Hopefully the good talent will find the job elsewhere, hopefully even better one. The bad talent will stay bad however. But thats tue in any industry.
The fastest way to make short term profits are to cut wages or workers. in the long run that is a disaster (unless the workers were actually bad workers), but when did that ever stop companies?
Mister Six said:
This is something I never really understood. Why go into a career where the majority of publishers will fire you after the current project is finished? I understand the appeal to do something you love, but this sort of thing reeks of masochism on the part of the employees, though they do have my sympathy.
They are willing tyo accept that to be able to do the work they love perhaps. It is the same as working on contracts relay, you do the contract, you stop working for that person, you search for a new contract. There are plenty of occupations where jobs are not permanent at all, and some people are okay with it. Others - dont work in such industries msot of the time.