Leonardo DiCaprio Gives 'Red Riding Hood' the 'Twilight' Treatment

Antonio Torrente

New member
Feb 19, 2010
okay just read this article on yahoo news, and my reaction is WTF!? are they serious!
I mean come on, is this another Alice in wonderland? most likely.

it's director btw is Catherine Hardwicke director of the that abomination of a movie Twilight

here is the article. [http://blog.movies.yahoo.com/blog/161-leonardo-dicaprio-gives-red-riding-hood-the-twilight-treatment]

Tell me what you think fellow escapists.

Monkfish Acc.

New member
May 7, 2008
I think girls are perfectly entitled to their special girlporn.
Men spend all their time looking at people fucking, all ladies want to do is see people smouldering and thinking about fucking.
Who are we to deny them that.

Yes I am aware this is a ridiculous thing to say that is the fucking point.

Dark Knifer

New member
May 12, 2009
What the fu...
Antonio Torrente said:
it's director btw is Catherine Hardwicke director of the that abomination of a movie Twilight
Oh... That makes more sense... Still though, What the fuck?


New member
Nov 9, 2009
Come on, fairy tales. You don't have to take it like this. Bring back the Grimm Bros. version. I want to see a violent axe murder.


What type of steak are you?
Apr 26, 2009
Pirate Kitty said:
I don't get the hate for Twilight.

It's pretty popular - must be doing something right :\
Popular =/= good

Look at Call of Duty. Or the Jonas Brothers. *shudder*


New member
Nov 20, 2009
I'll wait for another trailer before damning the film, but I did hear a couple lines in the trailer that sound ripped from Twilight. I hope it turns out good, mainly because Gary Oldman and DiCaprio are a couple of guys whose work I like.

Lem0nade Inlay

New member
Apr 3, 2010
Oh man, this sucks.

As if they'd take a CHILDREN'S STORY and turn it into some "Romantic Thriller". It's ludicrous, didn't they learn their lesson with Alice in Wonderland?

It shouldn't even be classified as "Romantic Thriller". It's better suited to "Lovey Fighting"


New member
Apr 22, 2009
Pirate Kitty said:
Iron Criterion said:
Popular doesn't always mean 'good' or 'right'
Popular does mean good.

What makes good music? People liking it.

You don't get to decide what is good or bad because you do or don't like something - it's what the people like. And Twilight has a lot of fans.
Well that's just plain not true.

Twilight is a prime example of how something 'not good' can be very popular. It's a farce of a film! The books were ok, but mostly just Bella whinging about how horny she was in her own head. Padding out 90mins of footage with that is a struggle!

It was popular with teenage girls because they have Nothing Else! Almost all rom-com's or romance movies in general are aimed at an older female audience, the little girlies only get half the references. Here comes one film, the only one ever aimed at that market. So they lapped it up, for better or for worse.

Another example would be Nickelback, loads of people hate them but I think they're pretty good...


New member
May 21, 2009
Lame. I think I'll just stick with The Brothers Grimm, that was a cool movie. This movie looks like they are trying to romanticize it far too much and will ultimately turn that guy with the faux-hawk becomes every lonely girls wet dream. I really wish that if they want to go for gritty fantasy they need to stop using the pretty boy as Mancandy #1 who has a troubled past but is really just a sweet guy, which is what they have begun to do, which is distressing to me because that's just shitty story telling.

Monkfish Acc.

New member
May 7, 2008
Pirate Kitty said:
Iron Criterion said:
Popular doesn't always mean 'good' or 'right'
Popular does mean good.

What makes good music? People liking it.

You don't get to decide what is good or bad because you do or don't like something - it's what the people like. And Twilight has a lot of fans.
Popular does not mean good. Popular means good to a lot of people.
"Good" and "bad" are entirely subjective. Nothing can unanimously be declared as either.

Not that I have a problem with Twilight. I am not a fan, but people are welcome to like what they want. It fills a void.

Now, what DOES bug me about Twilight is the hatedom. Much, MUCH more than the retarded fandom.
These are the people who never shut the fuck up about it. It's like the "TWUE METALHEADS" and Bieber. They are just giving it free advertising and pissing me the fuck off with their incessant bitching on the same fucking subject all the fucking time.

Yes, we get it. You hate it and you are a big boy. All grown up and definitely not a girl. Different just like everyone else. Cool for you.
Now please shut the hell up.


New member
May 30, 2010
Antonio Torrente said:
I mean come on, is this another Alice in wonderland? most likely.
Are you trying to say that Alice in Wonderland was a bad movie?

*Finds knife*

Iron Criterion

New member
Feb 4, 2009
Pirate Kitty said:
Iron Criterion said:
Popular doesn't always mean 'good' or 'right'
Popular does mean good.

What makes good music? People liking it.

You don't get to decide what is good or bad because you do or don't like something - it's what the people like. And Twilight has a lot of fans.
Yes but all of those fans are stupid, immature little girls who wouldn't know culture if it slapped them in the face.