Letting Kids Play M for Mature Games.


New member
Apr 6, 2010
I could always play M rated games, but with some pretty obvious restrictions. No sexual content, no nudity, no killing innocent civillians for most of the game, stuff like that. I can play games like Bioshock, but no GTA games.


New member
Jun 12, 2009
"Welp, time to buy little Timmy that game Blood, Murder and Dominatrices so that he can finally shut the fuck up and let me get back to screwing the neighbors.

Oh noes! Little Timmy just got arrested for knocking off the convenient store down the street to pay for his crack habit! IT'S ALL THOSE EVIL VIDEO GAMES! HOW DARE THEY SELL SUCH INHUMAN CONTENT TO CHILDREN! I MUST GO ***** ABOUT IT TO THE SUPREME COURT AND THEN ENSURE MY WINNING WHEN I FUCK THE JUDGE!"


New member
Jul 5, 2010
I do think it's the responsibility of the parents to keep a wary eye on what games their kids play, and it has a lot to do with discretion. If a parent buys their snowflake "Soldier Guy II: Return of Soldier Guy" (Now with more gore!) without knowing about its content, it's a bad deal. Now if they know what's in it and they believe their children can handle it, that's their decision.

I see the M rating, in regards for underage players, as an extra buffer to ensure that they don't get something that's too gruesome or possibly traumatic, because as has been said before, they could just get their parents to buy them. Before they do though, it should be the responsibility of the parents to know just what it is they're purchasing for their pride and joy.

I just personally don't like kids having easy access to violent games. It's the main reason I don't get on multiplayer for things like Halo, MW2, or RDR, because I have to hear a gang of 12 year-olds call me or other players things that, even as a writer for Cracked magazine, makes my skin crawl. I'm not saying they shouldn't play it, but I just wish people would be a little smarter about what they're providing for their kids.


New member
May 5, 2010
VanityGirl said:
DO you remember how you acted a 5-10? Most likely you weren't the cream of the crop maturity wise. I sure wasn't. I climbed trees and played Scoooby Doo and Boogerman on my Genesis! ... What is your opinion on the matter?
Well when I was still like 10, I was still playing with barb...LEGOs! I mean legos! But I really am appalled of the ignorance of parents on video games. I mean, I really enjoy hack-and-slash-blood-spray games but they really don't have the rated things for no reason... I just don't understand... I really don't (for parents bying mature games to under 10 years old and below.)


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2008
At first I thought it depends on the kid, when I was little I played plenty of M games. However that was over 10 years ago when the graphics were just polygons and/or pixels and didn't even resemble reality so no matter how into it you were, it was still just a game. Also when playing a FPS my parents didn't let me play one if it involved killing other people, but aliens/demons were ok. With the current generation graphics I'd be more worried.

On a different note, have you seen a sheltered teenage boy play his first M game? It's scary.

Dr. wonderful

New member
Dec 31, 2009
I guess it's how the kid is raised.

But once bought, the child's parents have no right to complained...AT ALL.


New member
May 9, 2010
firsht let me get out of the way it depends on kids.as soon as there 12 most kids can play gta without turning into criminals.secondly its their parents fault if a child asked for it
and the parents bought it then its their fault.now time to tell why kids play m games.
okay well one of the reasons why kids buy things like manhunt or gta is because people ***** about them making kids feel like rebelions.secondly because there arent a hole lot of gamers games for pre teen kids.the last gen (aka ps2 gc xb)had some kids games the ps2 and gc had some awesome platformers and some more child friendly stuff.o sure there were more mature games than child but atleast it was enough to make a child have fun on console without any 12+ games(i know rachet and clank was 12 but it shoulden have been o i hate esrb).
but this gen hell no(i know about the lego games) the ps3 when it launced was too expensive and barley had games. today it has r&c but the rest is all mature.dont get me started on the xbox 360.the only one who makes kids games is nintendo and they did that because thats what its fans wanted and i can understand that some kids dont want to buy a wii with its non hd and godawful internet service.so they got a xbox because the ps3 was too expensive and because the wii isent hd.and so they had no other choice than to play m rated games. one of my friends who had a ps2 last gen was agains playing m rated games at his age and now he wont play a not m rated game.i am talking here about pre teen kids because for teenagers(aka 12) there some nich stuff but then the damage is done.so the fault isent on the parents or the kids but on the game makers sort off.and i can understand them wanting to cash in on adults they dont care about kids and that sucks.i am a 13 year old kid and i am used to playing 18.
i have a wii and like it but i yust wish that the wii had more good games beside nintendo games and for that i have no other option than to buy bioshock or fallout or gta.
so dont get angry at 8 years old who play halo 3 its how things work in this gen.(


New member
Aug 17, 2009
People keep talking about playing mature games as a kid but really if your 18 or more now games weren't exactly realistic looking then. Polygons with pixel blood.

I've seen games affect kids, it really depends on the game and the kids impressionability.
I think "mentally traumatising" them is a bit far but it can make them very, very annoying and cause problems for the family.

Swearing and quoting lines from games is really common, If your playing games with hookers like GTA they kinda encourage sexist attitudes. Even fighting games like tekken- Ive seen tons of kids try out moves from those games.

not to mention the constant reassurance that if someone in your way you can kill them without consequence, I know not many kids are gonna do anything but it puts the idea there.

