Let's talk the GOOD stuff of 2016


Senior Member
Feb 11, 2009
United States
Okay okay, yes. 2016 sucked, and there was a lot of really bad stuff, deaths, and so on that happened in it.

So... how about we pull back and talk about a few GOOD things that happened in 2016? There WERE some good things after all.

As a few starters...

Deadpool. The movie came out, and it was actually good and accurate to the character, most successful R-rated movie of all time.

The Cubs. They won the World Series, breaking a near-century-long drought. And even if they'd lost, another team would have done the same. And a seven-game series I think too, so that was going to be good regardless.

Zootopia. Probably bringing it up due to the Furry in me, but outside the Furry side it was still a pretty good movie. Inside the furry side, it was something the fandom hasn't seen in years: a movie revolving around anthros that was actually really good. It was good all around there.

VR. It has really started taking off, even peeking into the general public a bit. It may not be super-affordable, but people are finally able to immerse themselves into virtual worlds, something that has always been considered part of THE FUTURE. It is now today.

The Last Guardian. Despite it having a... mixed reception, a long-desired game has finally been released, and many have fallen in love with the characters and creatures of it.

What about you guys? What other positive things have you seen or heard about? I only ask that you not make a depressing "Well at least I'm alive..." comment. We don't need that sarcasm.

Queen Michael

has read 4,010 manga books
Jun 9, 2009
I'll give you a heck yeah to the movies you mention.

Then there's the fact that a new Yu Hua novel was released in Swedish.

Also, Strawberry Cheesecake Oreos were made available in Europe.


Elite Member
Jan 27, 2011
Pro wrestling entered into something of a renaissance. The CWC, AJ Styles kicking so much ass, and Broken Matt Hardy are the standouts, but overall it was a great year to be a wrestling fan.

Also, Niantic did end up screwing the pooch, but Pokemon Go made for a really fun summer.

And Vocaloid finally did a full US tour.

And Lindsey Stirling's current tour is nothing short of amazing.

And I finally got my own place.

So it was a great year for me! Just...not for the world at large.


Elite Member
Sep 8, 2009
Going for personal good things, I bought myself an ultrasabers (link-http://www.ultrasabers.com/) lightsaber and I bought myself an X-box One (alomng with a copy of Skyrim, Fallout 4 and Fallout:New Vegas).


New member
Oct 2, 2009
Part 4 of JoJo got its anime adaptation this year

we also got the announcement that young justice wold get a third season.


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
Y'know, if you want to sell me on 2016 being a good year, starting off with Deadpool isn't a good way to do so.

But, anyway, it's been pretty good as far as movies are concerned. I'm waiting until 2017 to actually discuss the best and worst movies of this year though.


New member
Apr 2, 2008
-2016 has actually turned out to be one of my best years for game purchases in recent memory. I got a PS4 back in August, and I'm still having lots of fun with it. I finally found a good replacement for Team Fortress 2 in Overwatch, Killing Floor 2 is a bloody good time, DOOM knocked my socks off and I actually like No Man's Sky. Even my toaster of a laptop has gotten some love with the likes of Halcyon 6 and Stardew Valley.

-I don't care what anyone says, Rogue One is fucking fantastic. Not only did I enjoy it far more than TFA, but it even ranks up there with the hallowed Original Trilogy for me. Needless to say, it's my favorite movie of the year. I also found Arrival captivating, and Captain America: Civil War is one of the best Marvel films in quite some time.

-While they didn't start this year, I've been introduced to some awesome cartoons these past few months in the form of Mighty Magiswords and Steven Universe, with the latter poised to knock My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic off the throne for favorite cartoon currently airing. It's helped ease the pain that Wander Over Yonder's cancellation left me with.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
Eh, don't think decent movies are the way to balance out bad politics, unless there is something really groundbreaking about them. There were some good political moves this year, but most of them on a smaller scale.


Muse of Fate
Sep 1, 2010
Chessrook44 said:
Deadpool. The movie came out, and it was actually good and accurate to the character, most successful R-rated movie of all time.

The Cubs. They won the World Series, breaking a near-century-long drought. And even if they'd lost, another team would have done the same. And a seven-game series I think too, so that was going to be good regardless.

The Last Guardian. Despite it having a... mixed reception, a long-desired game has finally been released, and many have fallen in love with the characters and creatures of it.
Neverhoodian said:
I also found Arrival captivating, and Captain America: Civil War is one of the best Marvel films in quite some time.
The Cubs winning the World Series was so special for me since I've been a die hard Cubs fans since I could remember. The only sports team I always wanted so dearly to win finally did it. And, the team itself was filled with basically fan favorites across the board like Ross, Rizzo, Bryant, Zobrist. And Schwarber coming back for the World Series was just amazing. That game 7 was so exhausting, I think if Ron Santo was alive he would've died a couple times during game 7, he had a hard time taking it when the Cubs couldn't get the man in from 3rd with less than 2 outs during a regular season game let alone the happenings of that game.

