Less than 24 hours to ME3

D Moness

Left the building
Sep 16, 2010
This one guy said:
I know the different modes, I'm just getting that out there now for people but I did read this on bsn, so it could just be to get guaranteed replies though I doubt it. Here are two other things that should be know now.

*You will pick up a massive amount of side quest while walking around in places but heres the thing, If you leave the place you were at and progress the story then these quests will go unresolved and you wont get the experiences points for them so do them right away if you find it important enough.

*Scanning is important and its not tedious mineral hunts like ME2. You must scan for fuel to travel through the star cluster but using this tech sends signals throughout the galaxy and the reapers will come after you. You cant fight them alone so your only option is to run to a mass relay and leave.
That is more then i wanna know , a lot of us do not read the bsn and wanna find out everything by playing, please keep spoilers to a minimum.

Screamarie said:
This is the first time I've ever done a Collector's edition. It just never seemed worth it. But come on, robot dog? Who can resist a robot dog?
I was sold with the artbook and the comic(the dog is cute as well though).

Clive Howlitzer

New member
Jan 27, 2011
Only 24 hours until Mass Effect 3? Oh crap! I better continue not giving a shit! I lost interest in ME3 a long time ago thanks to EA.


The Killjoy Detective returns!
Jan 23, 2011
Screamarie said:
D Moness said:
Screamarie said:
RedEyesBlackGamer said:
This one guy said:
Hmm there are gonna be some flipped cars because of this but I hear from multiple sources that talking to squad members on the Normandy is Zaeed style, just gonna get that out there here and now.
God damn it. I give them the benefit of the doubt after they fixed the Paragon/Renegade system and now this happens. Seriously?
I haven't played ANY part of it so don't rely on me for this, but I've vaguely heard that that depends on what mode you play in, Story, RPG, or Action. Which one is which I have no clue, but yeah, there's still hope.
Sounds like the action mode (since then the game will pick your text) although we can only be sure when the game arrives.
I know i will play it in plain old RPG mode. I just want to control everything like in the previous 2 games

Action mode : focus on action the game will pick the dialogue best suited
Story mode : focuses on the story, action will be downplayed (less for you to do when battling(you still can die in battle in this mode))
RPG mode : same as in mass effect 1 and 2
Yeah I figured it was the action mode. I think that's a very interesting approach for Bioware to take. No wonder they had to push the game back for five months, it seems almost like they were trying to make three games in one to fit whatever mood the player is in....but I'm going RPG, everytime probably.
I hope you guys are right. Character interaction is the best thing about Mass Effect.


New member
Feb 24, 2008
I'm in in Japan so I'm having an Asian copy FedExed to me from Hong Kong. Hopefully, I'll have the game for the weekend. I'm pretty sure I won't be able to activate the online pass however. EA have been dinks aout that in the past. Oh well...


New member
Apr 28, 2010
I'm super excited about Mass Effect 3. I have a Collector's edition waiting for me at Best Buy but I won't be playing it for about a week because I have a HUGE, VERY IMPORTANT test this Saturday that I have to do well on. So once I am prepared and take the test, being able to play Mass Effect 3 will be my reward :)


New member
Jul 15, 2010
Who want's to see Tali's face?

So...Bioware just photoshopped a swimsuit model....wow....that sucks....


New member
Jul 15, 2010
undeadsuitor said:
Canadish said:
Who want's to see Tali's face?

So...Bioware just photoshopped a swimsuit model....wow....that sucks....

better res.

Looks more like her voice actress, but I agree it's a little lazy of a 'shop, especially in the hand area.

Although I'm not really complaining. It's better than what I was expecting when I first heard about only getting a picture, and it shows a lot more than "picture obscured by lens flare" from what people were saying. I'm just happy we finally get to see what a quarian looks like.
Ahh, that's a much better picture! Definitely better, seeing it in higher rez. Much less "generic swimsuit model" then I initially thought.
Still seems a little jarring not using the ingame engine though....

