Lets talk about Assassins Creed: Revelations


New member
Apr 29, 2011
Since 75% percent of The Escapist is talking about how Skyrim rules or how Skyrim sucks, I decided to talk about something else with another one of this years big games Assassins Creed Revelations.

This one adds a ton of new gameplay elements including A hook, Tower Defense, and Bomb Crafting. The game improves on just about everything from last years release and has one thing previously unknown to the series, A good ending. My only complaint is that the Altair memories are too short. Also the Desmond parts of the game are surprisingly different this time around, It's a Portal-meets-Minecraft first person platformer which tell you Desmond's life story(much better than it sounds)

All right that's it now go *****/Praise Skyrim until the next Elder Scrolls game.

NOTE: I like Skyrim I don't have it yet but I played it at a friends house, I'm just sick of all the goddamn Skyrim threads.


New member
Mar 20, 2010
I certainly like how you can equip a main and secondary weapon at the same time, making it easier to use. But it does make using eagle vision a bit more annoying since I seem to have to stand still to turn it on.

Quite a few of the new features seem a bit pointless.

Clive Howlitzer

New member
Jan 27, 2011
I have not played Asscreed: Revelations. The only one of the Asscreed games I have played was the second one and only for about 30 minutes because it felt like a clunky console port and I didn't have my controller to plug in at the moment.
Sadly, I never got back around to trying again. On the other hand, I have this game Skyrim...


New member
Apr 2, 2011
Gotta admit the hookblade is pretty fun, though.

But on the Altiar missions, if you're just horribly bad at them for some reason like me, they aren't too short. (failed the 1st one at least 5 or 6 times.)

And also, the mission where you beat up the lute players is awesome revenge :)

Adam Jensen_v1legacy

I never asked for this
Sep 8, 2011
Every new feature is pointless. Sure the new primary and secondary equipment works good, but it changes the control layout in the 4th installment for the purpose of mostly throwing bombs that you never really need. The only bomb you'll ever gonna need is still a smoke bomb. The loss is greater than the gain because the new inventory screen with all the new features obstructs gameplay. Not to mention those sneak attacks on Ezio. They were designed to obstruct gameplay. In video games you're always doing something, going somewhere. And now you have to wonder if your gameplay will be obstructed by a sneak attack. It's frustrating.

I'm glad that Altair's memories are short because they didn't overstay their welcome. They gave us just enough to be satisfied.

There are 2 stories in this game. The important story, which is the quest for keys to Altair's library, and the pointless, rushed story set in Constantinople that didn't have to exist because it's 7 hours long. This shouldn't have been a whole new game. They should have released some kind of DLC expansion pack for Brotherhood with 6 dungeons and Masyaf where Ezio has to find those Altair keys. The whole Ottoman story was irrelevant. There are only, like, 5 characters besides Ezio in a very large city. And that's what makes the city feel so empty. In AC2 and ACB you had tons of historic figures that really made those cities feel relevant and alive. There is no atmosphere in this game.


New member
Apr 29, 2011
Spartan448 said:
Gotta admit the hookblade is pretty fun, though.

But on the Altiar missions, if you're just horribly bad at them for some reason like me, they aren't too short. (failed the 1st one at least 5 or 6 times.)

And also, the mission where you beat up the lute players is awesome revenge :)
Yup, that's one of the best missions in the game, you even learn Ezio also hates them too. It's a shame they brought back those damn beggars


New member
Mar 19, 2010
Gameplay-wise, I actually liked the new improvements to Ezio and Desmond, although I wish there had been more than one hidden tomb to find. I actually really enjoyed Desmond's new story quite a bit, since it made him unique among the three.

My problem with ACR actually comes in more with the storyline (so yeah, spoilers ahead). While it's cool to see Ezio's story not only end but also tie in with Altair's life, it feels like the overarching story is losing focus. Way back in AC1, we were told the Templars were this corrupt order who planned to use mysterious artifacts to control people. Okay, there's our goal: stop the Templars.

AC2 told us about who created the artifacts in the first place (and gave us the single-greatest way to deliver a video game ending IMHO), and showed us that they KNEW Desmond would be born to stop a major disaster (probably Templar related). Still good, still the same goal. But now it feels like our main goal for the last 2~3 games is taking a sideline, since stopping the Templars won't really matter if the Earth gets destroyed will it?

