games and I mean the voice acting is in English so all they had to do was translate the text, but they didn't. Also they are putting the voice acting in Japanese since in Final Mix certain cutscenes did not have dialogue as they were newly made. That makes it even less likely for them to localize it. However don't that deter you as the PS3 is not region coded and can play imports. Still find it funny though that I finally get around to importing the first Final Mix and start LPing it and then they announce this HD Remake. It's like when I got KH II Final Mix + which comes with a Japanese copy of Re:Chain of Memories and suddenly 3 months later the English version of Re:Chain of Memories is released. I swear that Square is conspiring against me. Sorry to be Sir Buzz Killington but I don't want to see too many hopes get up and quickly have them dashed away. That being said I'm getting it because I can read and understand Japanese so it doesn't matter if it's Japanese only or not. XD


Burn, Burn it All!
Aug 8, 2009
Tanis said:
I'd rather have FF12: Zodiac come out.
Trust me they improved quite a bit on it. I can tell you how to play imports on your PS2 if you want. They also have made a full English patch for the game to. I imported it and it is quite fun. The only thing to really get used to is that the "x" and "o" button are reversed. Same thing in KH Final Mix.