I know I sound like a total prude. I'm just saying Ive seen kids reenact things.

I think kids can have games a little older than them, just not too much 9/10 year old play a 12... I wouldn't let a kid under 15 play an M.


The Saucepan Man
Feb 13, 2010
MegaSlaan said:
Eqan Asif said:
I don't care. Get them what keeps them quiet.
Something tells me this dolt's parents were on the Jerry Springer show at some point.

All a parent has to do is look at the little letter in the corner is that so hard? I didn't own an M rated game until i was 17, and thats the age I could legally buy and M rated title in my state. I still had a blast with all the T and E rated games I had growing up, I mean come on who doesnt love Mario Kart, Metroid, or Megaman?
Assuming too much are we? Would you please then write a book on parenting? I mean you obviously have a very good notion of how best to to treat and nurture kids.

If only we were rid of the people that make such posts, assumptions, and carry notions of their "better way of life," we could me a more productive and prosperous society. Not that I'm concerned with the society, anyway, it still would seem a better place to live. Who the fuck puts those ratings on that game? In the United States it's the ESRB; those little shits are the ones dictating morality to others, just as the FCC is dictating to the broadcast media.

Assuming twats, like yourself, are given the reigns to society, it would be a really myopic future we would all live in.

I'm sorry that your parents were too hard on you, but you can at least delight in the fact that some of us had a better childhood.


New member
Feb 22, 2010
However much gamers want to defend their games, the fact remains that children(not talking about teenagers) are easily impressionable by pretty much anything. Games do have an effect on a child's mentality just like all other media does. Ultimately, however, it falls on the parents to both educate their children about the difference between reality and fiction as well as judging whether their child is mature enough to handle certain games.

To those who say they've been playing M games since they were little children: How many of you have a fascination for guns, weapons, and violence? I'd would guess that a much higher percentage than those who didn't play violent games since childhood. I'm not implying that you are messed up, but rather that you should admit to the fact that most children are affected by video games just as much as other media.

Personally I think that game rating should be much more strictly enforced, not because it is going to make every child a killer but rather because is desensitizes and glamorizes violence for kids that cannot fully analyze their in-game actions. If the parents really want their kids to play M rated games then they can go and buy it for them.


Dib dib dib, dob dob dob.
May 25, 2009
I played Diablo and The first few Silent Hill's as a child and I'm not messed up.



iDrink, iSmoke, iPill
Nov 16, 2008
I will gladly buy Mature games for my kids. Long as they understood what they do in a game doesn't carry over into real life, I will have no issues. Simple as that.


New member
May 7, 2009
I was playing games like grand theft auto when i was 9 and i think i came out ok, if your kid is trying to do stuff he did in the game there are bigger problems then playing a mature game


New member
Jul 25, 2008
5-10 you are NOT mature enough. But at 15 to 16 you may be mature enough and it wouldn't be unreasonable for parents to let them play but DEFINITELY NOT ONLINE!! Seriously, keep those damn kids offline, I can guarantee you don't have the maturity till at least 17.

I think they key is adult supervision, till they are an adult, keep the console in a public place (not locked in bedroom) where parents can look over the game content and their actions.


New member
Mar 21, 2010
The only game I played as a kid that was an 18 was a GTA game. But that was mu cousins and he used to let me borrow it.
Hurrah for my parents good parenting!


New member
Dec 31, 2009
I remember in my childhood (starting from 7-10) I used to go outside and play hide and seek not play video games.I started playing on my Game Boy a few years later.

Playing a mature game in that "stage" should scar your kid for life.Most of these circumstances that happen with parents buying 7yo kids mature video games comes from bad parenting and not being well informed about the consequences.


New member
Dec 23, 2009
I was in a similar situation. I was in a queue and their was someone's mum infront of me with a copy of MW2 and she asked if it'd be suitable for an 8 year old.

The shop assistant started describing the airport scene in pretty gruesome detail, but she just shrugged it off and bought it anyway. Everyone else in the store were pretty shocked :/


New member
Jul 25, 2008
mike1921 said:
Treblaine said:
5-10 you are NOT mature enough.
1.Why not?

2.You don't think a 10 year old can distinguish reality from fiction?
Excuse me for editing your quote but i must emphasise how those are two COMPLETELY different questions. I think most 10 year olds do have a good grasp of reality but it would be VERY RARE that a 10 year old is Mature enough to play most of these 18-rated games.

And I HOPE it stays that way.

As if it is accepted that for 18-rating (regardless of what it actually means) is treated by consumers as "yeah, little kids can play it" then that will lead to developers having to kowtow to to that situation. "Hey we could put in this cool feature... but it wouldn't be right for the kids"

I just want these damn kids and their age-appropriate content OUT AND AWAY from my mature games. Every time a little kids is caught playing GTA gives more fodder to the fascists censors like Jack Thompson who want to BAN all violent games. They use the logic that games ratings are not enough and the inflammatory position that children should NEVER be allowed to play these games.

Lesser evil: deprive the kids (rightfully) these mature games to save the mature games from the censors.

(PS: I don't ONLY play ultra violent mature games... but I do play enough, nice even mix of racing games, casual type, platformers, shooters and so on)