I'm sure I'm going to be sorely disappointed that most people will put a game I dislike at number 1 (RE4) for this list, but I thought it would be fun anyway after the new RE2 Remake. Would be nice to hear your reasoning as well why you are ranking them where you are. I never bothered with the Umbrella Chronicles, Darkside Chronicles, Survivor or whatever other spin-offs there are. I heard they were pretty bad. I'm sure some of you can fill me in..
These are where I would rank the ones I've played:
1. RE1 Remake - for me, this is the best the series has ever produced. It's a remake done right.
2. RE2 Remake - I was at first apprehensive about the over-the-shoulder stuff because after RE4-6 and revelations (none of which I enjoyed that much) so I was worried it wouldn't be proper survival horror. But I was wrong - they managed to please both old and new fans somehow.
3. RE1 original - Love love love this game. I played this game soooo much. I know people say it's dated, but, I don't know. I still enjoy playing it every now and then even now. There is perhaps a bit of nostalgia in it for me, but I still think it's pretty solid if you can look past the graphics. I really like tank controls in RE games. lol.
4. RE2 original - Between this, RE3 and RE:CV it's a pretty even split for me, but, tbh, I've repeat played through this the most so I'll have to give it to RE2. I actually believe there were some things the original did better than the Remake. The story is better and the characters have a bit more subtlety to them (yes it's still poorly written but chief irons and Leon were definitely better). Also the A and B scenarios are way better in the originals. Much more variety. I poured a lot of hours into this game. Yes it's easy but it's so much fun.
5. RE: CV - it's an extremely close call between this and RE3 but I really like CV and I think people forget about how much fun it is to play. People like to nitpick at this game, but it's just a longer version of the older ones - and what more could you ask for really if you really the style? Can't have too much of a good thing. Plus, I really like the setting. The hunters were terrifying to me in this game the first time I played.
6. RE3 - I mean... it's short and sweet. You can't beat Nemesis as a panic-inducing villain. It's awesome. Bring on RE3 Remake.
7. RE7 - Possibly some people didn't like the first person thing but I thought it worked really well for the RE style of gameplay. The more I play it the more I like it actually. I think this is probably the scariest Resident Evil, so it's definitely doing it's job as survival horror. And it brought classic elements back. I'll be honest, I love this entry now, despite initial skepticism.
8. RE Zero - Probably a controversial entry to have so high up because I know people hated some of the mechanics in this, but I really enjoyed it. It's atmospheric and plays like proper survival horror. It's a really enjoyable ride if you can get past the idea of having no item boxes. But the story wasn't very good - I will concede that.
9. RE Outbreak file 1 and 2 - It's quite fun. I didn't get into it as much as some, but I can see the appeal. I know some people really love them. It's not as good as any of the above for me.
10. RE Revelations 2 - While I wasn't exactly balled over with the revelations series, I'm giving it some credit for bringing some survival horror elements back to the series in 3rd person after RE6. I'm sure they learned things from this. Wasn't keen on the story though.
11. RE Revelations - As above - but I didn't like this as much as 2. I've only played the console version. I hear it's better on a handheld.
12. RE5 - Yeah that's right. Even though I don't really like this game very much, I prefer it to RE4. Why? Because the story of RE4 really bugs me and it doesn't so much in RE5, even though it's still stupid and convoluted. Plus, it had the Lost In Nightmares DLC which I actually liked a bit so I give it props for that.
13. RE4 - I know most people love this game. I could rant about what RE4 did to the series from my perspective and how I feel like it paved the way to make it an action shooting series for a while and that it didn't appeal to people who just weren't fans of action shooters. But it's pointless because I know I'm in the minority. People say to me 'it's a great game just not a great Resident Evil game'. Well, I can't comment on that since the genre clearly isn't my thing. I've completed it once and didn't enjoy it that much compared to most of the rest of the series. It's as simple as that. Whether you think this was still survival horror or not - it wasn't MY kind of survival horror.
14. RE6 - I think the less said about RE6 the better. I'd be interested to see if there are any fans of this game on the forums. I couldn't even finish this one. At least I finished 4 and 5. I got through Leon's campaign and a little bit of Chris's and then realised I was really bored and didn't want to put myself through the rest.
