Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Available For Free on 3DS


New member
Aug 20, 2013
AeroZeppelinSevenfold said:
I don't understand why they keep putting a limit on it. If they are going to keep selling it for free, just make it free permanently.
Hmm. I certainly understand why we would like that. But for them, it's just good business sense. See, the game isn't prohibitively expensive, but in my case for example, I haven't purchased it because it's never been on my mind to do so. When I go the e-shop I get what I intended to get all along, and then I get out. Other people though, shop with a different mindset. They may have a goal but are willing to look around at the other titles too - or they log in just to shop; and then if they see something they fancy, they will buy it.

But with a limited time offer (lto) like this, they will attract a large group of people in a contained time-frame, including me, to pick it up and likely see other titles of interest and think, "Hey, I got this for free - I can use the money I would have spent on this (even if I never intended to spend money on it) on this Phoenix Wright game I saw when I logged in. Score."

It's also pretty straight forward as an offer (not like how lto sales are often full of exclusions, and hoops to jump through). It allows them to, in a controlled way, invite you into their market place, offer you something for your trouble, with the goal of you maybe dropping some cash on your way, or coming back for more, or giving them positive word of mouth - and having you feel good about the whole experience.

It also sets the precedent. So the customer will be hoping, maybe even expecting that if they miss this, it would happen again sometime and they may check in from time to time to see what's going on. Depending on what kind of mindset they have when they shop (or how much self control they have) they may spend money each time they check.

But if they announced that it was free forever, we would care about it today and then never again. And that would apply regardless of customer type. Anyway, I hope that helps some.


Apr 28, 2008
Chimpzy said:
Just in case anyone is wondering, this offer is US only.

Europeans, or anyone else for that matter, need not apply.
I wonder if Canada can sneak in. Sometimes they let us, sometimes they don't!


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Holy shit, I'm telling everyone I know about this. I owned a Gameboy Advance copy of this game and rarely had anyone to play it with. Now I'll have TONS of people to play this game with. :D


New member
Oct 26, 2013
Thanks for NOT telling us that this was just another geoblocked US only thing where the rest of the world can just get [REDACTED]


New member
Dec 31, 2009
Shinsei-J said:
An accurate representation of how I feel right now as an Australian.

I was really pumped to play this game once I read the article but now I just want to cry.
I can't even purchase it.
I hate Australia...
I was just about to ask......


*long drawn out sigh*


New member
May 22, 2010
Weaver said:
Chimpzy said:
Just in case anyone is wondering, this offer is US only.

Europeans, or anyone else for that matter, need not apply.
I wonder if Canada can sneak in. Sometimes they let us, sometimes they don't!
They can. If you're anywhere in North America, South america, or most of Asia, there's a good chance you can get it. We already had a Canadian and a Brazilian earlier up in the thread saying they were able to get it, which makes it sound like it's for the entire NTSC region, and not just certain countries on the store. Still sucks for the other half of the world, but for once it's not US only.


What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets.
Jul 15, 2009
Vaccine said:
Australia rarely gets any free promos, fucking companies.
I was so looking forward to Monster Hunter going on sale for the Wii U, in the US $20, our sale price? $59.99, was expecting $40... Am disappointed, am downloading the demo now though to see if I will enjoy the game.

Jaylo69 said:
What? Do we Aussies not exist or what?
WTF is this?
Neither do us Kiwis. Never mind the fact we pay more for everything, we also miss out on deals and freebies.


New member
Nov 5, 2009
i could never play this, i loved link to the past so i had to get it for my GBA but could never play 4 swords due to non of my friends at the time either owning a gba or have the interest in Zelda. :(

Hero of Lime

Staaay Fresh!
Jun 3, 2013
Shinsei-J said:
An accurate representation of how I feel right now as an Australian.

I was really pumped to play this game once I read the article but now I just want to cry.
I can't even purchase it.
I hate Australia...
Coming from someone who is a super duper mega ultra fan of the series, you won't miss much by not playing this Zelda game. If you like the idea of Four Swords, just play Four Swords Adventures, you'll have a lot more fun with that game. The original is basically the bare minimum of what a Zelda game is. It's still fun, but all you do is fight enemies, hunt down keys by solving super simple puzzles, and collect rupees. It only covers maybe 30 percent of what you do in a regular Zelda game.

I should point out I've only played it alone, it probably is more fun with four players, but Four Swords Adventures was fun with single player despite being made for multiple players. I guess it's good to know the only mediocre game in the series(in my opinion) was just a simple multiplayer mode.


New member
Oct 25, 2008
Nintendo: Arbitrary Regional Restrictions R Us

Garbdarmit, I got excited when I read I'd have a second chance to get the game. :/


New member
May 22, 2009
I'm gonna agree with the notion that this is pretty dumb and shortsighted. This is a game designed for multiple players, and yet they're only releasing it for a miniscule period of time, in a tiny location, thus assuring beyond shadow of a doubt that it's going to be incredibly difficult to find anyone to play with, especially after that one weekend.

While simultaneously refusing to make money on it by releasing it year round.

These type of bizarre business practices are why you're losing money!


New member
Jan 17, 2011
well it sucks offered in america but good new for me is I live in america
yay I have chance to play a zelda game I never was able to play and it's free. If only I had some some to play this with. I will try single player for now.

edit: it's playable on single player but not a very interesting so far. I still have a link between worlds on hero mode to beat and that is currently far more interesting. After I beat a link between worlds on hero mode; I might give four swords another chance. If I get someone to play 4 swords it with then it will be a higher priority.