League of Legends Nets $624 Million Total in Revenue Last Year


New member
Apr 13, 2013
I'd guess part of the reason Steam made so much money off TF2 was due to selling keys for the boxes dropped in game, it's basically a lottery, you could win an item that will sell for $10+ Also if I had to guess, a bunch of the money earned by TF2 was due to there player market. It's insane how many transactions take place there everyday and steam takes 10%. So add all that up over the year, I can see it making good money, they have a constant 50k playing the game and everyone on steam has access and 75 million isn't a small number.


The Stormbringer
Dec 1, 2009
And DOTA2 is nowhere on the list~! Hah. xD

I'm surprised WoW isn't making more money. With 7.6 million players they would be making roughly 1.36 billion dollars a year, assuming those are people paying for subs every month. That's not including the extra paid service features. Of course, from that point we have to take out the costs and expenditures for paying their teams, maintenance, benefits, etc. etc. Even so, you'd think they'd be pulling in a bit more profits than that!

This is profits, right? There's no way it can just be the net amount of money they earned. I don't even know how that would be physically possible. 7.6 million times 15 times 12 = 1.36 billion, roughly speaking. Can someone explain these numbers a bit more to me...?

The Wykydtron

"Emotions are very important!"
Sep 23, 2010
Use_Imagination_here said:
The Wykydtron said:
Hey they said they were on it. Some kind of professional strike team where if you start lagging some ninjas with ethernet cables burst through your window to fix it or something like that. EU West down again? Better give NA RP.

I'm playing a bit of DOTA until Riot does what Riot does best and unnerfs all the people they nerfed at the start of a new season so I don't have to play through the rocky spot between major patches. At least they nerfed the right people this time but whoever had the bright idea to buff Riven's late game is a fucking idiot. And why would you nerf Rengo? Sure bug fix his triple Q but come on, he's a risky snowbally pick to start with don't make it worse.

OT: Yay money I suppose, i'm not at all surprised. I guess DOTA 2 ain't on the list because you can get all your stuff through random drops if you wish upon a star hard enough. I hate how they went full hats mode in DOTA as well. I like how Riot actually thinks up skins and follows through with a consistent theme instead of occasionally chucking a new looking bow in your direction along with 15 chests i'm never going to open.

Don't get me wrong, I like my Drow bow but c'mon Death Shadow Bow or Pulsefire Drow?
Hey they said they were on it. Some kind of professional strike team where if you start lagging some ninjas with ethernet cables burst through your window to fix it or something like that.
That would be amazing. Riot should be funding this.

And why would you nerf Rengo?
My grandparents had a dog named Rengo.

At least they nerfed the right people this time but whoever had the bright idea to buff Riven's late game is a fucking idiot.
Has there been a point in league when this shit HASN'T been going on? I don't think so.

This is why the BAN button exists. They buff someone, you ban them, they nerf someone, you ban the champs who now don't have counters.

Well unless you're playing normals in which case you don't deserve balanced gameplay.

I mean you try maintaining balance when the moneymaking quota means you have to make new champs 4 times a year.

In any case they removed the one true build, moneymaking gangplank so I refuse to play.

It would be quite lazy game design to simply stop trying to balance the game just because the character in question is likely to be banned away but you have a point. I ban Riven all day anyway but you always have that one retard who bans all the Kassadin counters, first pick instalocks Kassadin mid then feeds horribly anyway.

Also normals are srs bsns. I used to play nothing but blind pick then upgraded to normal draft because fucking mirror matches ruin me. I don't know why but I can never win against myself, the entire game seems to break in two since you're both doing the exact same thing and it's so annoying.

Case in point



New member
Apr 19, 2011
Alar said:
And DOTA2 is nowhere on the list~! Hah. xD

I'm surprised WoW isn't making more money. With 7.6 million players they would be making roughly 1.36 billion dollars a year, assuming those are people paying for subs every month. That's not including the extra paid service features. Of course, from that point we have to take out the costs and expenditures for paying their teams, maintenance, benefits, etc. etc. Even so, you'd think they'd be pulling in a bit more profits than that!