One other thing about the story: exactly how old is Sofia supposed to BE? Because I've watched Embers (came free with Signature Edition), but until then I thought she was this 20-something who was dating a guy old enough to be her father!

Also, if anyone else has watched Embers, who the hell is that punk kid at the end and what did he say to Ezio? My version didn't come with subtitles...

One last thing: Beating up the lute players was fun, but beating up Duccio? Man, that takes me back!


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
Haven't finished it yet, but I'm highly disappointed.

The story so far has convinced me that Assassin's Creed started dying on the inside about halfway through the second game and the gameplay additions add nothing of value and obscure the fun. I do not buy AC titles to play a bloody tower defense game with bad controls, same goes for that assassin's football manager menu-fest.

Sexy Devil

New member
Jul 12, 2010
Tower defense needs to die. Painfully. It's not something they need to touch up in the next game, it just outright needs to go. The game needed more notoriety decreaser thingies so I could deter den defense from happening for longer.

That said I loved the hookblade; the sweep finally gave me a way to take care of those damn beggars without guards pouncing on me. In terms of gameplay it was all there, though I didn't like the bombs. Just wish they would have constructed subject 16 as a character more; he's more a plot device than an actual character.

Zhukov said:
Haven't finished it yet, but I'm highly disappointed.

The story so far has convinced me that Assassin's Creed started dying on the inside about halfway through the second game and the gameplay additions add nothing of value and obscure the fun. I do not buy AC games to play a bloody tower defense game with bad controls.
The ending for Ezio and Altair is going to make you reconsider that statement, it is completely fulfilling. But yeah, up until the last couple of sequences the story was pretty average. You can't have a story like Ubisoft trying, where the life of an assassin weighs on Ezio, in the gameplay format they've chosen.


Senior Member
Aug 7, 2011
Sexy Devil said:
Tower defense needs to die. Painfully. It's not something they need to touch up in the next game, it just outright needs to go. The game needed more notoriety decreaser thingies so I could deter den defense from happening for longer.
When I first heard the dens would be attacked I was excited for a big "YOUR ASSASSIN'S DEN IS UNDER ATTACK! DEFEND IT!" and you'd go kick ass and take names. Didn't expect it to be Ezio standing around watching other people have fun...

Lt. Vinciti

New member
Nov 5, 2009
The Tower Defense game is awful...but maybe because my brother didnt give any good instructions...

The entire game looks like AC2+ACB with reskinned guards and everything is now BROWN or ORANGE or a mixture (BORAWN?)

The Hookblade is kinda cool...the sneak attack on you is kinda bs...


New member
May 12, 2011
its sucked it didnt fill like a fitting ending to both ezio and altairs story and desmond missions where a let down tower defence sucked bomb making was pointless


Fight like a Krogan
Jan 3, 2009
I disagree, I find everything they added boring and frustrating and detracts from the game. My thoughts on it:



New member
Oct 28, 2011
I love the game. Some of it blows, some of it rocks harding than Metallica, some of it is just ok. It's fun, it's good, it's dramatic, it's Assassin's Creed. For my thoughts, look at the post I made in MiracleOfSound's topic just above.


New member
Sep 15, 2009
Tower defense is just... stalling if you ask me. It feels like it has been put there it's not supposed to be there and added in the final moments.

The hookblade? Oh you mean the replacement of the jumpandgrab skill from AC 2? Mweh.. Okay so you can grab ziplines with it, jump higher, rollover and some finisher moves but really? It doesn't add to much to the game if you ask me.

Crafting bombs? I've never had a situation where I -had- or -remembered- to use them. Generally running over rooftops evades most guard patrols that are looking for you or you can get into the place you need to be over the roof.

The Desmond stories... Urgh.. It's that I get achievements for them but otherwise..

A good ending? Oh you mean they finally got rid of the aliens / people before / weird things?
Yes? No? I havn't seen the ending yet, but I'm pretty sure I'm not going to like it so much am I?

I was excited when I saw it at a press showing but now that I have the game, it feels... not as catchy as AC2 or AC1.