pi_neutrino said:I'd heard about Terry Goodkind's work before, but not in enough detail to know about the Wizard's Rule. That link was a breath of fresh air. Brilliant stuff! It's a shame more people don't recognise these.TomBeraha said:It's not incredible at all. It's Wizards First Rule, and to avoid over-explanation Mr. Goodkind is absolutely correct on this count.Beery said:It's incredible how stupid people are to believe such complete nonsense.
Anyway. Jack. For those who haven't come across this before: http://www.vgcats.com/jack.php
It's a series of emails exchanged between Jack and webcomic artist and writer Scott Ramsoomair, creator of VG Cats [http://www.vgcats.com/]. It makes... interesting reading.
considering the uneducated comments Thompson does ad nauseam, one can hope that he will lose all credibility in the near futurestubbmann said:My only problems with the pope are that he resembles Emperor Palpatine and was in the Hitler youth.
Jack, though... that's a whole different kettle of fish. Willful ignorance and stupidity, frankly, belong in the Darwin Awards, not the political arena. If you're going to rage against something, actually get to know what you're raging against. Oh, and learn to argue like something other than a tired toddler ("You shut up!" "No, you shut up!").
Also, telling others to shut up, because you are unable to counter their argument, reminds me of Bill O' Reilly. The sad thing is that some people take what Bill says for the truth, even when the word "OPINION" is written across the bottom of the screen -_-'