Lets talk about Girls that play video games


New member
Oct 1, 2009
Here's what I don't get:

These girls wouldn't get attention for being "girl gamers" unless other (supposedly male gamers) paied them any attention. In short; they are only getting attention because someone i ready to pay them attention. They are basically a symptom of the strange priorities that many male gamers have. So, how is it these girls fault that male gamers pay them a disproportionate amount of attention? If no one watched the girls video in the OP then she wouldn't be a "problem" in the first place and she'd probably soon stop making videos about her rig.

As far as I can see the problem lies not with us "gamer girls" but with the massive amount of male gamers that pay us way too much attention whenever we talk about our hobby or engage in the social aspects of it.


New member
Jun 18, 2012
rollerfox88 said:
thebakedpotato said:
I think part of the loudness is a backlash against the chauvinism
*Male chavinism*, girls can definitely be chauvinistic too...
True. But the culture and society reinforce and encourage male chauvinism. Male chauvinism is just guys being guys; female chauvinism is a feminazi. Kinda like a guy having sex with five women a month is a player. But a girl having sex with three guys in a year is a slut.


New member
Apr 2, 2012
Well, some of my Xbox Live friends are female and I don't treat them any differently then the ones that are male. I'm a firm believer that male and female are equal, even to the degree where I don't follow the "you can't hit a girl rule."

And yes, I'm one of many who would want a girl-friend who at least tries to play games. They are what I've been studying to get into a career for and titles such as Mass Effect and Bioshock have raised my interest in the subject a thousand-fold. I've written many papers on the subject. Why video games should be considered art, why they need to be just as excepted if not more so then television and books, why they are superior to television in every way, etc. I've spent my free time thinking up game ideas since I was five and first got the Harry Potter games on PC, and now they have expanded into full advanced worlds with tons of gameplay ideas and just generally building them to have what I would have alot of fun doing. I'm even in the progress of writing novels based on some of them, and one of them I'm building a full Pen and Paper RPG using a modified version of the Star Wars RPG system (mainly because that's the only one I'm experienced with using, but that is besides the point).

My point is, video games are something I'm greatly interested in and are a subject I like to discuss, meaning if I had a girl-friend I would want her to at the very least not be hostile to the idea of them. I'm not a "nerd" I'm open-minded and like it when people are able to express creativity and view video games as one of the best ways to do that. People who call me a nerd get punched in the face unless they are hiding behind a computer screen.


New member
Apr 2, 2012
Gothproxy said:
The best I can say is I actually agree with the OP and that women that label themselves "Girl Gamers (Grrl Gamerz)" tend to be the ones who want the attention. Not that that's all bad.
I somewhat agree. I don't like attention seekers but my standards are low after the reply girls started cropping up.


New member
May 20, 2010
Torrasque said:
krazykidd said:
I just wanna see some girls in tournaments that is all . THAT is what will impress me. I know there are girl gamers out there . So what ? Anyone can play video games , just comon ladies show up at tournaments will you please? And not as spectators .Participate , and beat these guys , and show the world you are here.
Let me introduce you to <url=http://www.teamliquid.net/tlpd/sc2-international/players/4571_Scarlett>Acer.Scarlett, a professional SC2 player who did alright at IPL4. She even managed to beat <url=http://www.teamliquid.net/tlpd/sc2-international/players/1589_DeMusliM>EG.DeMusliM, who is no slouch. He's not the greatest player in the world by any stretch of the imagination, but I'm pretty sure that she's the first female pro gamer to make it to a major tournament. She even won herself a minor tournament just to get invited to IPL4.

I've seen her play, and she is pretty good.
...Thats awesome, I know this one girl on BF3 that is extremely good. The weird thing is, she's from Canada too... I thing we are growing super gamer girls :O


New member
Dec 9, 2009
As said by every other single person I'm sure, the label is there because of the stereotype of the male gamer. It's not only that though, most people think of pale skinny nerds, or teenage bigger kids when they think gamers, and nowadays, that label isn't really true. But honestly, I feel like it's the issue of things like drugs and racism, it'd just finally go away if you didn't stop pointing it out every time someone mentions it or the possibility to talk about it comes up. Maybe kids today wouldn't know about racism if everyone kept talking about it, maybe drug use would be down if we didn't have daily adds saying "drugs are bad, m'kay," and so forth...I don't know, that's my cent in this fountain.


New member
Aug 4, 2009
I understand women who play games wanting the wide gaming community to just accept that, yes, women play games, but attention-whoring and constantly forcing your gender into things is a step backwards.

