What's acceptable about a show centered around Magical Kung Fu Man with fight choreography worse than what you find on Daredevil or Into the Badlands and isn't even consistently topping Arrow or Agents of Shields?
I just watched the first episode of Jessica Jones and, Jesus, was it night-and-day. Like, I have a feeling I'd be less impressed by mere competency had I not just watched Iron Fist and might be knocking it for its generic neo-noir veneer and lead characterization seemingly indebted to Veronica Mars, but at least by the end of the episode I had a grasp of what the stakes were, who the antagonist and/or what the primary obstacle was, and why it mattered to Jessica. At least the camerawork and music was occasionally used to convey emotion (Holy shit!) At least characters behaved and reacted in a discernible and goal-oriented fashion.
Granted, I hear JJ takes a nosedive like all Netflix Marvel shows, but Iron Fist is starting off pretty middling and aimless.
Pointless aside:
I just watched the first episode of Jessica Jones and, Jesus, was it night-and-day. Like, I have a feeling I'd be less impressed by mere competency had I not just watched Iron Fist and might be knocking it for its generic neo-noir veneer and lead characterization seemingly indebted to Veronica Mars, but at least by the end of the episode I had a grasp of what the stakes were, who the antagonist and/or what the primary obstacle was, and why it mattered to Jessica. At least the camerawork and music was occasionally used to convey emotion (Holy shit!) At least characters behaved and reacted in a discernible and goal-oriented fashion.
Granted, I hear JJ takes a nosedive like all Netflix Marvel shows, but Iron Fist is starting off pretty middling and aimless.
Pointless aside:
And our "hero" being an entitled rich kid aside, by first episode's end he has 1) assaulted security guards for doing their jobs, 2) trespassed, 3) stalked and harassed a woman, 4) broken into her house, 5) stolen a car, 6) held car's owner hostage at gunpoint for having the temerity to respond to crime #5 negatively, 7) gotten swept up in a PTSD rage while driving car and almost killing both himself and hostage, 8) stalked and harassed a second woman. We're supposed to be rooting for this maniac?