Knight Errant

Clive Howlitzer

New member
Jan 27, 2011
I guess this comic isn't going back to being video game related and with some humor? No? Going to continue being this drama garbage?


New member
Jan 10, 2012
:O I like. Psycho GF is interessting and i cant see, where Erin isnt herself. Right now she sees everything very positive and mocks the shiny, shiny knight. I hope other 0815-Rescue-Charakters get served too. Well more VG-References would be nice.
I dont think, this arc is so dark anymore. At the momement our shiny knight entered the scene, there were so many details, which made the "dark arc" over the top.


Fell off the Alligator.
Jun 24, 2009
"I want you to hit him, as hard as you can."

Narrator: Let me tell you a little something about Erin Stout.

I re-read this arc, and I just concurrently think about Fight Club, and it totally works for me. Except, instead of trying to bang Helena Bonham Carter, she's trying to become a video game character, or enact videogame actions and morality in reality. So, you know, better.

TheAmazingHobo said:
Also, I´m a bit confused, not by the comic itself, but by Grey´s post
"On doing the wrong thing for the right reasons."
What, in this case, is "the wrong thing" and what are "the right reasons" ?
Suggestions ?
The only right reason there's ever been: for the girl.

The Wooster

King Snap
Jul 15, 2008
maninahat said:
Upbeat Zombie said:
This story arc is kinda interesting but I haven't really found it all that funny. I miss when this was just a comedy web strip. Maybe if the story went a little faster it wouldn't feel so slow.
I think that's the problem. If you have to alternate the comic arc with unrelated comedic interludes every other strip, I see that as an admission that you don't find your own story all that funny. This arc has gone on for ages now, and doesn't seem to be going anywhere. I use the term "Arc" loosely, as they typically have progression and an end game. There is none of that here - just lots of indulgent, meandering wangst. It's not funny and not interesting.
maninahat said:
hooksashands said:
maninahat said:
hooksashands said:
Can all you whiners please shut the hell up? 2 whole pages of "Waaaahhh, quit making Erin do and say things I don't like!/I hate this story arc!"

How about this? You go draw and write your own webcomic. I'm glad you don't want to read this anymore. Fuck off. Go back to reading comics with comfortable routines and no character development and generic videogame-related punchlines.
Well aren't you precious. You're suggesting that we shouldn't complain when a webcomic we like declines in quality. You might be happy with how it is going, unlike us complainers, but that is no excuse to pontificate.
Aren't you. I'm suggesting you don't waste your breath talking about how this comic has declined after reading it. It's experimenting with darker themes and making strips episodic. That's hardly declining. If anything, that proves it's style is maturing.

If I'm spouting dogma, then you're screeching mindless criticism.
It isn't wasted breath. If writers take the time to read through the feedback (and all writers do), they may acknowledge common criticisms and adjust their output accordingly.
It certainly isn't. I listen to criticism, but understand that I receive tons of often contradictory suggestions. The pacing issue is difficult to judge from my end, since I see the series chapter by chapter rather than strip by strip, but I'm looking into it.


Behind You
Oct 31, 2009
When did this turn into the webcomic equivalent of '2 broke girls'?

Chuck in a bit of casual racism (realistically, don't see it happening thankfully) and you're there, a lead character with witty (assuming that 'witty' is the same as 'dickish') remarks is already in place after all.

Rinshan Kaihou

New member
Dec 3, 2009
SteakHeart said:
UnderGlass said:
Wow, people do have high standards. I guess that implies people really cared about her character in the first place though.

Loving this story arc personally. Erin's been through a lot and has become disassociated from reality and her social ties. She seems incredibly lonely to me. I don't know if they'll take it that far but this sort of thing is literally a psychosis. I think she needs someone to help pull her back to reality and show her the things she does have a real impact on the people she cares for and the world around her.

Can't wait to see what happens. Keep them coming!
I agree. I get how people complain that she's becoming more of a jerk, but that's how character development works: they overcome their problems in the end, on their own or with others' help.

Big +1, seriously at least this webcomic has a PLOT, and character development. Go read others if you just want video game jokes. And stop bitching, nobody wants to read your QQ ing except yourself.


New member
Nov 8, 2007
hooksashands said:
maninahat said:
It isn't wasted breath. If writers take the time to read through the feedback (and all writers do), they may acknowledge common criticisms and adjust their output accordingly. Darker and episodic is all well and good when it is all well and good. They aren't on this occasion because the pacing is poor, the tone is off, and the drama seems too flat to make up for the sparse humour.
Big difference between receiving constructive criticism and listening to someone be a little ***** because they have no creative control over what's not theirs. Yahtzee was right: Fans ARE whiny, clingy, complaining dipshits who will never be happy for anything you make.
They can also be over-defensive and hostile to those who offer legitimate criticism. I'm not trying to piss on anyone's bonfire, I'm just saying what I thought of the current arc, and I only hope that helps. I'm certainly not the one calling people bitches or dipshits, unlike some.

The Funslinger

Corporate Splooge
Sep 12, 2010
albino boo said:
Sounds like Kratos has possessed Erin to me. At least she isn't getting possessed by Mario, now that would be embarrassing.
Not as embarrassing as being possessed by Leisure Suit Larry. Lord only knows what that man would do if he possessed a woman's body.

The Funslinger

Corporate Splooge
Sep 12, 2010
Buretsu said:
Binnsyboy said:
albino boo said:
Sounds like Kratos has possessed Erin to me. At least she isn't getting possessed by Mario, now that would be embarrassing.
Not as embarrassing as being possessed by Leisure Suit Larry. Lord only knows what that man would do if he possessed a woman's body.
Masturbate and otherwise play with himself.
It didn't need saying. ಠ_ಠ

Ushiromiya Battler

Oddly satisfied
Feb 7, 2010
Good job! You've been doing something right.
The amount of arguing here is a good sign!

On Topic: I like the way the plot goes and the fact that it isn't completely a videogame comic.
Though it would be nice to have brakes between the plot with some funny videogame comics.
Should please both sides hopefully, tho they'll probably argue anyways.


New member
Feb 26, 2009
wow everybody take a look the drama isnt in the strip its right here...seriously i wish i could troll this hard.


New member
Nov 7, 2010
He has a soul patch, lets face it somebody was going to punch him anyway....


New member
Dec 12, 2007
Sporky111 said:
don't forget the number 1 rule: don't stick it in the crazy.
^ This. It'd help her case for random sex with the guy if she was at least physically attractive. But even then, no amount of attractive can overcome the sheer mountain of crazy she is carrying.

She has reached the point where her actions are endangering the safety and well being of both herself and those around her. Get her institutionalized.


Clerical Error
Mar 29, 2009
RvLeshrac said:
This comic was not conducive to my going a day without having to correct someone's grammar.
Please pull over, depressingly entertaining comic. You have been found in violation of grammar code 437: "Non-promulent use of a adverbtive."

Actually, nice catch. I read right over it as "conducive". However, it IS possible that the dude said the wrong word in his conversation. That makes him an idiot.


New member
Dec 10, 2009
Taunta said:
Cerebus syndrome is not always a good thing. Yes, it can be a sign of "maturing" if done right, but a lot of comic authors don't have the ability to pull it off, and it ends up melodramatic and silly. See: the miscarriage arc in Ctrl+Alt+Del. I don't blame people for seeing the signs of Cerebus syndrome and jumping ship.
That is exactly the same similarity I thought of when thinking where this comic has gone.
I would not have minded this sort behaviour in a comic which started of as a serious drama instead of a light-hearted comedy.