I mean hell, if you wanna be a gamer then just be a damn gamer!

Zack Alklazaris

New member
Oct 6, 2011
Honestly, I treat them like any other players. I am generally nice to everyone unless it seems like they just are not paying attention. The whole "girl gamer oOOoo maybe if I'm nice she'll webcam with me" or whatever it is that drives other men doesn't affect me. Perhaps its because I'm bi or perhaps its because I am married to a gamer girl already.

-------SIDE BAR: Married to a gamer girl isn't always a good thing. Having your wife scream out why your party is a bunch of idiots after you all wiped for the third time in a row doesn't help the situation.

Also, lets not pretend that all girls who play video games are gamers. I know many girls online who were dragged into gaming because its one of the few ways they can spend time with their boy friends. So I don't understand at all why it is assumed this individual can play the game she is on. Gamers, ALL gamers, should be tested by their ability to play the game, not their sex.


New member
May 13, 2009
thebakedpotato said:
Kinda like a guy having sex with five women a month is a player. But a girl having sex with three guys in a year is a slut.
Good lord, could we please put that old saw to bed already? At this point, I think it's a pretty safe bet that the only ones who don't think the self-styled 'pick-up artist' douchebags ARE douchebags are themselves.

It's BS, and it's hypocritical, since the same people who perpetuate that crap spout it out whenever a guy sleeps around, but when a girl sleeps around, it's 'empowerment.' Give me a break.


New member
Jun 13, 2011
Torrasque said:
Lets talk about Girls that play video games
Let's really really not.

1. Some people play video games.
2. Some people are idiots.
3. Some people both play video games and are idiots.

None of the above is affected by gender.

Matt King

New member
Mar 15, 2010
i know you made some very good points in that but i would just like to boast about somthing, i got my 50 year old mother into videogames and now she can kick the ass of most of most of my friends at alot of multiplayer games

Andy of Comix Inc

New member
Apr 2, 2010
TehCookie said:
Because that's what guys call girls that game so I don't know why they can call me a girl gamer but I can't. I am a girl that plays videogames, whoop de flippen do. If someone asks for my gender I usually tell them I'm a gay trap. Everyone knows there aren't any girls on the internet.
You're not a gay trap? :(

I mean. Um. Well that's too bad that you have to pretend.. to be a gay trap... that's... um... yes, how unfortunate. Totally not sexually appealing to me at all. I do not have a trap fetish.

Don't look at me like that. >_>

General Twinkletoes

Suppository of Wisdom
Jan 24, 2011
I don't see why you thought she was being a Gamer Grrrl there. She's attractive and plays games, that means she's an attention whore right?
Uh no, she plays games and happens to have attractive features. I don't see why that makes her a gamer grrl.

And even when people do that, why do you give a shit? It barely happens anyway, and when it does you can just ignore it. All those top comments talking about how she was flaunting her looks - Isn't that the exact same use of a camera that a guy would do? Guys doing that kind of video generally act the exact same way she did.


New member
Aug 2, 2008
The problem lies more with the men than the women, in my opinion.

Attractive female makes video about gaming setup - 8,000 comments of support
Attractive male makes video about gaming setup - 105 comments of varying levels of not giving a shit

Can we blame the girl for being more appealing to a wider audience? I understand she may well be acting up to the camera or drawing gaze down to her boobs, but the men in similar videos aren't hanging about in their boxers with their balls out - they're trying to present themselves as attractive too.

In the end, if I wanted attention and I knew I could get more attractive wearing my best shirt than my worst shirt, I'd wear my best shirt. Any sane human with the same goals would.

Mysterious Username

New member
Jun 4, 2012
I have no issue with girls playing video games. I see no reason why I should.
I find attention whores annoying, but I've seen that shit from dudes as well.


New member
May 13, 2009
AngloDoom said:
Can we blame the girl for being more appealing to a wider audience?
Of course we can. Otherwise, that would make yelling at developers for appealing to their wider audience of hormonic[footnote]Shut up. If that's not a word, it damn well should be![/footnote] teenage males profoundly hypocritical.


Sailor Jupiter Woman
Jun 10, 2011
targren said:
AngloDoom said:
Can we blame the girl for being more appealing to a wider audience?
Of course we can. Otherwise, that would make yelling at developers for appealing to their wider audience of hormonic[footnote]Shut up. If that's not a word, it damn well should be![/footnote] teenage males profoundly hypocritical.
I think you mean hormonal.

And you cant really get pissed at female gamers for not being hideous.
Are you not allowed to be attractive and female and play games? Tis silly.