LooK iTz Jinjo

New member
Feb 22, 2009
Less than 24 hours? Yeah not in Australia. Of course once again we get fucked over and I still have to wait until Thursday -.-

RJ 17

The Sound of Silence
Nov 27, 2011
About one hour until I leave for the midnight launch...and about 2 hours till I'm actually playing the game...

RJ 17 said:
When I woke up this morning "The Final Countdown" started playing in my head. I've been up for 4 hours...and it's still playing...

And damnit, this song is STILL in my head!


New member
Mar 16, 2008
RedEyesBlackGamer said:
Screamarie said:
D Moness said:
Screamarie said:
RedEyesBlackGamer said:
This one guy said:
Hmm there are gonna be some flipped cars because of this but I hear from multiple sources that talking to squad members on the Normandy is Zaeed style, just gonna get that out there here and now.
God damn it. I give them the benefit of the doubt after they fixed the Paragon/Renegade system and now this happens. Seriously?
I haven't played ANY part of it so don't rely on me for this, but I've vaguely heard that that depends on what mode you play in, Story, RPG, or Action. Which one is which I have no clue, but yeah, there's still hope.
Sounds like the action mode (since then the game will pick your text) although we can only be sure when the game arrives.
I know i will play it in plain old RPG mode. I just want to control everything like in the previous 2 games

Action mode : focus on action the game will pick the dialogue best suited
Story mode : focuses on the story, action will be downplayed (less for you to do when battling(you still can die in battle in this mode))
RPG mode : same as in mass effect 1 and 2
Yeah I figured it was the action mode. I think that's a very interesting approach for Bioware to take. No wonder they had to push the game back for five months, it seems almost like they were trying to make three games in one to fit whatever mood the player is in....but I'm going RPG, everytime probably.
I hope you guys are right. Character interaction is the best thing about Mass Effect.
Very much so! It's my favorite part of the game and that's why I fell in love with Mass Effect 2. Not much longer, just about one more hour!


New member
Nov 7, 2010
Screamarie said:
Okay, I may just piss A LOT of people off by making this thread, but I honestly thought it was a little funny that we had someone complaining about the amount of Mass Effect we go going on site.
I, also, don't want to bombard people with Mass Effect. I mean at the time Skyrim came out I was a little frustrated with all the threads and news and trailers, but I lived through it, I don't believe I ever complained about it, and I never tried to kill anyone's buzz over it so if I want to talk about Mass Effect, I think I should get to. Sure people will disagree, but if I didn't make this thread, someone else probably would have.

SO it's less than 24 hours to Mass Effect 3 so let's just have a bit of a get together and talk about it.

To start off the discussion, are you going to a Mass Effect midnight launch? Or are you waiting for it in the mail? Or maybe you're waiting for used or a price drop? And are you preparing in any way for the game?

I personally have a pre-order collector's edition over at amazon. It makes me a bit upset because amazon estimates delivery won't be until the 13th, which means a possible extra week of waiting. I am hopeful though as usually amazon over-estimates to make sure they have plenty of time, but this may not be one of those times.

As for preparation, I'm doing some household cleaning up to make sure that once it gets here no one can bother me until I finish my first playthrough. What's that? You forgot to mention something you needed done before I got my game? Tough titties, you'll have to wait.

So, talk, tell, I'm genuinely interested! Though please be mindful of spoilers guys! I myself haven't played the demo or watched most the trailers and I'm sure others are the same. I just ask that people try to be respectful. ^_^
Gee and I thought pre-ordering from a non-mightnight launch store was bad enough, I only lose 9 hours! sorry to hear that dude.

I've replayed ME1, and I tried to replay ME2, but I disliked all the early missions a lot, so thought it'd be best to just re-import my original character instead.