This is profits, right? There's no way it can just be the net amount of money they earned. I don't even know how that would be physically possible. 7.6 million times 15 times 12 = 1.36 billion, roughly speaking. Can someone explain these numbers a bit more to me...?
Well WoW isn't even a free to play game, so I assume they didn't include subscriptions in their estimate. Although I can definitely see them making ~$200 million purely from server transfers and the in-game store. The newest release mount costs $27.50 and everyone seems to be buying it.
May 29, 2011
The Wykydtron said:
Use_Imagination_here said:
Hey they said they were on it. Some kind of professional strike team where if you start lagging some ninjas with ethernet cables burst through your window to fix it or something like that.
That would be amazing. Riot should be funding this.

And why would you nerf Rengo?
My grandparents had a dog named Rengo.

At least they nerfed the right people this time but whoever had the bright idea to buff Riven's late game is a fucking idiot.
Has there been a point in league when this shit HASN'T been going on? I don't think so.

This is why the BAN button exists. They buff someone, you ban them, they nerf someone, you ban the champs who now don't have counters.

Well unless you're playing normals in which case you don't deserve balanced gameplay.

I mean you try maintaining balance when the moneymaking quota means you have to make new champs 4 times a year.

In any case they removed the one true build, moneymaking gangplank so I refuse to play.

It would be quite lazy game design to simply stop trying to balance the game just because the character in question is likely to be banned away but you have a point. I ban Riven all day anyway but you always have that one retard who bans all the Kassadin counters, first pick instalocks Kassadin mid then feeds horribly anyway.

Also normals are srs bsns. I used to play nothing but blind pick then upgraded to normal draft because fucking mirror matches ruin me. I don't know why but I can never win against myself, the entire game seems to break in two since you're both doing the exact same thing and it's so annoying.
Oh I'm not saying they should stop trying to balance the game, I'm saying they've consistently failed for pretty much the entire run. Not HORRIBLY failed, but like I said it's really hard to balance 100+ champs in a game with constantly shifting gameplay elements. They've done a decent job overall.

Also normals are srs bsns.
Pffft, tryhard.

I used to play nothing but blind pick then upgraded to normal draft because fucking mirror matches ruin me. I don't know why but I can never win against myself, the entire game seems to break in two since you're both doing the exact same thing and it's so annoying.
I actually always found mirror matches kind of entertaining.

There's nothing more amazingly stupid then a Zed + Shaco vs Zed + Shaco fight.

And unless you're in decent ranked Kassadin players don't know what they're doing in general.


Elite Member
Jun 21, 2012
Caiphus said:
CpT_x_Killsteal said:
But... It thought World of Warcraft was a Subscription based game? And SWTOR just had basically a trial version (although I think that may have changed when I wasn't looking).
It seems, although this is odd, that the data only counts microtransaction revenue for WoW. This would make sense since even if WoW had "only", say, 3 million subscribers paying $15 pm ($180 pa), they would have made US$540m instead of the much lower figure in the OP.

And SWToR is "free-to-play" now. As in, you can get to the previous level cap for free. Aside from that, though, you need to pay for almost everything. Including, I believe (confirm/deny?) the ability to wear epic quality gear and the recent expansion in order to get to the current level cap.
This report seems kind of stupid if they included WoW in any form I think. By their logic it wouldn't be a stretch to to include the revenue from CoD's DLCs too.

I remember playing the trial of SWTOR and liking it quite a bit. But knowing that EA is in charge of the micro-transactions... I can feel their fangs sinking into my neck just thinking about it.

Evil Raccoon

Ever vigilant
Oct 6, 2009
139 million for TF 2, does anyone realize that is 139 million worth of virtual hats?
I mean, wow, that's a lot of hats.