Konami Sues Harmonix Over Rock Band


New member
Jan 21, 2008
Ugh, here we go again... Gee, companies sure seem to exercise their legal rights now-a-days, even when it's really, really petty.


New member
May 15, 2008
Jumplion said:
Jesus, what's with all the "YOU VIOLATED MAH PATENT YOU BIZATCH!!!11221$321!324 PREPARED TO BE SOOED!" crap now a days?
People have way too much time on their hands... Specifically people with too much money in their wallets, too. Funny how that works.

Soon lawyers'll start handing out "Get 10th legal matter FREE!" cards with every lawsuit.



New member
May 15, 2008
stompy said:
Ugh, here we go again... Gee, companies sure seem to exercise their legal rights now-a-days, even when it's really, really petty.
Classic pissing contest...

"My company is better then yours. You stole our idea, we're gunna sue you."

This is why I hate people.


Tony Harrison

New member
Jan 28, 2008
Usually when Harmonix are mentioned there is a perception among some people that Harmonix created the rythum genre. Maybe this will help change their mind.


New member
Jul 12, 2008
Well, Harmonix didn't create the genre (and neither did Konami), they just made it not suck (not something Konami ever came close to accomplishing). Also, I actually read the legal mumbo jumbo, and the issue is not with the fact that it's a rhythm game, but that the guitar and drum peripherals violated patents for Guitar Freaks and Drummania. Which if that's the case why wasn't Guitar Hero sued (GHIII mentions the patents so Konami must have contacted Activision, but then why no action on GHI-II-over priced expansion? Or for that matter why didn't they simply contact Harmonix and say 'hey you're violating our patents but if you license them we won't sue' like they probably did with Activision? Anyway, back on topic) Or Donkey Konga? It still seems fishy, especially since Konami is also launching a product that would be in direct competition with Rock Band if it weren't banned. Though worst that'll happen is Rock Band gets pulled and Rock Band 2 costs more because they have to license from Konami. Most likely they'll either win the case or settle and license the tech until the patent wears off. I think Magnavox still holds the patent on game consoles, meaning the big 3 have to pay them some royalties for every console sold, so it could be that Konami just does that. I don't know. We'll just have to see, and set fire to Konami headquarters if they succeed in banning Rock Band so their inevitably JPop coated knock-off can go unchallenged.
EDIT: I wikipediaed Konami's game, apparently the song list is pretty good, though they have some lame pop in it, and all the really good songs are already in Rock Band.


New member
Jul 12, 2008
Yeah, I was thinking that they just might have a killer set list until I read that. Still, if I remember the list the only good song that I've heard that isn't already in Rock Band is Paralyzer, although I've heard good things about Dream Theater.