I think I'll be buying 24 cans of cream soda, a whole 10 pack of mac and cheesem and that'll do be for... idk, several days I hope, want to play it with as little interruptions as possible, I could play it slow, but I really want to play it in full, to the end and see what I've been waiting 2 years for in terms of the story, then I'll come back to civilisation.


New member
Mar 16, 2008
Conza said:
Screamarie said:
Okay, I may just piss A LOT of people off by making this thread, but I honestly thought it was a little funny that we had someone complaining about the amount of Mass Effect we go going on site.
I, also, don't want to bombard people with Mass Effect. I mean at the time Skyrim came out I was a little frustrated with all the threads and news and trailers, but I lived through it, I don't believe I ever complained about it, and I never tried to kill anyone's buzz over it so if I want to talk about Mass Effect, I think I should get to. Sure people will disagree, but if I didn't make this thread, someone else probably would have.

SO it's less than 24 hours to Mass Effect 3 so let's just have a bit of a get together and talk about it.

To start off the discussion, are you going to a Mass Effect midnight launch? Or are you waiting for it in the mail? Or maybe you're waiting for used or a price drop? And are you preparing in any way for the game?

I personally have a pre-order collector's edition over at amazon. It makes me a bit upset because amazon estimates delivery won't be until the 13th, which means a possible extra week of waiting. I am hopeful though as usually amazon over-estimates to make sure they have plenty of time, but this may not be one of those times.

As for preparation, I'm doing some household cleaning up to make sure that once it gets here no one can bother me until I finish my first playthrough. What's that? You forgot to mention something you needed done before I got my game? Tough titties, you'll have to wait.

So, talk, tell, I'm genuinely interested! Though please be mindful of spoilers guys! I myself haven't played the demo or watched most the trailers and I'm sure others are the same. I just ask that people try to be respectful. ^_^
Gee and I thought pre-ordering from a non-mightnight launch store was bad enough, I only lose 9 hours! sorry to hear that dude.

I've replayed ME1, and I tried to replay ME2, but I disliked all the early missions a lot, so thought it'd be best to just re-import my original character instead.

I think I'll be buying 24 cans of cream soda, a whole 10 pack of mac and cheesem and that'll do be for... idk, several days I hope, want to play it with as little interruptions as possible, I could play it slow, but I really want to play it in full, to the end and see what I've been waiting 2 years for in terms of the story, then I'll come back to civilisation.
Thanks for the sympathy. Amazon is usually pretty quick so I wouldn't be surprised if I got it by Friday, but I'm not trying to be too hopeful so I'm not disappointing myself if it doesn't.

I can totally agree with trying to get through it to learn what happens and not having interruptions. I unforunately will have some, I have animals to take care of and then I live with my elderly step father so I have to help him some things (not alot he can like feed himself and move around, but there are sometimes things he needs that only I can do), but I've done my best to minimize the amount of things I need to do or that he could ask me to do.

And wednesday I'm going to the store and getting Big Reds, chips, jerky, strawberries so I don't have to cook for over a week and have plenty of munchies around that I don't have to pay attention to eat and don't have to take my eyes off the screen. XD Then ramen and frozen pizzas cause you need SOME kind of real meal now and again and ten minutes to cook, ten minutes to eat, 20 minutes away from the game.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
RJ 17 said:
About one hour until I leave for the midnight launch...and about 2 hours till I'm actually playing the game...

RJ 17 said:
When I woke up this morning "The Final Countdown" started playing in my head. I've been up for 4 hours...and it's still playing...

And damnit, this song is STILL in my head!
I'm going to replay the suicide mission to this! My comes by mail...unfortunately.


New member
Sep 13, 2010
Canadish said:
Who want's to see Tali's face?

So...Bioware just photoshopped a swimsuit model....wow....that sucks....
welp, time to update the fanarts and the porn..


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
Oh, hell yes.

Amazon shipped my order ahead of schedule.

This makes me happy.

If anyone needs me, I shall be over here obsessively camping the Amazon delivery tracking site.