Let's Remake Star Wars

The Lugz

New member
Apr 23, 2011
RTK1576 said:
4)Right, let's spend hundreds of millions of dollars to get George Lucas to leave his series alone.

Hmm... that might actually be worth it.
doesn't matter how-many dollars you spend, he has more and he calls the shots
the pest will be changing return of the jedi from beyond the grave with a pager in his coffin set to go off at 4 year intervals commanding his lawyers to pull all star-wars merch and remake it.

search your feelings, you know it to be true.

Mezmer said:
If Lucas would actually let someone write a decent script and have some semblance of creative control (ie the power to veto things like Jar Jar Binks)
that's it! just before you meet jarjar qui-gon has a vision of him being a twerp and then doesn't save him in time

remove anakin's dialogue all of it, it's just balls anyway, cut to him and cut away just to recognize he exists and leave it at that

this would drastically improve the prequels

perhaps we could get someone with video editing skills to make this film as a Fan-cut


New member
Jul 5, 2009
Movie remakes are almost always a bad idea. And considering how much Star Wars shit is still being shovelled out of the grave...I'd rather the entire franchise be put to rest and we fucking finally move on from it.


The Purple Mage
Nov 9, 2009
Yeah, I don't think so. At least not while Lucas is alive or lucid.

I liked the Jedi back when they were just a well-known but not-in-the-spotlight order of protectors using laser swords. Then they became the most important things in the universe. They ran all the wars. They dabbled in all the politics. Yawn.

And that's all George Lucas' fault. Seriously, he'd change the Jedi story to be the most important part.

I liked when Han Solo back when he shot first and was a ruffian and a criminal on the path to redemption. Then he was suddenly always a hero who won't shoot until someone shoots at him and lost his character arc. Yawn.

And that's all George Franchaserzise Lucas' fault. Seriously, he'd reinvent Han Solo to be a hero who only has to struggle over self-preservation. He'd also make him force sensitive or maybe even a potential Jedi.

I liked C3PO and R2D2 back when they were just robots who were programmed to work together and were built like every other robot. Then suddenly C3P0 was built by a six-year-old Darth Vader and R2D2 was owned by every important hero in the past 1000000000 years... removing the common-can-be-important connection. Barf.

And that's all Jorge Lucah's fault. Seriously, he'd throw in a scene where Obi-Wan Kenobi and Darth Vader react to the two droids somehow. They could also be Jedi like what was made possible in the tabletop game. I mean, why not? It could just be another Jedi-centric trilogy because they've got laser swords and every scene has to have one.


...in other words, DON'T DO IT! At least... not without a good director at the helm...


New member
Oct 14, 2009
No, Bob, you're wrong. War has not changed.

War...war never changes.

(I couldn't resist, sorry!)


The Noble
Jan 6, 2010
Here how I would remake:

Insert parts from the book and audio play into the story (some were actually shot but cut later in the original.)

Keep the look more like the concept art:


Generic Redshirt

New member
Apr 11, 2008
The OT to me is kinnda like Jaws (which I believe Bob mentioned)
A lot of what makes Jaws such a great movie is the limitations they had. We don't see much of the Shark because it looked quite bad (apparently). Thus we now have moments where suspense is built up instead of just constant shark munching action.
The limitations in the OT help make it good. The more seasoned heads mulling around, the inability to put literally anything they wanted on the screen.
This to me is the problem with the prequels. George wants, George gets.
Also what is with this assumption that we can do it better? Sure sometimes the remakes outshine the originals such as Wizard of Oz of The Thing but how many times do we simply end up with Casablanca now in colour and with a happier ending?


Fell off the Alligator.
Jun 24, 2009
You want to see Star Wars rewritten to reflect the prequels? Am I reading this correctly? Bob Chipman, reasonably saying such things, even if his final though is one against it all?

How is that even possible?

Also, why remake it, when they can just remaster it, and still make a solid mint off of it?


New member
Aug 12, 2009
How about instead of trying to remake ANYTHING, we work on coming up with the Next Big Thing?

No more Remakes. No more movies based on books/comics. No more Reboots. No more sequels/prequels or special-enhanced-shoving-in-the-word-nooooo-to-a-scene-that-was-perfect-and-has-no-reason-to-be-there-editions. We need something as compelling as Star Wars was for this era of films; something that people will look back on in 20 years and get just as pissed off about the prequel trilogy that was made later on. This era of movies, in my opinion, just doesn't have that. Yes, some of the best movies of this year were based on some other form of media, and yes, Star Wars borrowed heavily from it's inspirational movie, The Hidden Fortress, but I think anyone who's able to read past all of these commas in this large block of text is going to understand where I'm coming from, even if they don't agree.

Just... leave Star Wars alone. As a fan of the original trilogy, I have resigned myself to the fact that it will get remade. The allure of money is just too great.


New member
Sep 4, 2009
No need to remake the originals. The expanded universe has a ton of content.

Would make a great new trilogy.

The story from Kotor 1 would make a great trilogy also.

And did Bob see the Pinkett/Red Letter Media first trilogy reviews? Choreographed lightsaber fighting is crap. The duels in the original trilogy were symbolic of the emotional conflict between the participants. They weren't about being fancy and flippy, they were expressions of the feelings of the characters.

For more information check out the review here. Takes an hour but well worth a watch: http://redlettermedia.com/plinkett/star-wars/star-wars-episode-1-the-phantom-menace/


New member
Jun 11, 2010
I suppose a remake in concept isn't much different from re-interpreting or re-imagining other works of art such as the plays of Shakespeare, the opera's of Wagner or the millions of covers that exist for various songs to give but three examples. Seeing what other visionaries might do with such classic, universal material presenting it in a new contextual light could be very interesting but as the original version is so widely available, known and, most importantly, adored, a remake could only ever exist in the shadow of the original and be measured (no doubt unfairly) against it. Plus the internet wouldn't shut up about it for probably 20 years so I suggest we pass on a remake of Star Wars, after all, remaking something that was pratically perfect to begin with seems like a waste of time; at least remake something that was already lacking. That's my best rational response, my gut tells me to be physically repulsed by the idea. Much better to do a sequel trilogy (or that Boba Fett movie, yes please!)


Not Gone Gonzo
Jan 16, 2009
I would not hate going to the theatre to watch these remakes... I might hate it coming out, but not going in.
I appreciate the points Bob makes


New member
Mar 22, 2012
You know, you're right, this could be an interesting opportunity for the Star Wars franchise. Speaking as a fan of the Expanded Universe, it could provide an opportunity to integrate some of the more popular aspects like Grand Admiral Thrawn, Mara Jade, or even Kyle Katarn. However you're also right in that a remake of the Original Three would almost certainly fail anyway. *sighs*


Noisy Lurker
Jul 16, 2008
I will give you your arguments Bob, because they are surprisingly strong, but there's no way in hell that would be a good idea. Not even if the movies weren't held to be sacred. Just because Hollywood thought Spiderman needed a reboot, doesn't mean that was a good idea either. You're basing your arguments on the foundation of bad ideas.

That said, I'd love to see the movie that was described where the main heroes are metaphors for the countries that fought the Nazis. But we need to wait until Lucas is dead, because nothing that interesting can come from him.


New member
Apr 4, 2012
Hey Bob, I think this'll put a damper on your expectations:  Disney buys Lucasfilm for $4 billion [http://www.truthdig.com/arts_culture/item/the_mouse_house_buys_star_wars_for_4_billion_20121030/]

For a company that made cinematic history, one would think it'd be worth much more than $4 billion; say, perhaps, $20 billion?