It was a pretty good year for movies, I went to the theater quite a bit in 2016 even though it was maybe 10 times total but that's a lot for me. I also love that you can go Thursday nights to see movies slightly ahead of release as it's far less crowded than Friday nights. Deadpool was a lot of fun even though it was obvious there were budget issues. Civil War basically showed DC how BvS should've been, it's quite amazing how many of the very same beats found there way into both films unintentionally. And, Civil War is one of my favorite Marvel movies, and I didn't even care much for Winter Soldier. The Arrival was great outside of one minor plot point I didn't care for. I really loved 10 Cloverfield Lane, John Goodman was so good. Magnificent Seven was good fun, and I usually HATE westerns. I haven't seen many of the movies up for awards yet, I'm really interested in La La Land and Kubo and the Two Strings. I feel like I need to watch The Nice Guys again as it ended up on a few YouTube critics Top 10 that I like, I liked the movie well enough but it wasn't quite as good as I was hoping for as I love Shane Black's stuff like Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. I'm going to give it another chance to be that special type of good I was hoping for.

It's been awhile since I played a game that I felt was 8/10 or better (it would have to be a last-gen game). Then to get both The Last Guardian and Dishonored 2 within weeks of each other was so great. The Last Guardian was basically everything I could've imagined. I was worried that after it was said that Santa Monica came in to help years ago, it wouldn't feel like a Team ICO game but that was not at all the case.

And Westworld was fucking amazing!!! I also loved Billions as Damian Lewis is one of my favorite actors, Life was the best cop show and there's a fuckton of those.
Oct 22, 2011
And many, many, many more...

Other than that, i can't really say, since i've kinda fallen behind on movies and video games. Come to think of it, the only 2016 release i saw was Doctor Strange and Zootopia... damn.
But i'm kinda hyped for movies coming next year; Martin Scorsese's Silence is officially a 2016 movie, but i won't going to see it until it hits cinemas here in January. That GitS live action adaptation is presenting itself better that i expected, BR2049 looks way better than i expected. Oh, and there's also John Wick sequel coming. I guess at this point its more about hopes for the next year.
Thaluikhain said:
Eh, don't think decent movies are the way to balance out bad politics, unless there is something really groundbreaking about them. There were some good political moves this year, but most of them on a smaller scale.
Paris Agreement? I know it might be deemed "too late" or "not enough" at this point, but atleast its something.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
MrCalavera said:
Thaluikhain said:
Eh, don't think decent movies are the way to balance out bad politics, unless there is something really groundbreaking about them. There were some good political moves this year, but most of them on a smaller scale.
Paris Agreement? I know it might be deemed "too late" or "not enough" at this point, but atleast its something.
Locally, the age of consent for gay couples in Queensland was made the same as straight couples, and they didn't put gay marriage up for referendum.


Oct 28, 2013
The Doomsday Clock currently sits at 3 minutes to midnight, unchanged from its adjustment in January of 2015. Next month it's up for review, but right now we still have those three symbolic minutes.


Warning! Contains bananas!
Jun 21, 2009
Well, I recently started seeing someone. Nothing really committed yet, but things are going well. I can see it going somewhere. Definitely a humonguous step up from my last terrible 4 attempts at dating.

Got a pay raise. Not much, but still welcome.

Bought myself a beefy new gaming pc to replace my ageing old one.


New member
Jun 11, 2013
Phoenixmgs said:
Arrival was great outside of one minor plot point I didn't care for.
Denis Villeneuve has gone on my must see list, along with Chris Nolan. I have liked all his movies, and Arrival was pretty darn good. Was the part you're talking about
When she has to be told what to say by the chinese general?

It is kinda weird in a time related movie. You would think that she would know, if it is the future. It seemed to me that she is able to look into the future and get answers for past events for that future to come true. Like the language, it is flowing into one another, err, everything is one, therefore it isn't really the future because everything is happening at once. Time isn't being seen chronologically like we see it.

It seemed like she could see different futures, where her choices in the present would change the future. But also the future influenced her choices in the present.
I remember her having the conversation with her daughter, and the daughter was trying to think of the zero sum theorem, but she didn't know. Then the shot shows the daughter walk up the stairs. But then we see that event take place again, however, before the daughter walks up the stairs, she remembers and tells her that it is called the zero sum theorem.
So it shows that she has choice, and that the future isn't set in stone. Which makes her choice to still have her daughter despite knowing what will happen, much more powerful.

The thing I got out of the movie was that you should enjoy the journey. She knew her daughter would die, but she chose to have a child anyway because that child will have an affect on the world, though small it may be. Kinda like what that new Planescape game is trying to do, what does one life matter?

Went on a tangent, but I really enjoyed this movies idea!

Westworld was dope.
Overwatch is great.

I remember reading that (I think) it was Russia and China, and that they were still on target for the climate change thing, and were harping on USA(Trump) for not complying with it. That is a good sign, right?

Ummm, idk in terms of global events, but I have been having a good year :)
Happy New Year everybody!
Remember to have fun!

King Billi

New member
Jul 11, 2012
I became a father to the most beautiful baby girl on this earth.

2016 will always remain a momentous and great year to me.
Nov 28, 2007
On a personal note, I graduated college, moved to an area with much higher employment opportunities, and currently have a seasonal job with strong prospects of being permanent.

In addition, there were quite a few games this year I got a fair bit of enjoyment out of (Doom, Darkest Dungeon, and XCom 2 being the main ones), and while I only saw two movies in theaters this year, I thought that they were both quite good (Deadpool and The Conjuring 2).

Oh, and I got a PS4, so now I can stop worrying about not being able to play the newest releases, as my PC is not that good.