Kojima Promises Zone of the Enders 3


Pandah Extremist
Jul 20, 2008
I love the fact that you guys keep using that picture of him, no matter what the topic deals with, as long as Hideo Kojima is the main focus of it.


Day Pig
Mar 16, 2009
I don't remember much of second runner. I just remember it started out, you kill one dude, then it turns into two dudes, eventually you're slaying thousands of dudes, then you fight one dude again but this time he's really strong and the background was so active and flashy it actually gave me a migrane... so yeah not interested.


New member
Aug 13, 2009
johnzaku said:
Yeeeeeeeesssss! XD

Yesyesyesyes I have wanted for so long. I played ZOE1 and I was like wow, and then I found ZOE2 in a bargain bin in some garage sale for like 5 bucks, and I loved it sooooo much.

Phokal said:
If you haven't played ZoE2, go play it.
If you can find it. =/
eBay my good man...eBay.

Lord Beautiful

New member
Aug 13, 2008
I can not thank you enough, Kojima-san. However, I must ask a single favor of you. Please, under no circumstances should you include another escort mission. The only reason I couldn't get through ZOE 2 on Hard difficulty was because the escort mission was fucking impossible.

Please, Kojima. No escort mission.


High Priest of Haruhi
Aug 22, 2008
-Zen- said:
I can not thank you enough, Kojima-san. However, I must ask a single favor of you. Please, under no circumstances should you include another escort mission. The only reason I couldn't get through ZOE 2 on Hard difficulty was because the escort mission was fucking impossible.

Please, Kojima. No escort mission.
Seriously? The Escort Mission (Assuming you mean where you had to carry the LEV through to the space catapult) was one of the easier parts of the game. I beat it on E. Extreme without too much difficulty. Now, fighting Ardjet/Viola A.I. on the other hand: THAT was a cockblock and a half.

Lord Beautiful

New member
Aug 13, 2008
Amnestic said:
-Zen- said:
I can not thank you enough, Kojima-san. However, I must ask a single favor of you. Please, under no circumstances should you include another escort mission. The only reason I couldn't get through ZOE 2 on Hard difficulty was because the escort mission was fucking impossible.

Please, Kojima. No escort mission.
Seriously? The Escort Mission (Assuming you mean where you had to carry the LEV through to the space catapult) was one of the easier parts of the game. I beat it on E. Extreme without too much difficulty. Now, fighting Ardjet/Viola A.I. on the other hand: THAT was a cockblock and a half.
For me, it's quite the opposite. The fight with Viola A.I. was absurdly easy. It's just that goddamn escort mission...

EDIT: Oh, the you're talking about the LEV escort. That was a pain, but I got through it relatively quickly. I meant escorting Ken out of the tower.


High Priest of Haruhi
Aug 22, 2008
-Zen- said:
Amnestic said:
-Zen- said:
I can not thank you enough, Kojima-san. However, I must ask a single favor of you. Please, under no circumstances should you include another escort mission. The only reason I couldn't get through ZOE 2 on Hard difficulty was because the escort mission was fucking impossible.

Please, Kojima. No escort mission.
Seriously? The Escort Mission (Assuming you mean where you had to carry the LEV through to the space catapult) was one of the easier parts of the game. I beat it on E. Extreme without too much difficulty. Now, fighting Ardjet/Viola A.I. on the other hand: THAT was a cockblock and a half.
For me, it's quite the opposite. The fight with Viola A.I. was absurdly easy. It's just that goddamn escort mission...
Heh, different strokes I suppose. I still hold up the battle against the flying battleships as one of the most fun set pieces I've ever played.

Edit: Oh yeah, escorting Ken was a *****. Fucking Clods sneaking up on me =_=

Lord Beautiful

New member
Aug 13, 2008
Amnestic said:
I still hold up the battle against the flying battleships as one of the most fun set pieces I've ever played.
Same for me. Fantastic music, design, and finally getting to put that Vector Cannon to use was righteous.

Wait, who would Jehuty fight in #3?

Come to think of it, Nohman was just a colonel. Perhaps there's a general with an even greater Orbital Frame...


High Priest of Haruhi
Aug 22, 2008
-Zen- said:
Amnestic said:
I still hold up the battle against the flying battleships as one of the most fun set pieces I've ever played.
Same for me. Fantastic music, design, and finally getting to put that Vector Cannon to use was righteous.

Wait, who would Jehuty fight in #3?

Come to think of it, Nohman was just a colonel. Perhaps there's a general with an even greater Orbital Frame...
Well Nohman was leader of BAHRAM. As in, top dog. The head. The best guy about. I dunno how military ranks work in reality (is a major above a colonel? Is a Lieutenant General above a Sergeant-Major? I don't really care to be honest :p) but in BAHRAM, Colonel was the top rank. He's pretty dead, so I doubt we'll be seeing him again unless we get a prequel of some variety (like MGS3...oh shi-!)

As for who Jehuty would fight...well I know from a while back Kojima already said he had ideas of where he would take ZoE3 if it were to happen, and now he's said it is going to happen so I assume he already has a good idea of what he's doing with the series. I trust he'll pull it off. He hasn't failed me yet :p


New member
Apr 8, 2004
I trust Kojima to find a good place to take ZoE3

But yeah I have nothing but good memories of ZoE2. That game managed to make controlling a flying mech in 3 dimensions while controlling an array of weapons, fighting dozens of enemies at once, and looking cool at the same time not only possible, but downright smooth!

I'm not saying that there weren't parts of the games I didn't like, but in all the end result was a really great game. Especially on a second play through having zero shift from the start >.<


New member
Feb 5, 2007
You know, I have no idea what this Zone of the Enders thing is. I've heard of it, I've seen a soundtrack in GameTraders, and I know it has something to do with Hideo Kojima. Oh, and it has robots or something?

I just want to see the guy make something else. Something that's not bound to Sony, something which isn't just about the same increasingly-convoluted story. I know that Kojima-san is a great developer, but aside from Metal Gear, I've never ever played or seen anyone else playing anything of his.

Kojima-san doesn't have to make Metal Gear any more.


Residential Idiot
Oct 24, 2008
The opening cutscene to ZOE 2 with that upbeat song...Something about the way Dingo screams "MOOOVE!"

I love both games, they both have some great points about them. I still play 2 every so often, even though I remember the story. I would buy a ZOE 3 in an instant, especially if they expanded even further on the game series. Heck, they even handled teleportation well.