15. RE Gaiden: I found this pretty unplayable tbf. Why does the legendary Barry Burton star in one of the worst games!?!
These are where I would rank the ones I've played:
1. RE1 Remake - for me, this is the best the series has ever produced. It's a remake done right.
2. RE2 Remake - I was at first apprehensive about the over-the-shoulder stuff because after RE4-6 and revelations (none of which I enjoyed that much) so I was worried it wouldn't be proper survival horror. But I was wrong - they managed to please both old and new fans somehow.
3. RE1 original - Love love love this game. I played this game soooo much. I know people say it's dated, but, I don't know. I still enjoy playing it every now and then even now. There is perhaps a bit of nostalgia in it for me, but I still think it's pretty solid if you can look past the graphics. I really like tank controls in RE games. lol.
4. RE2 original - Between this, RE3 and RE:CV it's a pretty even split for me, but, tbh, I've repeat played through this the most so I'll have to give it to RE2. I actually believe there were some things the original did better than the Remake. The story is better and the characters have a bit more subtlety to them (yes it's still poorly written but chief irons and Leon were definitely better). Also the A and B scenarios are way better in the originals. Much more variety. I poured a lot of hours into this game. Yes it's easy but it's so much fun.
5. RE: CV - it's an extremely close call between this and RE3 but I really like CV and I think people forget about how much fun it is to play. People like to nitpick at this game, but it's just a longer version of the older ones - and what more could you ask for really if you really the style? Can't have too much of a good thing. Plus, I really like the setting. The hunters were terrifying to me in this game the first time I played.
6. RE3 - I mean... it's short and sweet. You can't beat Nemesis as a panic-inducing villain. It's awesome. Bring on RE3 Remake.
7. RE7 - Possibly some people didn't like the first person thing but I thought it worked really well for the RE style of gameplay. The more I play it the more I like it actually. I think this is probably the scariest Resident Evil, so it's definitely doing it's job as survival horror. And it brought classic elements back. I'll be honest, I love this entry now, despite initial skepticism.
8. RE Zero - Probably a controversial entry to have so high up because I know people hated some of the mechanics in this, but I really enjoyed it. It's atmospheric and plays like proper survival horror. It's a really enjoyable ride if you can get past the idea of having no item boxes. But the story wasn't very good - I will concede that.
9. RE Outbreak file 1 and 2 - It's quite fun. I didn't get into it as much as some, but I can see the appeal. I know some people really love them. It's not as good as any of the above for me.
10. RE Revelations 2 - While I wasn't exactly balled over with the revelations series, I'm giving it some credit for bringing some survival horror elements back to the series in 3rd person after RE6. I'm sure they learned things from this. Wasn't keen on the story though.
11. RE Revelations - As above - but I didn't like this as much as 2. I've only played the console version. I hear it's better on a handheld.
12. RE5 - Yeah that's right. Even though I don't really like this game very much, I prefer it to RE4. Why? Because the story of RE4 really bugs me and it doesn't so much in RE5, even though it's still stupid and convoluted. Plus, it had the Lost In Nightmares DLC which I actually liked a bit so I give it props for that.
13. RE4 - I know most people love this game. I could rant about what RE4 did to the series from my perspective and how I feel like it paved the way to make it an action shooting series for a while and that it didn't appeal to people who just weren't fans of action shooters. But it's pointless because I know I'm in the minority. People say to me 'it's a great game just not a great Resident Evil game'. Well, I can't comment on that since the genre clearly isn't my thing. I've completed it once and didn't enjoy it that much compared to most of the rest of the series. It's as simple as that. Whether you think this was still survival horror or not - it wasn't MY kind of survival horror.
14. RE6 - I think the less said about RE6 the better. I'd be interested to see if there are any fans of this game on the forums. I couldn't even finish this one. At least I finished 4 and 5. I got through Leon's campaign and a little bit of Chris's and then realised I was really bored and didn't want to put myself through the rest.
15. RE Gaiden: I found this pretty unplayable tbf. Why does the legendary Barry Burton star in one of the worst games!?!